2013年4月1日 星期一

daylight robbery


Hi there, students. Daylight robber, when somebody is stealing in the daylight, yeah. daylight robbery, what does this really mean? If somebody charges you a really high price for something, you say "it's daylight robbery". Ok, it's not a robber going into your house at the middle of night and stealing something, it's somebody stealing your money in the daylight during the day when you are buying something. Ok, the things they are selling at their shop are so expensive, it's daylight robbery. yeah. But sometimes you need the things as well. Ok, so daylight robbery, it's when you are charged much more than you think you should have to pay for something, ok. You say "it's daylight robbery". I asked them how much it would cost to get my car repaired. He said, he quoted my a fortune, it was daylight rubbery. (...money he wanted??). Maybe some places in London are so expensive it feels like daylight robbery to pay for them. Ok, so you say something is daylight robbery when  it is incredibly expensive, when it is much more expensive than it should be that you think it should be. Ok, so, yeah, maybe some English teachers charge so much for their classes, it's daylight robbery, others don't .Ok, anyway, so if you enjoy the video, give it rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!daylight robber, 字面上看是某人白天偷東西的意思。但是它的真實意思又是什麼呢?­實際上當某人為某樣東西向你收取非常高的費用時而表達的意思。此­時並不是盜賊夜晚闖入你的家裡去偷東西,它是當你在白天買東西的­時候搶你的錢。在他們店鋪賣的東西實在是太貴了,it's dayligh robbery,他們是在搶劫。當然有時你也需要那些東西。da­ylight robbery其實就是當你被收取的錢遠多於你認為該付的費用時­,你就會說這是daylight robbery,這是打劫。我問他們修好我的車要多少錢。他們向­我報出了一個天文數字的金額,這根本是在打劫。倫敦的一些地方貴­得驚人,簡直是打劫。當你說某事是daylight robbery時,它一定是超出尋常的昂貴,它一定是要比你認為­其本來應該的價錢要貴出很多很多。有些英語老師收費很貴,簡直是­打劫,其他老師卻很合理。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“­喜歡”評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

