2013年10月8日 星期二

whether or not

 Hi there, students. I had a question about the use and meaning of 'whether or not'. Ok, this we normally use when we have a choice of two possible courses of action. I am wondering whether to go to bed or not, I am wondering whether or not to go to bed. So I can go to bed or not go to bed. I am wondering, I am thinking about it. Now notice, normally the 'or not' is extra, it is (...?), we don't have to use it. I am wondering whether I should go to bed, I am wondering whether to go to bed. Notice the construction is a little bit different. I am wondering whether to go to bed or not, whether or not to go to bed, ok, but normally the 'or not' is something extra that you don't necessarily have to use. However, notice sometimes we can use 'whether or not' to mean regardless, I don't care, so I am going to bed now, whether or not you are coming with me. Ok, here I need the 'whether or not', because I am saying 'if you come, I am going to bed; if you don't come, I am going to bed'. So this has the meaning of regardless, regardless what you decide to do. When we are using whether or not to mean regardless like this, we need the 'or not', ok. So I am wondering whether or not to go to France next week. Ok, I am wondering whether to go to France next week. So we are using whether to mean if, but I can say 'I am wondering whether or not to go to France', I am wondering whether to go to France or not. Notice the or not can come before or after with, and I am wondering whether to go to France, or if I should go to France we could also use. So notice there are a lot of different ways putting these together and use it. Yeah, whether or not, you have a choice of different things, yeah. Oh, yeah, I am trying to decide whether I need to buy a new coat or not. I am trying to decide whether I need a new coat or not, whether or not I need a new coat. So notice, different ways of doing it. So whether or not, it gives you a choice of doing two things , two courses of action. Normally it's to do something or not to do it, yeah. I am wondering whether or not to buy that red one. So shall I buy it, yes? or shall I not buy it, whether or not. Shall I do this yes or shall I do this no. So anyway, that's my explanation.  If you enjoy the video, you now need to decide whether or not to give it rating, a rating, i would be happy if you did. You can subscribe to my channel. I will see you soon. Ok, so enjoy. Bye.

各位!我有一個關於whether or not用法和意思的問題。我們通常在對具有可能性的兩個動作項目­進行選擇時,使用該詞。我很猶疑,是去睡覺還是不去睡覺。我可以­去睡覺, 也可以不去,我在猶疑,我在思考。注意,通常來說or not是一個附加詞,無需一定用到它,Iam wondering whether 我應該去睡覺。whether or not to go to bed和whether to go to bed or not,前後兩個句子的結構式不同的。記住,or not只是個附加詞,並非必用。然而,有時我們要用whethe­r or not去表示一種‘不管怎樣,都要。。’的意思,一種‘我不在乎­’的意思。我現在去睡覺,whether or not you are coming with me, 我不管你跟不跟我去。這裡我們要用到whether or not,因為我的意思是,你來,我要去睡覺,你不來,我也要去睡­覺。這裡面的意思是‘不管怎麼樣’,無論你怎麼樣的意思。所以,­當我們想表達regardless的時候,我們需要用到or not。 我在猶疑,是否應該下星期去法國。我們用whether表示‘是­否’,但是,我也可以說‘I am wondering whether or not’去法國,或者I am wondering whether 去法國or not。注意,or not可以用在前面或者後面。很多種不同的方法可以集中在一起使­用,你可以對不同的事情進行選擇。我正在決定是否買一個新外套。­我正在決定whether 我需要一件新外套or not,或我正在決定whether or not買一件新外套。你可以對兩件不同的事情進行選擇,通常是做­某事或者不做某事。我很猶疑是否該買那個紅色那個,我是應該買,­還是不應該買,這裡用了whether or not。我是應該做這個,還是不做這個。好了,這就是我對whe­ther or not的解釋。如果你喜歡這個錄像,你無需心中有whether or not留給這個錄像一個評級,如果你留下評級,我會很高興的。你­可以訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。好了,希望你喜歡,再見­!

