2013年10月4日 星期五

as a rule of thumb

 Hi there. Have you ever heard the phrase 'a rule of thumb'? Ok, a rule is a way to calculate things, grammar rules, you all know the word rule, a rule of thumb. This is a way to estimate something, this is something that is generally true. For example, as a rule of thumb, it is cold in winter and hot in summer, ok. As a rule of thumb, generally, normally this is true. But there could be a warm day in winter or a cold day in summer, yeah. As a rule of thumb, an easy way to calculate something approximately. The way I remember is that this distance here, this distance for me is six inches. Ok, six inches is about fifteen centimetres. And then if I measure things, I can measure them with (group?) six inches. It's not exactly right, but it is a good rule of thumb to work out what something meaures, yeah. Ok, As a rule of thumb, the conference of circle is three times or (..?) three times its diameter. ok, generally, it's not exactly right, but it's an easy way to remember, an easy way to calculate. As a rule of thumb, there are a lot of people in the supermarket at the beginning of the month and not many people in the supermarket at the end of the month. It's only a rule of thumb, it's not completely true but it's generally true. Ok, as a rule of thumb, an estimation of something that is normally true or a way to calculate something, to calcualte value, to give you an estimate, yeah. Maybe if you want to measure the area of a field, you walk one way and then you walk the other. And you say 10 paces by 12 paces, 10 by 12 paces, which is approximately 10 meters by, did I say 10 by, by 12 meters, a hundred and 20 square centimeters. Sorry, a hundred and 20 square meters, not centimeters. Ok, this is a rule of thumb, a way to calculate something, approximately to give you a useful value. Ok, as a rule of thumb, if the temperature is more than 25 degrees,  I start to sweat. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; as a rule of thumb, many people give my videos ratings, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過‘a rule of thumb’這個短語嗎?a rule就是用來計量東西的方法及規則,語法規則,你們都知道r­ule的意思。a rule os thumb是估量事物的一種方法,意思某種計量大致是准確的。不­如,as a rule of thumb,按經驗來說,冬天通常比較冷,夏天比較熱。as a rule of thumb, 就是說通常這種情況是對的,因為冬天也有溫暖的時候,夏天也有較­涼的時候。as a rule of fthumb, 就是用一種近似准確的方法去估算某物。我還記得,由我的手的這個­位置到這裡的距離是6英寸。6英寸大概有15釐米長,如果我要量­某物的長度,我可以用手中的6英寸去量。這不會完全准確,但確卻­是一個不錯的憑經驗計量的方法。這個會議室的圓頂大概是其直徑的­3倍長。大概估算,不是完全准確,但卻是一個較容易記住的方法,也是較容­易估算的方式。憑經驗看,月初時超級市場的人較多,月底較少。a­s a rule of thumb,這種估算不是完全准確,但是大致准確。as a rule of thumb就是給你一個大概的估算。也許你想計量一塊地的面積,­你由這邊走到另一邊,大概是10步乘12步,也就是10米乘12­米,大約120釐米,抱歉,不是釐米,是120平方米。a rule os thumb就是大致估算從而給出一個近似的值。as a rule of thumb,憑經驗看,氣溫超過25度,我就會冒汗。如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;as a rule of thumb, 很多人都會留下評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

