2013年4月23日 星期二

put a sock in it

Hi there, students. A sock, have you ever heard the phrase 'put a sock in it'? Ok, it is really quite a impolite and quite informal way to tell somebody to shut up, to put a sock. Ok. So you can tell someone to put a sock in it, I need to some work. Reduce the noise, shut up, stop talking. Myabe you are in class and you are trying to concentrate and two people next to you are talking and talking. Put a sock in it ! Ok. You are not saying anything extremely rude but it is fairly impolite and informal way of telling someone to shut up, be quiet, stop talking. Put a sock in it. Put a sock in it, I guess "it" is the mouth but we never say the mouth, we just say put a sock in it. Ok, so anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, don't put a sock in it; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a sock, 你聽過“put a sock in it”這個短語嗎?這是一個頗為不禮貌而且非在正式場合的方式去­告訴某人閉上嘴,to put a sock。你可以對某人說:put a sock in it,我要進行工作。不要吵,閉嘴,不要聊天!如果你在課堂上,­你想集中精力聽課,有兩個坐在你旁邊的家伙不停地說呀說,你可以­對他們叫:put a sock in it! 你並沒有用極端粗魯的話,但是這個短語也是相當不禮貌而且非正式­場合所用的話去告訴某人閉嘴、保持安靜、停止閑談。put a sock in it, it, 我猜是指嘴。但是我們從來不直接說嘴,只是用it代替嘴。好了,­如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;不要說put a sock in it。訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

