2013年10月10日 星期四

kindred spirit

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'a kindred spirit'? Ok, this is a person who feels and thinks in the same way that you do. Oh, I don't know, for example, this guy really really likes looking at trains, I think he is a kindred spirit, it's something I like doing as well, ok. So a kindred spirit is somebody who likes to do or thinks about things in the same way as you do, yeah. Somebody who feels, thinks or likes things in the same way as you, has the same attitude about things. Ok, this comes from two words kindred and spirit. Ok, a spirit is the way we are, the person insiders; and kindred means similar, in the same way. You have the word kin or kindred, of the same clan or (tr...?), so a memeber of a family. But, ok, having the same ancestors. But it also means to be of the same nature, of the same character. So I see you like to make wine in the same way that I like to make wine, ok, to make wine, take grapes to make wine,  I am sure there are various methods of doing it, if we both like to do it the same way, I might call you a kindred spirit. Perhaps most or all of my students are kindred spirits in the fact that they like to study English. They want to improve their English and they like the way I teach. So a kindred spirit, you are all kindred spirits, you are all people who think and act in the smiliar way, we respect English. Ok, so there you have the phrase, a kindred spirit. Somebody who thinks , acts in the same way as you, very similarly. Yeah, ok, so kindred spirit (out there??). If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們曾經聽過kindred spirit這個短語嗎?它的意思是說,有一個人,他對事物的感­覺和思考事情的方式和你都是一樣的。 我不肯定,我給你們有些例子。有個人非常喜歡看火車,對於我,我­認為他是個kindred spirit, 因為我也喜歡看火車。所以,a kindred spirit就是說一個人喜歡做的事情或者他思考事物的方式和你­是一模一樣的,他所喜歡的事情、思考問題的方式、對事物感覺的感­覺都和你是一樣的,你們對事物有同樣的看法和態度。這個詞由兩個­詞構成,kindred 和spirit。spirit就是一個人內在的東西,是他之所以­是他本人的東西。kindred是相似、同樣方式的意思。kin或者kindred是同一個clan,同一個宗族的意思,­家族中的一個成員,或擁有同樣的祖先,ancestors。同時­,這個詞也有同樣特性和性格的意思。我知道你喜歡制作紅酒,而我­也同樣喜歡制作紅酒,用葡萄制作。但是我知道有很多種方法可以制­作紅酒。如果我們兩人都用同樣的方法,我可以稱呼你為"興趣相投­的人"。我的學生多數或者全部都是kindred spirits,他們全是興趣相投的人,因為他們都喜歡學英語,­他們都想提升英語水平,他們都喜歡我教英語的方式。你們全是ki­ndred Spirits,你們全是志趣相投的人,你們都具有相近的思考和­行動方式,並具有對英語的尊重。所以,kindred spirit,就是指有人具有和你同樣思考和行為方式,非常接近­。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我­將很快和你又見面。

