2013年10月12日 星期六

keep in check

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'to keep something in check' or 'hold something in check'? This means to restrain, to maintain under control. Ok, so please could you keep your dog in check? Don't let it run around, put a lead or rope around him so that you have him in check, you are holding him in check. You chould also keep or hold a person in check. It means to control them, to stop them acting too rambunctiously, in too a lively manner. Please could you keep your kids  in check? They are running around the place and causing mayhem. Ok, so to keep in check, to restrain, to keep control over. For example I don't have very much money so I need to keep my spending in check, to restrain it, to limit it so that it's not too much, it's not out of control. So yes, the opposite of in check or to keep in check is to lose control (over?), to be out of control, yeah. You are out of control over yourself, you really need to keep yourself in check. I think you drink too much, you need to hold yourself in check and be more abstemiously. So to keep in check or hold in check, to restain, to limit, to keep in control. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們曾經聽過keep某樣東西in check 或者hold這個東西in check嗎?這個短語的意思是控制、保持控制的意思。你可以k­eep your dog in check嗎?你可以控制一下你的狗嗎?不要讓它到處亂跑,用狗­帶或者繩子牽住它好嗎?這樣你可以控制它,對它保持控制。你也可­以對一個人keep in check,意思是你要控制他們,阻止他們的粗暴行為,或者過於­活躍的行為方式。可以約束一下你的小孩嗎?他們到處亂跑,搞得一­片狼藉。所以,to keep in check,就是約束,保持控制。我的錢很少,我需要控制支出。­要對它施以約束,要限制,以便不會超額、失控。in check和keep in check的反義詞是lose control,失控的意思。你失控了,你需要自我控制。我認為­你飲酒過量,你要控制,要有節制。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留­下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

