2013年4月29日 星期一

for the time being


Hi there, students. For the time being, so my normal camera is not working so I am using my friend's camera for the time being, temporarily. Ok, for the time being talks about temporary situation, something that is happening temporarily, probably about now. So for the time being , for a short time about now, not a permantent situation. My car had a serious accident and I am not sure if they can repair it. So until I decide whether to repair or buy a new one, I am using a cheap little runabout a cheap little car, for the time being. Ok, for the moment, ok. So maybe for the time being, your English is not perfect. But if you listen to (another?) videos, you will get a lot better. So for the time being, a phrase to talk about a temporary situation. Ok, not to talk about a permantent one. Ok, so....yeah, we hope the crisis is for the time being, yeah, around now. So anyway, if you eenjoy the video, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!for the time being, 我常用的攝影機壞了,所以我暫時用我朋友的攝影機。就是說,是臨時性的。for the time being,講的是臨時性的狀態,某件事暫時性地發生在現在的狀況。for the time being是眼前暫時性的短暫時間,並不是永久性的持續下去。我的車出了嚴重的事故,我不肯定他們能否修好它。所以在決定是讓他們修理還是買一部新車之前,我決定暫時先開一家小型的廉價車。就是說,眼前先用著它。眼下你的英語可能還不完美,但是如果你不停地聽錄音看錄像,你的英語會變得更好。所以,for the time being說的是暫時性狀況,並非永久。我們希望這場危機只是暫時性的。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

