2013年10月7日 星期一

some with interrogatives

 Hi there, students. So what is the rule with some and any? Well with some, they say we use some for affirmative, for positive statements, and we don't normally use it in negative or interrogative statements. Ok, that's the genenal rule. But what are the exceptions to this rule with some? Do you want some money? Yeah, ok, so when we are making an offer, we very often use the wrod some in the question. Would you like some food? Would you like some water? Ok, it's probably more natural. 'would you like some water' than 'would you like any water', you could say 'would you like any water' as well, that's fine. But notice, when we are making offers, when we are offering things to people, we generally use some in the question, yeah. Do you want some more? Ok, do you want some more. Ok, also in a similar way, in a similar line, we use some in questions when we make the requests, yeah, when we ask for things. Could I have some more water, please?  Could I have a sandwich, could I have some sandwiches? Ok, so when you are asking things as well, very often we use some in requests, when we are asking for something. Would you spend some more time with me, please? Now, I think this one with the request is links a little to the next one. Ok, we use some when we are expecting the answer 'yes'. Ok, it's a question when we expect the person to say yes.  So maybe with this offer or request (a litttle bit?) as well, do you want some water? I think you want some water, so I think you are going to answer yes. Could I have some sandwiches? I am expecting you to agree and say yes. Try this with...an example..with questions when we expect you to say yes. Do you have some money on you? I think you have money on you and I am expecting you to answer yes. Do you have some time tomorrow? I know you could have a day off tomorrow and I imagine you are going to have some time. So do you have some time tomorrow? Do you have any time tomorrow? I don't know. Do you have any money on you? It's a question asking because I am not sure, I need the information. But normally when we use some in questions, in other questions like this, do you have some friends who live near here? I am expecting for you to say yes, I think I have already known the answer, I am looking for re-affirmation.  Ok, so remember, some in interrogatives, we use this for offers, do you want me to make some more videos? We use this for requests, would you like me to make some more videos? And when we expect the answer yes, do you have some understanding of this exception now? You have listend to the video so I amexpecting you to say yes. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!有關some 和any的規則是什麼呢?對於some,通常要將其用在確定的、­肯定的句中,而不是將其用在否定和疑問句中。這是通常的法則。對­此規則,例外的情況有哪些呢?‘你想要些錢嗎?some money’,當我們提出某項提議時,我們經常在句中用到som­e。你想要些食物嗎?你想要些水嗎?說‘would you like some water’要比'would you like any water'更加自然些,當然,你也可以說any water,沒問題。注意,當我們向別人提議時,我們通常在疑問­句中用some。你還想多要些嗎?在類似的情況下,我們在提出要­求的疑問句中用some。‘我可以再要些水嗎?’‘我可以要一個­三明治嗎?我可以要些三文治嗎’?當我們提出要求時,常用到so­me在提出要求的句子中。你可以多花些時間和我在一起嗎?我認為提出要求的這個句子和下一­個句子有關聯。當我們使用some時,我們期望相應的回答是ye­s。這是一個我們預期回答人會說yes的問句。比如,你想要點水­嗎?我認為你想要點水,所以我預期你會說yes。我可以再要點三­文治嗎?我預期你會同意並說yes。some要使用在預期要說y­es的句子中。你身上有錢嗎?我認為你身上有錢而且我預期你會說­有。你明天有時間嗎?我知道你請了一天假,我相信你明天會有時間­。你明天有任何時間嗎?我不知道。你什麼有任何一點錢嗎?這是一­個我不肯定的問題,我這樣問是因為我要知道相關信息。但是當我們­將some用在下面的這些句子中,你有住在附近的朋友嗎?我們是­期望對方的回答是yes,我們其實已經知道答案,只不過是希望得­到再確認罷了。所以,記住我們將some用在疑問句中表示一種提­議,比如,你想我多制作些錄像嗎?我們期望的回答是yes。你現­在對這個例外情況有了一定的了解嗎?你聽過了這個錄像,我預期你­會說yes。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;­訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

