2013年4月1日 星期一

blend in

Hi there, students. To blend in or to blend into, (or?) firstly to blend is to mix. Yeah, you have a blender which mixes different types of food together. So you could blend one thing into another. But more figuratively, we use this idea of to blend in is to look or seem the same as the surroudning people or the surrounding things or the surrouding culture. So when you go to a foreign country, perhaps you look like a tourist or perhaps you try to blend in to look the same as local people.  If you go to a party where everybody is informally dressed, in T-shirt and jeans. If you wear a dinner jacket, then it is going to be difficult to blend in. Maybe you have to  wear the same cloth to blend in, look or seem, you don't have to be, but to seem the thing as the things or people around you. Ok, so yes, if you blend in then you don't stand out, you seem to be the same, you do the same things perhaps. but maybe you think differently, maybe you are not the same, you just try to  look the same, try to appear the same as everyone else. To fit in, if you like, to blend in, yeah. So when you go to a foreign country, try to blend in. Anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to blend in 或者blend into,首先,blend是混合的意思。比如用攪拌機可以將不­同的食物攪拌在一起。你可以將一件東西混在另一件裡面。但是我們­可以用blend來做比喻,使某人看起來和周圍的人、事、文化背­景相似乃至一樣。當你去一個陌生的國度,你可能看起來像是一個游­客,你也許想blend in,融入當地,使自己看起來和當地人一樣。如果你參加一個聚會­,那裡每個人都穿著便服,體恤衫,牛仔褲,如果你穿著禮服則很難­融入這個環境。或許你應該穿著同樣的服裝以便blend in,你不必變成和他們一樣的人,僅僅是和你周圍的人看起來相似­就可以了。如果你blend in,你就不會stand out,顯眼,你會和周圍的人很相似。或許你有不同的想法,你並­不像和他人一樣,你只是想看上去和他們一樣。你也可以說to fin in,融洽。當你去一個陌生國家時,要試著blend in, 融入其中。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

