2013年3月31日 星期日


Hi there, students. To oust, to take the place of, to put somebody out of the position and take their position. So for example if you have elections and there is one party in power and aother party wins then the second party ousts the first party from power. To eject, to force out, to supplant, yeah. Ok, particularly with the meaning "eject". To eject, to turn out, expel, yeah, to drive out, to (eg??). I had problems with these people, yeah, and I need to oust them from the place they were  to give someone the boot, yeah. Maybe many companies at the moment are trying to oust their workers because they need to reduce their workforces, to out, reject, to get rid of, dismiss, to suck, yeah, ok, so, oust, a new word to add to your vocabulary. If you enjoy the video, give it rating; susbscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to oust, 取代某人的位置,將某人由某個職位落下來並取代他們的位置。比如­在競選中,有一個是執政黨,另外一個政黨勝選了,於是它oust­之前的執政黨,即將之驅逐、趕走、驅趕,特別是reject最能­表達outst的意思。驅趕,將某人從某地趕走,放逐,驅趕,(­?)。我和這些人有矛盾,我必須將他們由他們霸占的地方趕走。t­o someone the boot, 趕走某人。可能有很多公司在oust自己的員工,因為他們需要在­縮減工作機構。驅趕、去除、解雇、炒人。好了,這就是oust, 是你學到的新詞語。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”評級;­訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

