2013年4月25日 星期四

fall guy

 Hi there, students. The fall guy, a fall guy, ok ,this is , I think a phrase of an American origin, notice the word 'guy'. But it is used very commonly in British English as well. Ok, a fall guy, is someboy who is held for responsib, somebody who people think are responsible, is responible for the bad actions, the criminal actions, the nasty things that another person does. So one person does the bad things and another one is the fall guy, a scapegoat if you like. Somebody to take the blame somebody to take the responsibility even though they may or may not be responsible. There are slightly different nuances of a fall guy. Ok, a fall guy can be innocent and blamed for a bad action. Or a fall guy can be guilty or responsibile. But (takes your responsiblity?) of the group, so he is the one that is responsible for it and the others are ignored. A fall guy can be a person that everyone makes jokes about. The fall guy (??), the fall guy in the team, everyone makes jokes about him, Then finally there is another in work, (a worker?) who takes (your?) responsibility of other people. But a fall guy, the responsibility, the blame, the problem fall on this guy even he is not responsible, yeah, a fall guy. So somebody is held responsible for the bad actions, or another person or a group of people, ok. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a fall guy, 我認為這是一個來自美國英語的短語,你可以從‘guy’這個詞推­­斷。但是它也廣泛用於英國英語中。a fall guy是某人要對某事負責任,大家都認為他要對某種不好的行為負­­責任,或者為其他人所作出的犯法行為、卑劣行為負責。某人做了­壞­事,另外一個人卻成了the fall guy,你也可以用scapegoat去形容,是某人要承擔責罵­­、擔起責任,即使他也許有責任,也許沒有責任。a fall guy在詞義上有細微的不同。a fall guy可以是無辜的,也可能要為不好的行為遭受責罵。又或者,a fall guy可能要為整個集體的壞事兒承擔責任,一人擔責,其他人則被­­忽視。a fall guy也可能是被眾人嘲笑的對像,(?),每個人都在開他的玩笑­­。最後,在工作中有一個人,也許是個工人,他替他人承擔責任。­對於a fall guy來說,就算不是他應付的責任,而責任、責難、問題還是全都­傾注在他一人身上。所以,a fall guy就是某人承擔了他人或一群人的責任。好了,如果你喜歡這個­錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見­面。

