2013年10月29日 星期二


 Hi there, students. To sift, a sift, to sift is to separate something in a sift to separate the very fine bits from the bigger bits. So this is a sifter, if you put flour in here and you rub it, then you can sift the flour. So all the small small grains go through, and any bigger pieces are left inside the sift. That is to sift. Maybe you can sift sands to get only the fine particles, ok. So to sift is to separate the small pieces from the bigger pieces. Now we can use this verb sift  figuratively as well. Ok, so for example, if you are looking for somebody to do a job and you receive a lot of CVs, curriculums, applications for the job. Maybe you can sift the candidates, you say this one looks interesting, this one doesn't look interesting. So to sift is to separate into the bits you want and the bits you don't want. So to sift , to separate, to separate one type of thing from anohter. You can also use this to mean examine. I had to sift through all the papers  to find the information that I needed. But again this is the idea, separate the bits you don't want from the bits you do want. Maybe you made a beatuiful desert and then you sift a little bit of icing sugar on the top of it, you could even use a sugar sifter, ok, something sifts very fine bits on [the top] of sugar or very fine bits of icing sugar onto something, you can sift, use a sifter. Ok, so to sift, to use this sifter, to separate the small tiny bits from bigger bits.  But you can use sifter as well (phgritifily???) to mean to separate into the bits of something you want and the bits you don't want. I have to sift through the information to find the exact piece of information I want, yeah. Ok, so to sift, something could be useful for you, for your vocabulary. Maybe you need to sift through my videos and find the ones that useful particularly for you. Because there are so many, maybe they need (sifted??). Anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to sift, a sifter, to sift就是將一些東西用篩子分離出來,將細小的顆粒分離出來。­這就是一個篩子,如果你將面粉放在裡面,然後摩擦面粉,那麼你就­是在篩面粉。所有細小的顆粒漏了下來,大的顆粒則留在了篩子裡。­這就是篩東西。你可以篩沙子,將細小的沙子篩選出來。所以,to sift就是將小粒的東西從較大的顆粒中分離出來。我們也可以用­這個動詞to sift(?)。比如,你在找一個人去做某件工作,你受到很多簡­歷,就是申請工作的簡歷。你可以篩選候選人,你可以認為這個人比­較合適,那個人不太合適。這裡的to sifte就是將你想要的篩選出來,不想要的也篩選出來。to sift就是分離,將一種東西由另外一種東西裡面就是說用將一些不想要的東西由想要的東西篩出來。你也可以做一件­好看的甜點,將一些糖霜sift在甜點的上面。你也可以用一個糖­篩在一些東西上面篩灑出一些糖或糖霜。to sift也用於將一些你想要的部分分離與不要想的部分。我必須將­信息進行sift,找出我需要的東西。好了,這就是sift,一­個可能對你的詞彙庫有用的詞。或許你需要對我的錄像進行篩選,找­出對你有用而且比較特別的東西。錄像是在是太多了,需要篩選。好­了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,­我將很快和你再見面。分離出來。你也­可以用這個詞表示檢查。我要將所有的文件進行sift, 找出對我有用的資料。

2013年10月24日 星期四

keep shtum

Hi there, students. If someone is silent and they don't say anything about the subject, they are keeping shtum. They are not telling anyone the secret. They are not talking about it. If he asks you about the price we paid for it, you keep shtum. You don't say anything, yeah, mum's the word even. Ok, to keep shtum, not to tell a secret, not to say anything about something. Ok, so if you want somebody not to say anything about something, you say 'keep shtum' about this. So let's see. Yeah, I am the best English teacher in thw world, but keep shtum, ok, keep it quiet, don' tell anyone. You could even say 'mum's the word', yeah. Ok, to keep shtum, shtum, I believe originally comes from German and it means to be silent, ok. To keep shtum, to keep silent, to keep shtum about something. Notice, to keep shtum is a quite informal phrase, yeah. And I wouldn't use it in a formal sitting or a formal writting, this is something I would use spoken, ok.  Ok, so when you are writting, don't use to keep shtum, keep shtum and say to keep quiet about it, or don't let on, don't tell anyone about it. Yeah, ok, there you go, another idiom, to keep shtum, not to say anything about something, too keep it secret. Yeah, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

 各位!如果有一個人對所談的話題保持沉默,他們是在keep shtum。他們不會將秘密告訴任何人,他們根本就談論它。如果­­他問你我們所付的價錢,你要keep shtum, 保持沉默,你不要講任何事。你可以說‘mum's the word’來形容。to keep shtum,就是保持沉默,不要談論這件事。如果你不想某人談論­­起某件事,你可以對他說:請對這件事keep shtum。我們看看,好,我是世界上最好的英語教師,但是請k­­eep shtum,不要告訴任何人,保守秘密,當然,你也可以說mum­­'s the word。shtum,我認為應該來源於德語,意思是保持沉默的­­意思。to keep shtum就是保持沉默。注意,to keep shtum是一個很非正式的短語,我不會在正式場合或者書面寫作­­中用到它,它是被用作在口語中的。 當你在寫東西的時候,不要用keep shtum,此時要用keep quiet, 或者don't let on, don't tell anyone about it。好了,這就是keep shtum這個短語,保持沉默,不要告訴他人。如果你喜歡這個錄­像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月21日 星期一

mum's the word

 Hi students! How are you today? So if I tell you a secret, Mum's the word, ok, we use this phrase in English 'Mum's the word' to mean this is a secret, so don't tell anyone. I am the best teacher in the world, but mum's the world, ok, don't tell anyone else. They use this phrase in English to mean this is a secret, so don't tell anyone, don't let on, don't let the cat out of the bag. Ok, so remeber, next time you tell somebody something  that you want them to keep secret and not tell anyone else, what you have to do is to say to them, 'mum's the word', ok, mum is the word. So there you are, a nice little idiom, mum's the word, don't let the cat out of the bag, don't tell anyone this secret. Ok, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學,你們好嗎?我要告訴你們一個秘密,但是,mum's the word。在英語中,我們用mum's the word表示這是一個秘密,不要告訴他人。我是最好的教師,但是mum's the word, 不要告訴任何人。表示這是一個秘密,不可以告訴別人。don't let on,不要泄密,don't let the cat out of the bag, 不要露餡,不要走漏風聲。好了,下次如果你告訴某人一件事,你希望他保守秘密,你需要做的就是對他說:mum's the word,保守秘密。好了,這是個不錯的短小常用語,對嗎?mum's the word,就是不要泄密,不要走漏風聲的意思。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月20日 星期日

muddle through

Hi there, students. To muddle through something, we will muddle through it, ok this is to manage to do something despite problems, despite difficulties. To continue, despite confusion and difficulties. To manage to get through something but with problems and difficulties. To muddle through. Ok, a muddle is a disorder, a confusion. So to muddle through confusion, through to the end. Ok, so for example, we did a play the other day, but nobody really knew they (lions??) very well, but we muddled through it to the end, ok, we managed to get to the end despite difficulties and problems. There are a lot of financial problems in my family, but we managed to muddle through, we managed to pay the bills somehow with difficulty, not easily but with problems. Ok, so to muddle through soomething, notice this is an inseparable phrasal verb. Muddle through it, so you can't put it, muddle it through, no, that's not right, to muddle through something, inseparable. Ok, so to muddle through, to arrive at the end of process despite confusion and problems and difficulty, arriving there. So I seem to manage to muddle through this video and get to the end. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to muddle through 某些東西,我們會muddle through它,這個動詞短語的意思是某人將會設法應付某事,而不管這件事有多少問題、本身有多大的困難。不理會困惑和困難,設法應付。在困難和大量問題中,設法做完某件事。muddle是失調、困惑的意思。to muddle through,就是克服困惑,設法完成的意思。比如,我們那一天有一場比賽,但是沒有估計到他們(??)那麼好,但是我們muddle through困難而堅持到了最後。我們不理困難和難題而設法堅持到了最後。家裡面臨很多財政問題,但是我們設法應付,我們設法去應付困難,支付各種賬單,並不容易,而且還是要在困難中做到如此。to muddle through是個不可分割的動詞短語,我們可以說to muddle through it, 但是不可以說to muddle it through。所以,to muddle through something就是處在困惑、難題、困難中仍設法應付從此到達最後一步。好了,我似乎已經設法應付而完成了這個錄像,如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月18日 星期五

chip away at

Hi there ,students. To chip away, intransitive, or chip away at, transitive. Ok, this means to reduce something slowly and gradually. For example, the bills that I receive every month are more than my salary and they chip away at my savings. They reduce a small piece by small piece. So what is this chip? Well you know a chip, to eat, we all know chips to eat, but a glass or a plate, maybe if you drop it or hit it, it doesn't break completely, but you just..remove a little chip, a little piece. You could have a chip of glass, or a chip of plate, maybe a chip of stone even. Ok, so you are chipping away at something, you are removing little chips, little tiny pieces. When a sculptor makes the statue, he chips away at the piece of stone, he removes little chips piece by piece. He is chipping away at the stone. Ok, to chip away at, to reduce slowly and steadily. Ok, yeah, this is the idea of to chip away at something, to reduce it in a steady way.  If you have a very very big job that you need to do, and you can't do it all at once, I recommend you chip away at it, piece by piece by piece, so you do a little piece of the job and another little piece, another little piece. And suddenly after a long time, you've done all of it. To chip away at, to reduce something slowly and surely. Yeah, ok anyway, so if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位! to chip away, 這裡用的是不及物形式,或者to chip away at則是及物動詞形式,它的意思是緩慢地、逐漸地減少某樣東西。­比如,我每月收到的賬單金額超過了我的薪水,它們在逐漸蠶食我的­積蓄,它們一點一點地減少我的積蓄。那麼這裡的chip是什麼意­思?我們都知道chip是吃的東西,但是我們將玻璃或者盤子掉在­地上打碎它們的時候,它們並不會徹底碎掉,有時僅掉下一點碴,比­如一片玻璃碎片、一片盤子碎片或者一小片石頭碎片。所以當你ch­ip away at 某樣東西的時候,你將它一點一點地削減。當雕刻家雕刻雕像的時候­,他慢慢鑿掉石塊,一片一片地逐漸削掉石片,他在chippin­g away at這塊石頭,他在鑿掉石屑。to chip away at就是將某樣東西緩慢而持續地縮小。這就是to chip away at用詞的由來,穩定地縮減某個東西。如果你有某樣非常非常艱巨的工作要做,你無法馬上完成,我建議你­to chip away at 這個工作,逐漸削減、蠶食它,不停地一點一點地做。很長一段時間­之後,你會突然發現你已經將它完成了。chip away at就是要穩定而緩慢地去削減某樣東西。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄­像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面­。

2013年10月16日 星期三

all vs whole

Hi there, students. I've just had a question asking what's the difference between all and the whole? Ok, the difference is really quite easy. We use the whole or the whole of when we talk about singular countable nouns. My whole hand, the whole cake. So we use the whole or the whole of my hand, the whole of the cake. We use whole for singular countable nouns when we are using the entire amount. All or all of, we use for singular countable nouns as well, but also for plural countable nouns. So all my fingers, ok, plural countable nouns. All of my fingers. Or we can also use all of for uncountable nouns. He ate all of the sugar, he drank all of the water. So notice this is the big important difference. We use the whole, the whole of something when we talk about singular countable nouns, singular things, the entire amount of something singular, yeah. But we use all of to talk about singular countable nouns, plural countable nouns and uncountables. Ok, so let's go over these examples again. He ate the whole cake, singular countable, a cake, he ate the whole cake. He ate all of the cake, ok. Or he ate all of the cakes, but we can't use whole with cakes, because it 's a plural. And he drank all of the coffee, ok, coffee, uncountable. He drank the whole cup of coffee, a cup of coffee, countable. We can also use all, we very often use all with all of it, all of them. So he ate the whole cake, he ate all of the cake,  He ate all of it, singular, he ate all of the cakes, he ate all of them. And notice as well, very often we use it after a personal pronoun, a plural personal pronoun, we all like good food, yeah, they all went to the cinema. But notice with this one, with all, it needs to be we, you (plural), and they, yeah, because he all, no! So we all enjoy Alex's videos. Ok, this is saying the whole group, notice a group countable. So let's recap, let's go over again. Whole for singular countable nouns, the entire amount. All for singular countable nouns as well, plural countable nouns and uncountables. Ok, and that's it. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我剛剛有個問題想問大家,all和the whole之間的區別是什麼?二者區別實際上是相當簡單,當我們­談論單數可數名詞時,用whole和the whole of。my whole hand,我的整只手,the whole cake,整個蛋糕。所以我們這裡用了whole來表示整只手和­整個蛋糕。當我們表示整體數字時,我們用whole。至於all­和all of,我們同樣用它們表示單數可數名詞,也同樣用它們表示復數可­數名詞。all my fingers,我所有的手指,這是復數可數名詞。all of my fingers,我手指的全部。或者我們可以用all of表示不可數名詞。他把所有的糖都吃了,他把所有的水都喝了。­注意,這是一個非常的分別。我們用whole和the whole of表示單數可數名詞,單數的東西。某單數東西的整體量。我們用all of來表達單數可數名詞、復數可數名詞及不可數名詞。我再把這些­例子重新講述一下。he ate the whole cake, 單數可數名詞,he ate all of the cake,he ate all of the cakes,不能將whole同cakes連用,因為cakes­是復數名詞。he drank all of the coffee,coffee,這裡是不可數名詞。he drank the whole cup of coffee,一杯咖啡,是可數名詞。我們還經常在all of it、all of them中用到all。he ate the whole cake, he ate all of the cake, he ate all of it, he ate all of the cakes, he ate all of them。同時要注意,我們經常在復數人稱代詞後面用到all。­we all like good food,they all went to the cinema。 這裡和all連用的人稱代詞必須是we,you(復數)和the­y。你不可以說he all。we all enjoy Alex's videos,這裡指的是整個團體,整體可數名詞。我們再將重點­概述一下,whole是用來表達單數可數名詞,一個整體數量;a­ll可以用在單數可數名詞、復數可數名詞和不可數名詞前面。好了­,這就是全部了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月12日 星期六

keep in check

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'to keep something in check' or 'hold something in check'? This means to restrain, to maintain under control. Ok, so please could you keep your dog in check? Don't let it run around, put a lead or rope around him so that you have him in check, you are holding him in check. You chould also keep or hold a person in check. It means to control them, to stop them acting too rambunctiously, in too a lively manner. Please could you keep your kids  in check? They are running around the place and causing mayhem. Ok, so to keep in check, to restrain, to keep control over. For example I don't have very much money so I need to keep my spending in check, to restrain it, to limit it so that it's not too much, it's not out of control. So yes, the opposite of in check or to keep in check is to lose control (over?), to be out of control, yeah. You are out of control over yourself, you really need to keep yourself in check. I think you drink too much, you need to hold yourself in check and be more abstemiously. So to keep in check or hold in check, to restain, to limit, to keep in control. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們曾經聽過keep某樣東西in check 或者hold這個東西in check嗎?這個短語的意思是控制、保持控制的意思。你可以k­eep your dog in check嗎?你可以控制一下你的狗嗎?不要讓它到處亂跑,用狗­帶或者繩子牽住它好嗎?這樣你可以控制它,對它保持控制。你也可­以對一個人keep in check,意思是你要控制他們,阻止他們的粗暴行為,或者過於­活躍的行為方式。可以約束一下你的小孩嗎?他們到處亂跑,搞得一­片狼藉。所以,to keep in check,就是約束,保持控制。我的錢很少,我需要控制支出。­要對它施以約束,要限制,以便不會超額、失控。in check和keep in check的反義詞是lose control,失控的意思。你失控了,你需要自我控制。我認為­你飲酒過量,你要控制,要有節制。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留­下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月10日 星期四

kindred spirit

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'a kindred spirit'? Ok, this is a person who feels and thinks in the same way that you do. Oh, I don't know, for example, this guy really really likes looking at trains, I think he is a kindred spirit, it's something I like doing as well, ok. So a kindred spirit is somebody who likes to do or thinks about things in the same way as you do, yeah. Somebody who feels, thinks or likes things in the same way as you, has the same attitude about things. Ok, this comes from two words kindred and spirit. Ok, a spirit is the way we are, the person insiders; and kindred means similar, in the same way. You have the word kin or kindred, of the same clan or (tr...?), so a memeber of a family. But, ok, having the same ancestors. But it also means to be of the same nature, of the same character. So I see you like to make wine in the same way that I like to make wine, ok, to make wine, take grapes to make wine,  I am sure there are various methods of doing it, if we both like to do it the same way, I might call you a kindred spirit. Perhaps most or all of my students are kindred spirits in the fact that they like to study English. They want to improve their English and they like the way I teach. So a kindred spirit, you are all kindred spirits, you are all people who think and act in the smiliar way, we respect English. Ok, so there you have the phrase, a kindred spirit. Somebody who thinks , acts in the same way as you, very similarly. Yeah, ok, so kindred spirit (out there??). If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們曾經聽過kindred spirit這個短語嗎?它的意思是說,有一個人,他對事物的感­覺和思考事情的方式和你都是一樣的。 我不肯定,我給你們有些例子。有個人非常喜歡看火車,對於我,我­認為他是個kindred spirit, 因為我也喜歡看火車。所以,a kindred spirit就是說一個人喜歡做的事情或者他思考事物的方式和你­是一模一樣的,他所喜歡的事情、思考問題的方式、對事物感覺的感­覺都和你是一樣的,你們對事物有同樣的看法和態度。這個詞由兩個­詞構成,kindred 和spirit。spirit就是一個人內在的東西,是他之所以­是他本人的東西。kindred是相似、同樣方式的意思。kin或者kindred是同一個clan,同一個宗族的意思,­家族中的一個成員,或擁有同樣的祖先,ancestors。同時­,這個詞也有同樣特性和性格的意思。我知道你喜歡制作紅酒,而我­也同樣喜歡制作紅酒,用葡萄制作。但是我知道有很多種方法可以制­作紅酒。如果我們兩人都用同樣的方法,我可以稱呼你為"興趣相投­的人"。我的學生多數或者全部都是kindred spirits,他們全是興趣相投的人,因為他們都喜歡學英語,­他們都想提升英語水平,他們都喜歡我教英語的方式。你們全是ki­ndred Spirits,你們全是志趣相投的人,你們都具有相近的思考和­行動方式,並具有對英語的尊重。所以,kindred spirit,就是指有人具有和你同樣思考和行為方式,非常接近­。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我­將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月8日 星期二

whether or not

 Hi there, students. I had a question about the use and meaning of 'whether or not'. Ok, this we normally use when we have a choice of two possible courses of action. I am wondering whether to go to bed or not, I am wondering whether or not to go to bed. So I can go to bed or not go to bed. I am wondering, I am thinking about it. Now notice, normally the 'or not' is extra, it is (...?), we don't have to use it. I am wondering whether I should go to bed, I am wondering whether to go to bed. Notice the construction is a little bit different. I am wondering whether to go to bed or not, whether or not to go to bed, ok, but normally the 'or not' is something extra that you don't necessarily have to use. However, notice sometimes we can use 'whether or not' to mean regardless, I don't care, so I am going to bed now, whether or not you are coming with me. Ok, here I need the 'whether or not', because I am saying 'if you come, I am going to bed; if you don't come, I am going to bed'. So this has the meaning of regardless, regardless what you decide to do. When we are using whether or not to mean regardless like this, we need the 'or not', ok. So I am wondering whether or not to go to France next week. Ok, I am wondering whether to go to France next week. So we are using whether to mean if, but I can say 'I am wondering whether or not to go to France', I am wondering whether to go to France or not. Notice the or not can come before or after with, and I am wondering whether to go to France, or if I should go to France we could also use. So notice there are a lot of different ways putting these together and use it. Yeah, whether or not, you have a choice of different things, yeah. Oh, yeah, I am trying to decide whether I need to buy a new coat or not. I am trying to decide whether I need a new coat or not, whether or not I need a new coat. So notice, different ways of doing it. So whether or not, it gives you a choice of doing two things , two courses of action. Normally it's to do something or not to do it, yeah. I am wondering whether or not to buy that red one. So shall I buy it, yes? or shall I not buy it, whether or not. Shall I do this yes or shall I do this no. So anyway, that's my explanation.  If you enjoy the video, you now need to decide whether or not to give it rating, a rating, i would be happy if you did. You can subscribe to my channel. I will see you soon. Ok, so enjoy. Bye.

各位!我有一個關於whether or not用法和意思的問題。我們通常在對具有可能性的兩個動作項目­進行選擇時,使用該詞。我很猶疑,是去睡覺還是不去睡覺。我可以­去睡覺, 也可以不去,我在猶疑,我在思考。注意,通常來說or not是一個附加詞,無需一定用到它,Iam wondering whether 我應該去睡覺。whether or not to go to bed和whether to go to bed or not,前後兩個句子的結構式不同的。記住,or not只是個附加詞,並非必用。然而,有時我們要用whethe­r or not去表示一種‘不管怎樣,都要。。’的意思,一種‘我不在乎­’的意思。我現在去睡覺,whether or not you are coming with me, 我不管你跟不跟我去。這裡我們要用到whether or not,因為我的意思是,你來,我要去睡覺,你不來,我也要去睡­覺。這裡面的意思是‘不管怎麼樣’,無論你怎麼樣的意思。所以,­當我們想表達regardless的時候,我們需要用到or not。 我在猶疑,是否應該下星期去法國。我們用whether表示‘是­否’,但是,我也可以說‘I am wondering whether or not’去法國,或者I am wondering whether 去法國or not。注意,or not可以用在前面或者後面。很多種不同的方法可以集中在一起使­用,你可以對不同的事情進行選擇。我正在決定是否買一個新外套。­我正在決定whether 我需要一件新外套or not,或我正在決定whether or not買一件新外套。你可以對兩件不同的事情進行選擇,通常是做­某事或者不做某事。我很猶疑是否該買那個紅色那個,我是應該買,­還是不應該買,這裡用了whether or not。我是應該做這個,還是不做這個。好了,這就是我對whe­ther or not的解釋。如果你喜歡這個錄像,你無需心中有whether or not留給這個錄像一個評級,如果你留下評級,我會很高興的。你­可以訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。好了,希望你喜歡,再見­!

2013年10月7日 星期一

some with interrogatives

 Hi there, students. So what is the rule with some and any? Well with some, they say we use some for affirmative, for positive statements, and we don't normally use it in negative or interrogative statements. Ok, that's the genenal rule. But what are the exceptions to this rule with some? Do you want some money? Yeah, ok, so when we are making an offer, we very often use the wrod some in the question. Would you like some food? Would you like some water? Ok, it's probably more natural. 'would you like some water' than 'would you like any water', you could say 'would you like any water' as well, that's fine. But notice, when we are making offers, when we are offering things to people, we generally use some in the question, yeah. Do you want some more? Ok, do you want some more. Ok, also in a similar way, in a similar line, we use some in questions when we make the requests, yeah, when we ask for things. Could I have some more water, please?  Could I have a sandwich, could I have some sandwiches? Ok, so when you are asking things as well, very often we use some in requests, when we are asking for something. Would you spend some more time with me, please? Now, I think this one with the request is links a little to the next one. Ok, we use some when we are expecting the answer 'yes'. Ok, it's a question when we expect the person to say yes.  So maybe with this offer or request (a litttle bit?) as well, do you want some water? I think you want some water, so I think you are going to answer yes. Could I have some sandwiches? I am expecting you to agree and say yes. Try this with...an example..with questions when we expect you to say yes. Do you have some money on you? I think you have money on you and I am expecting you to answer yes. Do you have some time tomorrow? I know you could have a day off tomorrow and I imagine you are going to have some time. So do you have some time tomorrow? Do you have any time tomorrow? I don't know. Do you have any money on you? It's a question asking because I am not sure, I need the information. But normally when we use some in questions, in other questions like this, do you have some friends who live near here? I am expecting for you to say yes, I think I have already known the answer, I am looking for re-affirmation.  Ok, so remember, some in interrogatives, we use this for offers, do you want me to make some more videos? We use this for requests, would you like me to make some more videos? And when we expect the answer yes, do you have some understanding of this exception now? You have listend to the video so I amexpecting you to say yes. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!有關some 和any的規則是什麼呢?對於some,通常要將其用在確定的、­肯定的句中,而不是將其用在否定和疑問句中。這是通常的法則。對­此規則,例外的情況有哪些呢?‘你想要些錢嗎?some money’,當我們提出某項提議時,我們經常在句中用到som­e。你想要些食物嗎?你想要些水嗎?說‘would you like some water’要比'would you like any water'更加自然些,當然,你也可以說any water,沒問題。注意,當我們向別人提議時,我們通常在疑問­句中用some。你還想多要些嗎?在類似的情況下,我們在提出要­求的疑問句中用some。‘我可以再要些水嗎?’‘我可以要一個­三明治嗎?我可以要些三文治嗎’?當我們提出要求時,常用到so­me在提出要求的句子中。你可以多花些時間和我在一起嗎?我認為提出要求的這個句子和下一­個句子有關聯。當我們使用some時,我們期望相應的回答是ye­s。這是一個我們預期回答人會說yes的問句。比如,你想要點水­嗎?我認為你想要點水,所以我預期你會說yes。我可以再要點三­文治嗎?我預期你會同意並說yes。some要使用在預期要說y­es的句子中。你身上有錢嗎?我認為你身上有錢而且我預期你會說­有。你明天有時間嗎?我知道你請了一天假,我相信你明天會有時間­。你明天有任何時間嗎?我不知道。你什麼有任何一點錢嗎?這是一­個我不肯定的問題,我這樣問是因為我要知道相關信息。但是當我們­將some用在下面的這些句子中,你有住在附近的朋友嗎?我們是­期望對方的回答是yes,我們其實已經知道答案,只不過是希望得­到再確認罷了。所以,記住我們將some用在疑問句中表示一種提­議,比如,你想我多制作些錄像嗎?我們期望的回答是yes。你現­在對這個例外情況有了一定的了解嗎?你聽過了這個錄像,我預期你­會說yes。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;­訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月4日 星期五

as a rule of thumb

 Hi there. Have you ever heard the phrase 'a rule of thumb'? Ok, a rule is a way to calculate things, grammar rules, you all know the word rule, a rule of thumb. This is a way to estimate something, this is something that is generally true. For example, as a rule of thumb, it is cold in winter and hot in summer, ok. As a rule of thumb, generally, normally this is true. But there could be a warm day in winter or a cold day in summer, yeah. As a rule of thumb, an easy way to calculate something approximately. The way I remember is that this distance here, this distance for me is six inches. Ok, six inches is about fifteen centimetres. And then if I measure things, I can measure them with (group?) six inches. It's not exactly right, but it is a good rule of thumb to work out what something meaures, yeah. Ok, As a rule of thumb, the conference of circle is three times or (..?) three times its diameter. ok, generally, it's not exactly right, but it's an easy way to remember, an easy way to calculate. As a rule of thumb, there are a lot of people in the supermarket at the beginning of the month and not many people in the supermarket at the end of the month. It's only a rule of thumb, it's not completely true but it's generally true. Ok, as a rule of thumb, an estimation of something that is normally true or a way to calculate something, to calcualte value, to give you an estimate, yeah. Maybe if you want to measure the area of a field, you walk one way and then you walk the other. And you say 10 paces by 12 paces, 10 by 12 paces, which is approximately 10 meters by, did I say 10 by, by 12 meters, a hundred and 20 square centimeters. Sorry, a hundred and 20 square meters, not centimeters. Ok, this is a rule of thumb, a way to calculate something, approximately to give you a useful value. Ok, as a rule of thumb, if the temperature is more than 25 degrees,  I start to sweat. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; as a rule of thumb, many people give my videos ratings, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過‘a rule of thumb’這個短語嗎?a rule就是用來計量東西的方法及規則,語法規則,你們都知道r­ule的意思。a rule os thumb是估量事物的一種方法,意思某種計量大致是准確的。不­如,as a rule of thumb,按經驗來說,冬天通常比較冷,夏天比較熱。as a rule of thumb, 就是說通常這種情況是對的,因為冬天也有溫暖的時候,夏天也有較­涼的時候。as a rule of fthumb, 就是用一種近似准確的方法去估算某物。我還記得,由我的手的這個­位置到這裡的距離是6英寸。6英寸大概有15釐米長,如果我要量­某物的長度,我可以用手中的6英寸去量。這不會完全准確,但確卻­是一個不錯的憑經驗計量的方法。這個會議室的圓頂大概是其直徑的­3倍長。大概估算,不是完全准確,但卻是一個較容易記住的方法,也是較容­易估算的方式。憑經驗看,月初時超級市場的人較多,月底較少。a­s a rule of thumb,這種估算不是完全准確,但是大致准確。as a rule of thumb就是給你一個大概的估算。也許你想計量一塊地的面積,­你由這邊走到另一邊,大概是10步乘12步,也就是10米乘12­米,大約120釐米,抱歉,不是釐米,是120平方米。a rule os thumb就是大致估算從而給出一個近似的值。as a rule of thumb,憑經驗看,氣溫超過25度,我就會冒汗。如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;as a rule of thumb, 很多人都會留下評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月2日 星期三


 Hi there, students. How do we use much? Ok, the rule says 'much, is for uncountables. And we only use it for negatives and interrogatives'. So, do you have much water? No, I don't have much water. But normally in the positive, you would say 'yes, I have a lot of water'. So the grammar for much says we use much for negatives and interrogatives, but we use a lot of for positives, for affirmtive statements.So what's the exception for the rule? Well the exception to the rule are three phrases, yeah, so much, very much and too much. And we normally use the phrases 'so much, very much and too much' in positive statements as well. So these are the exceptions to the rule. I love you very much, a large quantity. Thank you so much for your help, ok, so much in the positive and this is going to cost too much money, ok. So notice, so much and too much (in access??) and very much, a lot. Ok, that's the exception to he rule.
So remember, the rule with much is much for negatives and interrogatives. And the exception is so much, too much and very much. Ok, so that's one exception to the rule to remember. Yeah, and they say these are the exceptions that prove the rule. Ok, the exceptions prove the rule, the exceptions show the rule is true. Ok, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我們如何使用much? 相關規則說,much只用在不可數名詞上,而且通常我們將much用在否定和疑問詞上。你有再多一點水嗎?沒有了。在肯定句中,我們一般說,是的,我們有很多水。語法規則規定我們將much用在否定及疑問詞上,而將a lot of用在肯定詞上。對於此規則,例外情況有哪些呢?例外的情況出現在三個短語上,very much, too much so much,我們通常將它們用在肯定句式中。在much使用規則上,它們三個是例外情況。我非常愛你,so much, 巨量;非常感謝你的幫助,so much, 表示肯定。這樣花錢會太多了,too much。注意,so much, very much 和too much和a lot of 意思相近。要記住,much的使用規則是僅用在疑問和否定詞上;例外情況有so much, to much 和very much。所以這是一個要記住的例外情況。有人說,這些例外情況證明了規則本身,例外,就是規則本身的證明。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級,訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月1日 星期二

half inch

 Hi there, students. Ok, this video is about a cockney rhyming slang phrase. To half inch, ok, look at my ruler here. Well this has got inches here. And that is an inch. So half an inch is about that much. Yeah, half inch, half an inch, half inch. But in cockney rhyming slang, to half inch means to pinch,so inch rhymes with pinch.  Pinch is another slang word which means to steal. Ok, to half inch , to pinch, which means to steal. Ok, to pinch is a slang word for steal. Notice, you pinch, ao, ao! You take a bit skin and press and you pull. (..like?) you take a piece of skin, to pinch, ok. So he pinched my wallet, he half inched my wallet. Or probably better, (...??) inched my wallet. Ok, he half inched my wallet. Ok, so notice, to half inch. Becareful of these people, they are always half inching stuff, . they are always pinching stuff. Ok, so notice, to half inch, a verb, a very informal verb, in cockney rhyming slang means to steal. Ok, so there you go, to half inch, to pinch, to take something that is not yours. What did he half inch? What did he alf inch? ok, notice it nees a bit cockney accent with this as well. What did he pinch? What did he steal? What did he alf inch? What did he pinch? Notice this cockney rhyming slang, it's normally there are two words, half, inch, and then the real meaning rhymes with the second word, so inch rhymes with pinch. So to half inch, to pinch. Anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!這是個有關倫敦押韻土語的錄像。to half inch, 好,看看我手裡拿的這把尺,這裡有英寸的刻度,這是1英寸。half inch, 半英寸有這麼多。在倫敦土語裡,to half inch的意思是pinch。inch和pinch押韻。pinch也是一個俚語,是‘偷’的意思。所以,to half inch就是pinch, 偷的意思。注意,to pinch也可以是用手指將一小塊皮膚按住然後拉起來。就像你將那塊皮膚揪走一樣。他pinched我的錢包,他half inched我的錢包。小心這幫人,他們經常half inch東西,他們經常pinch東西。to half inch,是一個非正式的動詞短語,在倫敦土語中,是“偷”的意思。好了,to half inch, 就是pinch的意思,拿走不屬於你的東西。他half inch了什麼東西?注意,這裡也需要一點倫敦土語的口音才更有味道。注意,倫敦土語中,通常有兩個詞語,half和inch,真正意思是和第二個詞押韻的,就是說,pinch和inch押韻。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

zebra crossing

 Hi there, students. Do you want to cross the road? Or probably the best place to cross the road is a zebra crossing, ok, a zebra crossing is a place on the road (with marks?) thick black and white strips across the street. And (that's?? ) the name 'a zebra crossing'. Yeah, the cars need to give way slow down and stop to let pedestrians cross the road using a zebra crossing. I think Americans might call it a crossing walk, yeah. But a zebra crossing, black and white strips on the   ground, zebra, crossing, a place to cross the road. And also in the UK, at either end of the zebra crossing is a pole with black and white strips and organge light on the top. This is called a Belisha beacon. Ok, so there are, you have got a zebra crossing and Belisha beacons at either end. I wonder if any of you all can tell me why that is called Belisha beacons. If you can, please comment. You need to look at internet, maybe. Anyway, a nice simple video. If you enjoy it, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你想過馬路嗎?最佳過馬路的地方或許是zebra crossing。zebra crossing就是在路上標有較粗紅白相間橫條穿越路面的地帶,從而有了zebra crossing這個名字。車輛都要減速或者停車,以便行人通過斑馬線穿越馬路。我認為美國人可能把它叫做crossing walk。但是zebra crossing是指在馬路上黑白相間的橫條,就像斑馬的條紋一樣,所以zebra crossing就是橫穿馬路的地方。在英國,在斑馬線的每端都有一條具有黑白條紋的電燈柱,上面有橙色光的燈,這叫做Belisha beacon。所以斑馬線的兩端都有一條Belisha beacon。我想知道你們當中是否有人能說出為什麼這些燈柱叫做Belisha beacon。如果有人知道,可以寫在評論欄裡面。或許你需要查一查網上的資料。好了,給了你們一個好用而又簡單的錄像。如果你們喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。