2013年10月16日 星期三

all vs whole

Hi there, students. I've just had a question asking what's the difference between all and the whole? Ok, the difference is really quite easy. We use the whole or the whole of when we talk about singular countable nouns. My whole hand, the whole cake. So we use the whole or the whole of my hand, the whole of the cake. We use whole for singular countable nouns when we are using the entire amount. All or all of, we use for singular countable nouns as well, but also for plural countable nouns. So all my fingers, ok, plural countable nouns. All of my fingers. Or we can also use all of for uncountable nouns. He ate all of the sugar, he drank all of the water. So notice this is the big important difference. We use the whole, the whole of something when we talk about singular countable nouns, singular things, the entire amount of something singular, yeah. But we use all of to talk about singular countable nouns, plural countable nouns and uncountables. Ok, so let's go over these examples again. He ate the whole cake, singular countable, a cake, he ate the whole cake. He ate all of the cake, ok. Or he ate all of the cakes, but we can't use whole with cakes, because it 's a plural. And he drank all of the coffee, ok, coffee, uncountable. He drank the whole cup of coffee, a cup of coffee, countable. We can also use all, we very often use all with all of it, all of them. So he ate the whole cake, he ate all of the cake,  He ate all of it, singular, he ate all of the cakes, he ate all of them. And notice as well, very often we use it after a personal pronoun, a plural personal pronoun, we all like good food, yeah, they all went to the cinema. But notice with this one, with all, it needs to be we, you (plural), and they, yeah, because he all, no! So we all enjoy Alex's videos. Ok, this is saying the whole group, notice a group countable. So let's recap, let's go over again. Whole for singular countable nouns, the entire amount. All for singular countable nouns as well, plural countable nouns and uncountables. Ok, and that's it. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我剛剛有個問題想問大家,all和the whole之間的區別是什麼?二者區別實際上是相當簡單,當我們­談論單數可數名詞時,用whole和the whole of。my whole hand,我的整只手,the whole cake,整個蛋糕。所以我們這裡用了whole來表示整只手和­整個蛋糕。當我們表示整體數字時,我們用whole。至於all­和all of,我們同樣用它們表示單數可數名詞,也同樣用它們表示復數可­數名詞。all my fingers,我所有的手指,這是復數可數名詞。all of my fingers,我手指的全部。或者我們可以用all of表示不可數名詞。他把所有的糖都吃了,他把所有的水都喝了。­注意,這是一個非常的分別。我們用whole和the whole of表示單數可數名詞,單數的東西。某單數東西的整體量。我們用all of來表達單數可數名詞、復數可數名詞及不可數名詞。我再把這些­例子重新講述一下。he ate the whole cake, 單數可數名詞,he ate all of the cake,he ate all of the cakes,不能將whole同cakes連用,因為cakes­是復數名詞。he drank all of the coffee,coffee,這裡是不可數名詞。he drank the whole cup of coffee,一杯咖啡,是可數名詞。我們還經常在all of it、all of them中用到all。he ate the whole cake, he ate all of the cake, he ate all of it, he ate all of the cakes, he ate all of them。同時要注意,我們經常在復數人稱代詞後面用到all。­we all like good food,they all went to the cinema。 這裡和all連用的人稱代詞必須是we,you(復數)和the­y。你不可以說he all。we all enjoy Alex's videos,這裡指的是整個團體,整體可數名詞。我們再將重點­概述一下,whole是用來表達單數可數名詞,一個整體數量;a­ll可以用在單數可數名詞、復數可數名詞和不可數名詞前面。好了­,這就是全部了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

