2013年3月31日 星期日


Hi there, students. To oust, to take the place of, to put somebody out of the position and take their position. So for example if you have elections and there is one party in power and aother party wins then the second party ousts the first party from power. To eject, to force out, to supplant, yeah. Ok, particularly with the meaning "eject". To eject, to turn out, expel, yeah, to drive out, to (eg??). I had problems with these people, yeah, and I need to oust them from the place they were  to give someone the boot, yeah. Maybe many companies at the moment are trying to oust their workers because they need to reduce their workforces, to out, reject, to get rid of, dismiss, to suck, yeah, ok, so, oust, a new word to add to your vocabulary. If you enjoy the video, give it rating; susbscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to oust, 取代某人的位置,將某人由某個職位落下來並取代他們的位置。比如­在競選中,有一個是執政黨,另外一個政黨勝選了,於是它oust­之前的執政黨,即將之驅逐、趕走、驅趕,特別是reject最能­表達outst的意思。驅趕,將某人從某地趕走,放逐,驅趕,(­?)。我和這些人有矛盾,我必須將他們由他們霸占的地方趕走。t­o someone the boot, 趕走某人。可能有很多公司在oust自己的員工,因為他們需要在­縮減工作機構。驅趕、去除、解雇、炒人。好了,這就是oust, 是你學到的新詞語。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”評級;­訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月29日 星期五

solve vs resolve

Hi there, students. What's the difference between to solve and to resolve? Ok, these two words are very similar but they have different (new words???). Ok, normally you solve something simple, you solve a mathematic equation, you solve a puzzle or a mistery or a problem, yeah. You find a solution. Whereas you resolve different things between people. You resolve arguements, you resolve personal human disputes. So I resolve the problem between my brothers, ok, I resolve the differences, yeah. So each of them was reasonably happy but maybe not 100 percent happy to accept the situation in(at) some sort of arbitration. I think also, maybe you could, when you solve the problem you find a solution to it. And maybe this is temporary and maybe this is permanent, yeah. But to resolve is to finish forever, to find a final definitive solution, yeah. So let's look at it again. You resove diffeent opinions, you resolve different points of view, so the two people or (very? many?) groups of people can live together. You resolve differences, disputes; but you solve problems. Solve, you solve generally something simple, you find a simple one point answer, whereas you resolve something more complex. I hope that's...solve or resolve your doubts, I think maybe solve. Because this gives a clear answer, this video gives a clear answer. It doesn't lead you doubting, there is no conflict to be beings. It is explaining clearly the solution to the problem of the difference between  solve and resolve. Resolve will (??) difference between people. I hope this video could solve any doubt you had. Ok, maybe resolve them, but I think solve any doubt you have, resolve any doubt you have. So, anyway, sorry, give the video a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.


that will do

Hi there, students. That will do, that will do, or even in the conditional "that would do". Ok, normally we only use this phrase in the future and conditional. So what does it mean? It means "that is sufficient", "that is adequate", "that's satisfactory". - I haven't got anything to write with, could you lend me a pen? - I only got a pencil. - That will do. So that is adequate, that is satisfactory, yes please, lend me your pencil. -Let me fill up your glass. - just a little bit. That will do Enough, sufficient, stop. - Would you like some more potatoes? - Stop, that will do, that's enough. So I am saying either that's enough or that's sufficient, that's adequate, that is the right thing, yeah. I.. it's enough. So maybe when something is finished or you have done soemthing enough for it, to be adequate, you say "that will do". Maybe when it's time to finish work, that will do for today, that is enough work for today. I need something to wrap up my sandwich. Oh, look, a plastic bag! That will do. - I need to ring my friend, can I use your phone? - Well, you can. But it hasn't got any battery, so it needs recharging. But there is a pay-phone over there. Would that do? Would that be sufficient? Would that be adequate? - Yes, the telephone there will do fine. Ok. That will do the job, that will do the trick. We have a couple of little idioms there as well. That will do the job, that is the perfect thing, the satisfactory thing for the job, or that will do  the trick, that's adequate, sufficient to do what you need. Yeah. So that will do, that is enough, it's sufficient, it's adequate, it is satisfactory, ok. So I think I have probably talked enough and that will do for this video, that's enough information for this video. If you enjoy it, then give it a rating and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!that will do, 或在條件句中的that would do, 通常我們只在將來時和條件句中用這個短語。這個短句是什麼意思?­它的意思是“足夠了”、“夠多了”“夠好了”。“我沒有什麼東西­可以用來寫字,你可以借給我一只筆嗎”?“我只有鉛筆”。“那就­可以了”。就是說,有鉛筆就夠了,就夠令人滿意了,好,就借給我­鉛筆吧。“讓我把你的酒杯加滿”,“一點就行了,好了,夠了”。­夠了,滿意了,可以停止了。“你想再要點番薯嗎”?“好了,夠了­”。所以,我說的意思是或者足夠了,或者充足的,足夠多的, 是正確的事情。也許你完成了某件事情,你可以說that will do;也許是下班的時間了,你可以說that will do for today, 今天就是這樣了,今天的工作已經足夠了。我需要些東西來包起來我­的三文治,那邊有一個塑料袋,那就可以了。“我想打給我的朋友,­可以借用你的電話嗎?”“沒問題,但是我的電話沒有電了,需要插­電。你介意那邊有個付費電話嗎?”那可以嗎?那足夠好嗎?“那就­可以了”“那邊的電話就足夠好了”。這裡我們用了幾個常用短語,that will do for the job 和that will do for the trick。that will do for the job,是說對於某件事來說,這樣做是足夠好的,是完美的。th­at will do for the trick, 也是指“對於你所需要做的事情是足夠好的,足夠多”的意思。好了­,我認為我已經談得足夠多了,that will do for this video,對這個錄像來說,我已經給出了足夠的資料。如果你喜­歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”評級;如果你I還沒有訂閱我的頻道­,也請你訂閱。我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月28日 星期四

top up

Hi there, students. To top up, to bring the level or something up, usually bring it up to the brim out of the top. So maybe you are at a party and your glass is half empty. Someone comes and says, "would you like me to top up your glass"?, to fill it up again, yeah. Or maybe your mobile phone is almost up to its credit. So you go and buy a topup, you top up the amount of credit in your...on your mobile phone, increase it, bring it to the desire level, to maintain it at the desire level. A top-up, to increase, yeah. To increase something to an acceptable level, a reasonable level, yeah. So maybe you've known a lot of English and you are listening to these videos to top up your knowledge, to bring it up to the level which you consider acceptable, ok. So to top something up, to top up. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to top up, 是將標准或某物提升的意思,通常是將其提升至高出最高點的邊緣。­比如你在一個聚會,你的酒杯空了一半,有人走過來對你說,“我可­以將你的杯加一些酒嗎?”是斟滿酒的意思。又比如你的手機已經超­出了通話額度,你去買了一個額外的額度去top up你的手機。加大它,將它增至你所期望的水平並維持在此水平。­a top-up,是增大的意思,將某事增大至可接受的、合理的水平­。或許你已經掌握了很多英語內容,你收聽這個錄像是為了top up你的英語知識,將你的英語水平提升至你所希望的可接受水平。­如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我­將和你很快又見面。

slow on the uptake

Hi there, students. To be slow on the uptake, or the opposite, to be quick on the uptake, ok, let's see, to be slow on the uptake. Not to be able to understand something quickly, to understand probably something new. So normally when learning languages, young people are much quicker on their uptake and old people like me are much slower on their uptake. So notice this, the uptake, to take up, to absorb, so if you are quick on the uptake, you absorb the information or you absorb the thing rapidly, yeah. To take up, the uptake, the phrasal noun. Ok, so to be quick on the uptake, yeah, I think most of my students are pretty quick on their uptake, they understand and absorb the information I gave them very very rapidly. Ok, so to be slow on the uptake or to be quick on the uptake. Yeah, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to be slow on the uptake 或者to be quick on the uptake, 我們先看看to be slow on the uptake, 它的意思是無法快速理解事物,特別是對一些新事物的理解。一般在­學習語言的時候,年輕人在理解上要快很多,而像我這樣年齡比較大­的人則理解力較差。注意這裡的to uptake, 也就是to take up, 是吸收的意思,如果你to be quick on the uptake,你對事物的吸收理解是很快、很強的。uptake­是to take up的名詞性短語。我認為我的大多數學生對事物的理解是很快的,­他們對我給出的新的資料理解吸收得非常快。這就是對事物理解的快­與慢。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱­我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。


Hi there , students. Sometimes in the morning when you get up, do you feel bad temper, (early?), don't want to get up, you are grumpy, ok. Grumpy means bad temper, ind the bad mood. I am sure you know some grumpy people, yeah. In the bad mood, irritable, yeah, they are grumpy, cross and bad tempered, always grumbling, yeah, crabby, yeah, you could be crabby, yeah. Or you could be crotchety, crotchety, in the bad mood, that one is informal and maybe a bit old-fashioned,  she is very crotchety today, she is very grumpy today. You could be testy or grouchy as well. Or even a bit (tasher?). All these words' meaning, grumpy, in the bad mood, not happy all the time, always...ok, where..when you got out of the bed the wrong side. Ok, so here is a big set of words for you. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!有時在早上起床時,你是否感到情緒非常差?這麼早,不想起­床!那麼你是grumpy,grumpy是脾氣差的意思,心情不­好。我肯定你認識一些脾氣很差的人,他們總是在壞情緒中,容易發­怒,怒氣衝衝,暴躁不安,你也可以說crotchety, 脾氣差的,這個詞有點舊式,他今天很crumpy, 他今天很crothety,也可以說testy,grouchy­,脾氣焦躁的、暴躁的。或者說(?)。所有這些詞都是grump­y的意思,心情很差,總是不高興,get out of the bed on the wrong side,易怒的。到此,你有了一整套關於grumpy的詞了。­好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻­道;我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月27日 星期三

you could have knocked me down with a feather

Hi there, students. You could have knock me down with a feather, it's a way of saying you are very surprised, slightly humous, yeah. Ok, so I was so surprised that you could have knocked me down with a feather. Ok, so this is an idea you are really really really surprised and you are not in control of your actions or your balance, so somebody takes a feather and hits you, and you fall over because you are so surprised. Yeah, I won the lottery and you could have knocked me down with a feather. . I was extremely surprised, ok. Yeah, it's usually slightly humorously, yeah. It's a way to emphasize how surprised you were when something happens. You say "you could have knocked down", notice you don't need the feather, you could have knocked me down, with the feather, anyway. So anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!you could have knocked me down wiht a feather, 這是一種略帶幽默對某事感到驚訝的說法。我是如此驚訝,你可以用­一根羽毛就可以撥倒我。所以這是一種你非常非常驚訝的說法,因為­你非常驚訝你無法控制你的動作和平衡,有人拿一根羽毛撥一下你,­你就摔倒了。我贏取了彩票,我極度驚訝,you could have knocked me down。這種說法通常帶有一點幽默感,去強調某件事發生時,你­是多麼地驚訝。注意,你可以直接說you could have knocked me down, 無需說with a feather,當然,用也不錯。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留­下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

take aback

To take aback, very often passive, to be taken aback, ok, to surprse, to astonish, ok, to astound. I was taken aback by how expensive things were in London, ok, I was surprised, I was staggered by it. Yeah. So to take aback or to be taken aback can also means to be, perhaps disconcerted, yeah. So I had to stand up and make a speech in front of these people. And when I looked all these people who were looking back at me, I thought a bit taken aback , a bit surprised, ok, I was a bit taken  aback, yeah. So to take aback, to surprise, to stound, to astonish, to be (willer?), to disconcert, maybe to flabbergast, ok. So yes, I rang my home and I was taken aback to discover an unknown person answering my phone. I was taken aback and then realize that I dialed the wrong number. Ok, to take aback, to be taken aback. So anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

to take aback, 通常用被動式,即be taken aback,是驚訝、吃驚、震驚的意思。我對倫敦物價之高感到震­驚。我很驚訝,對此大吃一驚。to take aback,或者be taken aback也表示不安的意思。我必須站立演講。當我看著面前的這­些人時,他們也在看著我,我感到taken aback, 驚恐不安。我有be taken aback的感覺。我給家裡打電話,很驚訝地聽到一個陌生人在接­聽電話,我taken aback, 後來才意識到我打錯了電話。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個­“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

pin something on somebody


Hi there, students. To pin something on somebody, ok, you pin a crime on another person. Ok, it's to attribute this action to another person, to attribute this crime to another person. So I did this robbery but then I pined this robbery on my friend, I said that he had done it, that he was the guilty person and he was found guilty of doing it. The crime was pined on him. Ok. So to attribute , to say, to prove, to show that somebody else did something bad. Even though they didn't, yeah. So when you do something bad, maybe brothers and sisters, they always try to pin the bad things that their parents found them doing on their brother or sister, yeah, pin on, mum is going to be angry about me breaking this vase. I will see if I can pin it on my brother. "He did it, it was't me, it was him". At this point, I am trying to pin the breaking of the vase on my brother. Ok, to pin something on somebody. Ok, yeah. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to pin something on somebody, 你將一件罪行pin on另外一個人,是說你將這個動作強加給這個人,將罪行強加給這­個人。我做了這個搶劫案,但我將它嫁禍給我的朋友,我說是他干的­,他是有罪的人,而且他被判了有罪,罪行被強加於他身上了。就是­說,將某件事加之於,去講,去證明,去顯示某個人做了某件壞事,­盡管他沒有干。比如你做了件錯事,兄弟姐妹經常將他們所做的被父­母發現的錯事轉嫁給其他的兄弟姐妹。媽媽對於我將花瓶打碎了非常­生氣,我看看能不能將它嫁禍給哥哥。“是他干的,不是,是他!”­。在這件事上,我企圖將打碎花瓶的事嫁禍給我哥哥。好了,如果你­喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快­和你又見面。

2013年3月26日 星期二


Hi there, students. Flabbergasted, to flabbergast, flabbergast, ok, if you are flabbergasted, you are overcome with astonishment. It's maybe a bit more than taken aback, it's completely amazed, completely astonied. So you are not just a big surprise, you are totally flabbbergasted. I was totally flabbergasted when this beautiful woman came up and kissed me, totally surprised, totally amazed. We went to this restaurant and we had a really nice meal. But I was flabbergasted when the  bill arrived. 600 pounds for two people! Wow, that's really a flabbergasting, astonishing price. So flabbergasted, to be overcome with astonishment, to be floored if you like, yeah. Ok, so to flabbergast, to astonish totally and completely. Ok, anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!flabbergasted, flabbergast, 如果你是flabbergasted,你完全被令人震驚的事情所­擊倒,這要超過簡單的“驚訝”“吃驚”,而是完全的“大吃一驚”­。這不僅僅是一個“很驚訝”的程度,而是完全被驚呆了。當這個漂­亮的女人走過來親吻我的時候,我完全驚呆了。完全地驚訝,徹底地­震驚。我們去了一家飯店,吃了一頓很好的飯。但是當餐單來的時候­,我完全驚呆了,兩個人要600鎊!這完全是令人驚呆的、震驚的­價格。所以,flabbergasted,是完全被令人震驚的事­所擊倒,你也可以用to be floored形容。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡­”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

think twice

Hi there,students. I recommand you think twice about that. So to think twice, to consider and then think about it again carefully. So this carriage is very expensive and it's quite old. If I were you I think twice before buy it. So I think about it and then think again, so be careful, to weigh carefully, to give extra consideration to something, ok. Yeah. To think twice, so I recommand you think twice about this, you think about this very carefully before making your decision, you turn it over in your mind. Yeah, you weigh the pros and cons, you deliberate about it more than you have so far. Yeah, so, yes, maybe if you are going to have children, you should think twice before actually doing it, ok. It's a big responsibility and you need to think carefully about doing it, yeah. It's not something, just do it, think twice, consider carefully. Ok, so if you enjoy this video, don't think twice, don't think twice about giving me a rating, so don't reconsider, just do it directly. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我建議你對此事三思而後行,to think twice, 慎重考慮,考慮再考慮。這架四輪馬車非常貴而且舊,如果我是你,­買之前我會反復考慮。所以,我考慮了一次,然後再考慮,要小心,­謹慎地權衡輕重,對一件事給予額外的謹慎考慮。我建議對此事做慎­重考慮,在動手之前,你要反復考慮。在你腦中反復權衡,你權衡利­弊,對自己所掌控的東西深思熟慮。如果你想要孩子,你要三思後行­,因為這是件責任極大的事,在決定要之前,你要反復考慮。這不是­件你隨便可以決定做的事,反復思考,慎重考慮。好了,如果你喜歡­這個錄像,不要考慮,無需考慮,馬上給它一個“喜歡”的評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

laughing stock

Hi there, student. A laughing stock, so you knon to laugh, hahah, and stock, I think it is the merchandise perhaps the shop sells or the things that you normally have in stock. But what does this mean the laughing stock or laughing stock? Well a laughing stock is a person, normally, who is, (wait?), could be a thing as well, who is the object of the ridicule, who everybody laughs at. It's the stock, the merchandise, in society that everybody laughts at. Ok, so perhaps you do something really really really silly, and you are the laughing stock of your friends for many weeks. All of your friends laughed about it, ridiculed you, make jokes about it because you did something really silly. So laughing stock, the vicitim or the object of people laughing at you. Because everybody has heard about it and everybody thinks it's funny. Yeah, Ok. If you like, the vicitim of ridicule, yeah. So if I fall over on television if I slip on the banana and fall over on the television,  I am going to be a laughing stock, the vicitim of people ridicule for a long time. Ok. A laughing stock, so this is something (a figure of fun?), of everybody's fool,somebody who everybody laughs at for one reason or another. so it's stock, it's common to laugh about this person, a laughing stock. To make a laughing stock of yourself, not a very good thing to do. But maybe you have got a good sense of humour and you like to laugh, it's not so bad. (There comes point ?) where maybe if you are the (butt? ) of the too many jokes about it, you got angry. I don't know. So the laughing stock, to be the laughing stock. So if you enjoy the video and I haven't made a laughing stock of myself, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a laughing stock, 你知道笑這個動作,哈哈哈哈,stock, 我認為是商品、貨物,在商店銷售的東西,或者是那些通常你有的東­西。但是,laughing stock 究竟是什麼意思?a laughing stock通常指的是人,也可以是物,他們成了被嘲諷的對像,每­個人都在嘲笑他,他就是那個“商品、物品”被每個人所嘲弄。或許­你做了一件非常非常愚蠢的事,幾星期以來,你成了你的朋友嘲笑的­對像。你的朋友都在嘲笑這件事,譏諷你,開你的玩笑,皆因你做了­件非常愚蠢的事。所以,a laughing stock就是人們嘲弄的對像、犧牲者。每個人都聽到這件事,每­個人都覺得這件事好笑,他是嘲弄的犧牲者。如果我踩在香蕉皮上在­錄像裡跌倒,我會成為大家長時間的laughing stock,嘲笑的犧牲者。a laughing stock,是某件事具有好笑的特點,成為大家嘲笑的對像,每個­人都因為各種原因而嘲笑這件事。嘲笑一個laughing stock 是很通常的事情,你會發現做一個laughing stock不是件好玩的事。但是也許你很有幽默感而且你喜歡笑,­這樣就不是太差了。如果你(??),你或許會生氣,我不肯定。好­了,如果你喜歡這個錄像而且我沒有變成一個laughing stock, 留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道。我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月24日 星期日

walk somebody through something

Hi there, students. To walk somehbody through something, this is to explain something to somebody, something complex by doing all of the steps necessary with them so that they can see what you do. So let me walk you through making a cake. I am going to do it but you are going to watch me do it.So if I walk you through doing it, then in the future you will be able to do it. Maybe you don't understand a mathematic problem. I can walk you through the problem. So I can walk through you,  I can show you how to do it because I know and you need to learn. Yeah. So to walk somebody through something, to explain or to lead somebody through a problem or through (all?) process by you doing all of these individual pieces so that they can see what is necessary to do. Ok. To walk someone through something, (likes?) that, is much easier to do on your own in the future, yeah. Ok. So I try to walk you through the speaking of English, but it is bit more complicated than a walkthrough notice, a walkthrough, a phrasal noun means the same thing. Let me give you a walkthrough of this problem, an explanation from the beginning to the end, so you can see it. Ok. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to walk somebody through something, 意思是向某人解釋某件事,通過演示所有必要的過程來令他們看到你是怎麼做的。讓我來展示給你看我是怎麼做蛋糕的。我將進行展示,而你要觀看我是怎麼做的。如果我領著你展示給你看我是怎麼做的,那麼將來你可以自己做。也許你對數學上的問題有疑問,我可以帶著你學,我可以和你一起學,展示給你看。因為我知道怎麼做,而你則需要學習怎麼做。所以to walk somebody through something,是解釋並帶領某人解決某個問題或了解整個過程,通過你對於所有獨立環節的操作令他們明白什麼是需要做的。To walk someone through something, 這樣做可以令到你將來自己操作的時候非常容易進行。我嘗試帶著你一起學習英語口語,但是有一點復雜。a walkthrough是一個名詞短語,和to walk somebody through something 是一個意思。對這個問題,我會給你一個從頭到尾的walkthrough,你­就會明白了。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級­;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

couldn't tear myself away from something

 Hi there, students. To tear yourself away from something, normally in the negative, I couldn't tear myself away from it, ok, something is really really interesting. It's so interesting that you can't tear yourself away from it. To tear, ok, to tear a piece of paper. So something is really really interesting that you can't tear yourself away from it. So it's so interesting that you can't stop watching.  I couldn't tear myself away from the film last night, it was so interesting. Ok, yeah. So I hope you can't tear yourself away from this video. Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to tear yourself away from something, 通常用否定句,I couldn't take myself away from it,某件事非常非常有趣,你無法將你自己從此事上面“撕扯、分­離”下來,這不像撕開一張紙那樣容易。所以,如果這件事非常有缺­,你是無法將自己輕易“扯開”的。這件事是如此有缺,你無法停止­觀看。昨晚,我無法將自己從電影中抽離,太有趣了。我希望你們也­無法從這個錄像中抽離。好了,如果你們喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“­喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的評級,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月23日 星期六

he would turn in his grave

Hi there, students. To turn in your grave, or to turn over in your grave, this talks about a situation that would make a dead person very unhappy. Yeah. My grandmother was really proud of this table and if she saw what you were doing with it right now, she would turn in her grave. Yeah, she would be very upset. So notice, if somebody had known something or somebody knew something, they would turn over in their graves, yeah. It's a second conditional (??) this one, yeah. So this is saying a dead person would be really unhappy or really upset about a current situation. So upset that they would turn over or move in their grave, the place where their body lies, ok. But we only use this for dead people, yeah. If my grandfather saw the way they had developed and built in (Ogst?), he would turn in his grave, he would roll over in his grave, he would be very upset. Yeah. Anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to turn in your grave, or to turn over in your grave, 這句是用來說某中情況之離譜可以令死去的人都生氣。我的婆婆對這個桌子感到十分自豪,如果她看到你現在是怎麼對待它的,她會氣得坐起來。就是說,她會非常非常生氣。注意,如果一個人已經知道某件事,他們會在墓裡面氣得坐起來。這是個第二條句。這個短句是說一個死去的人都會對現有的某種狀況感到非常不高興、煩悶,他們是如此的生氣、憋悶,以至於在墓裡面(他們的軀體所在地)都會氣得坐起來。但是,我們僅對死去的人才用這句短句。如果我的爺爺看到他們是如何開發、修建(??)的,他會氣得在墓裡面坐起來,他會非常生氣。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月22日 星期五

we will cross that bridge when we come to it

 Hi there, students. We will cross that bridge when we come to it, ok, to cross a bridge when you come to it, we will find a solution to this problem when it is necessary to find a solution. We are not going to break our heads now trying to find a solution that we don't need now. We are going to find solutions to solve the problems that we have at this moment. And then the problems we have in the future, our bridges we will cross when we come to them. So I need to do many things but the payment is a big problem. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I...when I need to pay, I will find the way to pay, I will find the solution to the problem. Ok. So we will cross that bridge when we come to it, it means we will find the solution to the problem when that problem needs to be solved. But not before. Because before we are very occupied with many other things. Ok. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

go on and on and on

Hi there,students. To go on and on and on, to continue and to keep continuing and to not stop. So the teacher went on and on and on explaining the concept, continued, more time than necessary. He went on and on and on, going on too long, too long explanation. The film was really boring, it went on and on and on. It continued, continued, continued. So this video is going to be very short because if I go on and on and on, you can get bored. So if you enjoy the video and I didn't go on too much, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to go on and on and on, 是繼續、不停地持續、不停歇的意思。老師持續不停地解釋那個概念­。不停地,要比所需時間多很多。他不停地,持續地進行超長的解釋­。那個電影實在是乏味,不停地重復又重復,反復又反復。這個錄像­是很短的,因為如果我不停地重復,你會感到厭煩。好了,如果你喜­歡這個錄像,我不會反復重復的,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我­的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月21日 星期四

pin up

Hi there, students. To pin something up, so he pinned up a notice on the wall. So to pin, to take a drawing pin and put up on the wall. So he pinned up his girlfriend's picture on his wall. In the past you could have a pin-up girl or pin-up model. This is a picture for beautiful girl or beautiful man, I suppose. who you pin on your wall because you want to look at it, ok, a pin-up girl. This is from this phrasal verb, to pin something up. He pinned up the notice on the notice board. Ok, to take it and put it with a pin so that everyone can see. Up, means on the wall (in plain side?) . Ok, so he pinned up some pictures on the wall. He put with some pins or some, some types, something sticky with blue tape, solar tape something, some pictures on the wall. So to pin up, to put something on the wall, so everyone can see it or to pin something up on the notice board. Ok. So a nice simple phrasal verb. If you enjoy it, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to pin up, 把一些東西pin up, 他將通知釘在牆上。to pin, 是拿一個摁釘,將其釘在牆上。他將女朋友的照片釘在牆上。在以前­,你可以看到pin-up女孩及pin-up模特,他們是漂亮的­女孩,也許是男孩子,我這樣猜。你將他們的照片釘在牆上,因為你­想看到他們。一個pin-up女孩,這來自於短語pin某件物體­up,他將通知釘在了通知版上了。拿著它,用一個摁釘,將它釘在­通知版上,讓每個人都能看到。這裡up的意思是在牆上空白的一面­。他將一些畫釘在了牆上。他用釘子釘上,或者用些有粘性的東西,­比如blue tape及solar tape等將畫固定在牆上。所以,to pin up就是將某件東西掛在牆上,以便人人都能看到,或將通知貼在通­知版上。好了,這是一個很不錯的、簡單的動詞短語。如果你喜歡之­歌錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又­見面。

pin down

Hi there, students. To pin down, to hold in position with a pin. So he used his left hand to pin the fish down before cutting off its head. Sorry sounds a bit violent, but...To pin down, to pin in position, when you are wrestling, one of your objectives is to pin down your opponent, to hold in position, so he can't move. That's the literal mean. Yeah. He pinned me down and I couldn't move because he was much bigger than me. But then you can pin something down, you can find the reason for it. There is a problem with this engine and I want to pin down, fix (establish ??)exactly the problem. So (??) pin down a problem, pin it down, find out exactly where it is. When I have new students, one of the things I want to do is to pin down their problems in English. So to fix in position so that it establishes clearly my mind that what the problem is. Ok, to pin soemthing down, yeah. Maybe you want to pin somebody down and tell, and then to tell you what exactly what they think It's very difficult to pin down a politian because he never says anything fixed. Yeah, so, ok, to pin down, to force somebody to give a fixed or precise opinion about something. The reporter pinned down the president on his opinion about this matter. Ok, to pin down. Ok, so anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to pin down, 是將某物用釘子固定在一個位置上。在將魚頭切掉前,他用左手將魚­固定住。抱歉,聽起來有點太暴力,但是.....to pin down, 將某物固定住。在摔角的時候,你的目標之一是鉗制住你的對手,將­他壓住,令他無法動彈。這就是它字面的意思。他將我壓制住,我無­法動彈,因為他比我要強壯得多。你也可以pin某件事down, 你可以找出其中的原因。這個馬達有點問題,我要pin down, 將問題確切地固定、確立。所以你pin 問題down, 你准確地找出問題所在。當我有新學員時,其中一個我要做的事情是­我要pin down他們在英語上存在的問題,確定問題何在,以便清晰地在我­腦中建立他們有什麼樣的問題。或許你想pin某人down,令他­們確切告訴你他們在想什麼。pin down一個政治家是非常困難的,因為他們從不講確切的事情。所­以,to pin down某人,就是說要強迫他講出對某件事的確切的看法。那個記­者對總統緊盯不放,一定要他講出對事情的看法。好了,如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你­又見面。

2013年3月19日 星期二

turn the clock back

Hi there ,students. To turn the clock back or to turn back the clock, this is when you wish things were the same as they had been before, ok that the things hadn't changed. If only we could turn the clock back and be little children again. Ok, but we can't . So turn the clock back or to turn back the clock, to go back to the former time when things were different. yeah. Do you ever wish we could turn the clock back and go back to a much simpler life, maybe just hang togethers, I don't know. To turn the clock back, this is when you are wishing "I wish we could turn the clock back", you are wishing the things were as they were at some pointing in the past and not as they are now, not is they have changed or developed. This is remembering or harking back, harking back, to hark back, to previous states, maybe, that no longer exist. And we think of  (..ly?) now, but they won't like we really remember them. Ok. So to turn the clock back, to turn back the clock, yeah. I bet you really wish you could turn the clock back and starts studying English when you were really young. It would have made a lot of difference. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to turn the clock back, 或者to turn back the clock, 這是當你希望事情和以前一樣的時候所說的話,事情沒有改變,比如­,如果我們可以將時鐘逆轉,我們要重新做小孩子,但其實我們是無­法做到的。所以,to turn the clock back是說回到從前,回到事情還沒有改變過的從前。你曾經祈求­過我們回到遙遠的從前過一種簡單的生活嗎?或許只是聚在一起都好­,我不確定。to turn the clock back, 是當你希冀的時候,我希望能將時鐘倒轉,我希望事情就像從前沒有­改變過的樣子,不要像現在的樣子,不要改變,不要有任何發展。這­有關記憶和重回過去,回到從前的狀態,或許那已不復存在。而且我­們現在這樣思考,也許他們並不想我們記住他們。好了,這就是tu­rn the clock back的意思。我確信你非常想turn the clock back並且從非常年幼的時候就開始學英語。如果這樣,今天的情­況將非常不同。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評­級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月18日 星期一

rest on one's laurels

Hi there, students. Rest on one's laurels, ok, a laurel is a plant, is a (bylians?). And in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, they were used to have a crown laurels for the victor, for the winner of games. So if you rest on your laurels, you rest on your past successess, your past successes were so wonderful that you don't have to do anything now. Yeah. So rest on your laurels, to stop trying now becuase you are really satisfied with what you have done in the past. It's not a good thing to rest on your laurels, you need to be continually improving and getting better. When you past your exam, you can't rest on your laurels, you need to continue studying, yeah. The business seems to have rested on its laurels and the competitors seem to have taken away a lot of their business, ok. So they are feeling wonderful because of past successes and thinking that they don't need to do anything now. So with your English is not a good idea to rest on your laurels if you have done well English in the past. You need to always continue trying to learn, trying to improve. Ok. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to rest on one's laurels, laurel, 是一種植物,是()。在古希腊和古羅馬,它被用來制作比賽中勝利­者的桂冠。所以,如果你rest on your laurels, 你就是“沉湎於過去的成功而不思進取”。你過去的成功是如此精彩­以至於你現在無需做任何事情。所以to rest on one's laurels,就是停止嘗試前進,因為你非常滿足於過去的成功­。to rest on your lauels並不是一個好決定,因為你應該不停地提升自己並變得­更好。當你通過了考試,你不應滿足於成功而停滯不前,你要繼續學­習。這家公司似乎沉湎於過去的成功而不思進取,其競爭者則搶走了­很多生意。他們感覺良好,因為過去的成功太顯赫,他們覺得無需再­做進一步發展。而對於你的英語來說,如果你曾經有很大的進步,而­現在rest on your laurels不是一件好事,你需要不停地學習,不停地提升。好­了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道­,我將很快和你又見面。

to be off like a shot

 Hi there, students. To be off like a shot, to leave very rapidly. The police arrived then he was off like a shot, he went away very quickly, he was off like a shot. My friends discovered there was free food in the restaurant, they were off like a shot down to the restaurant to get some. To leave where you are and go to another place immediately, very rapidly. He finished his lunch, it was off like a shot and left very quickly. Ok. So a nice, easy phrase "to be off like a shot".  So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to be off like a shot,快速離開,比如,警察來了,他 was off like a shot, 他飛快地離開了。我的朋友發現餐廳有免費餐,他們飛快地奔去餐廳­去弄一些。離開你所在的地方,快速地去另外一個地方,非常迅速。­他飛快地吃完了午飯,急速地離開了。好了,這是一個好用又容易的­短語,to be off like a shot。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我­的頻道。我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月16日 星期六

go to earth

 Hi there, students. To go to earth or to go to ground, I normally say to go to earth, this means to hide. This is literally a (matterful copying??) for example, a fox. A fox that running from the dogs sometimes goes to earth, finds a tunnel or a hole inside the earth, inside the ground to hide them. Ok. To go to ground, to go to earth, to find a place to hide. So his mum is really angry with him, I don't know where he has gone. But he has gone to earth, somewhere, he has gone to ground, somewhere. The great train robber Ronnie Biggs went to earth in Brazil. Ok, hide, try to be safe, try to find a safe place, to live, to be in a place that you think you are safe, yeah. Ok, so maybe someone is angry with you, you don't want to face them. You need to go to ground, ok, hide, to find a place to hide, find a place to hide. Ok. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to go to earth, 或者to go to ground,我通常用to go to earth,它的意思是“躲藏”。它基本上是參照狐狸的動作,狐­狸被狗所追趕,有時會go to earth, 找到渠道或洞穴躲藏,to go to ground,去躲藏,去找到一個地方藏起來。他媽媽對他非常生­氣,我不知道他去了哪裡,他應該躲起來了。驚天火車劫案中的劫匪­Ronnie Biggs躲到巴西去了。躲藏,企圖匿藏起來,試圖找到安全的地­方藏起來。比如,有人非常生你的氣,你不想面對,你必須go to ground,躲藏,找到一個地方躲避。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄­像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面­。

2013年3月15日 星期五


Hi there, students. Zenith, ok, this is a nice word beginning with z, a good letter. Zenith, (orginally?) I think is from (Arabet?). And the zenith is the point directly above your head. Ok. So if you look at the sky or the stars, the point is exactly 90 degrees to all the horizon above your head, it's the zenith. So this means the highest point. Ok. So the zenith, the sun is at its zenith at 2:15 at the highest point, possible, yeah. Ok, it might not be your zenith, but its zenith. We often use zenith for at its highest point, so this thing is very fashionable at the moment, it is at the zenith of fashion. Notice: at its zenith, at your zenith, ok, it is a position. Ok. So at the highest point. Ok notice also, the opposite is nadir, the point directly below you, ok. So remember this word, the word beginning with z, zenith, your zenith, the highest point, the maximum, the most of the most, yeah. You can use it to talk about strongly, but you are probably not going to do that. But if you study, study and study, the zenith of your English will improve everyday, the high point, ok. But if you stop studying English, then possibly your English will have reached the zenith, its highest point, and then going down. Ok. So if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!zenith, 這是個很不錯的詞,以z開頭,一個很好的字母。我認為zenit­h來源於(?),zenith是垂直於頭上最高的點。如果你抬頭­仰望天空會或者星星,會發現上面的點是超過你頭上以90度角垂直­於地平面,zenith表示最高的點。太陽在2:15分達到它的­最高點,這可能不是你的最高點,但是卻是太陽的最高點。我們經常­用zenith表示事物的最高點。比如,這是近期最流行的東西,­它是流行趨勢的最高境界。注意,它是“在最高點”、“在你的..­.最高點”,表示的是位置,在事物的最高位置。注意,zenit­h的反義詞是nadir,垂直你自身位置之下的那個點。好了,記­住這個詞,以z開始,你的zenith, 最高點、最大值、極致之最。你可以用它加強談話的強度,但是你可­能不打算這樣做。但是如果你不停地學習,你的英語的極限將每天提­升;但是如果你停止學習,你的英語程度會由最高點下滑。如果你喜­歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道。我將很快和­你又見面。

2013年3月14日 星期四

You Pays Your Money and You Takes your Choice

Hi there, students. You pays your money and you takes your choice, ok, notice, this is an informal idiom. What does it mean? You pays your money and you takes your choice, you as the buyer have the money, as a buyer, have the money and you decide which of the many things available you are going to choose. But really they are all the same or similar, that's my slant on the meaning of this idiom. You pays your money and you takes the choice, you are the one with the money, you need to choose which of the available political parties, ideals, ideas, thoughts, mindsets, things available. And you takes your choice, ok, (if?) for me, this means that all of these things are very similar or even the same and there is not much different (??). But maybe I am quite a cynical chap. Notice as well, you pays and you takes or you makes your choice. So a question about the orginal of this. Well, I know Mark Twain, and I know It has been used in (punch?) as well. Both of these were used in 19 century. So I guess it is equally valued for American and for British English. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Maybe you takes your money, you pays your money and takes your choice. See you soon. Bye for now.

各位!you pays your money and you takes your choice, 注意,這是一個非正式的常用語,這句話是什麼意思呢?你是擁有資­金的買家,你決定在眾多可選擇的東西中去挑選你所需要的東西。但­是,這些東西卻非常相似或是一樣的。這是我對於這句常用句的一家­之見。you pays your money and you takes choice, 你擁有資金,你需要去選擇政黨、理想、觀點、看法、思維模式並承­擔選擇的後果。對我來說,所有的這些東西都是非常相似的,甚至是­一樣的,沒有太大的分別。也許我是一個十分多疑的家伙。要注意,­這裡是you pays, you takes, you makes。這句話的來源是怎麼樣的?我知道馬克吐溫(?),我­也知道這句話一直被用在“Punch”(cartoon?)。這­兩個用法都出現在19世紀,我猜測這句短句在美國英語和英國英語­中具有同等使用價值。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡­”評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。you pays your money and you makes the choice。再見。

2013年3月13日 星期三

the tail wags the dog

Hi there,students. Have you heard the phrase "the tail wags the dog"? Ok, so let's see a dog has tail at the back and tail wags, it moves back and forwards. Ok. So when the dog is happy, a dog wags its tail, it moves its tail. But this phrase says "the tail wags (move back and forward) the dog". Ok, this is a phrase meaning the unimportant part of somthing is having more effect on the whole situation than the important part of something. So let me give you an example, let's make it (a lot) clearer. Yes, he was given a beautiful present. But he was very upsent because he didn't like the colour. Ok, the present was beautiful, forget the colour, it doesn't matter it is blue or red, yeah. He has been looking for a job for year and finally found one. The problem was it was an hour's journey everyday there and (back?). So he said he wasn't going to take it, to take the job. Here, again, the tail is wagging the job (dog), what's more important? Having the job or having to spend an hour each way travelling? Yeah, he has been looking for it for year, so which part is more important, taking the job or the problem travelling? That's the idea of "the tail wags the dog". He gave...the student gave beautiful presentation. But I gave him a Nine because his pronunciation wasn't perfect. He was very upset that he has got a Nine. Ok, well, he thought, perhaps he thought he deserved a Ten, I don't know. But it is a case again "the tail wagging the dog". He should be very happy to get a Nine, yeah. Be satisfied with the situationk, don't let the unimportant things take over, yeah. Ok. He was very angry with his girlfriend becuase she was half an hour late. Here the tail is wagging the dog. Half an hour, it doesn't matter, yeah. Ok. You need to look at the important parts of the situations. Anyway, (I grace???), if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你有沒有聽過短句“the tail wags the dog”?狗尾巴搖動了狗。我們看看,一只狗在後面有尾巴,而尾­­巴會來回搖動。當狗高興的時候,它會來回搖動尾巴。但是這個短­句­卻是在說“尾巴在搖動這個狗”。這個短句的意思是某件事非重­要的­部分卻對整體有著非常重要的影響。我給你一個例子,把它說­得更清­楚些。有人給了他一件非常漂亮的禮物,但是他有點不開心­,因為他­不喜歡禮物的顏色。禮物很漂亮,顏色並不重要,忘掉顏­色,管它是­藍色還是紅色。他已經找了整年的工作,最後終於找到­了一份工作。­但問題是這是一份要每天要各花一個小時上下班的工­作。他說,他不­會接受這份工作。這裡尾巴再一次搖動了狗。接受­這份工作和每天各­花一個小時上下班,究竟哪個更加重要?他已經­找了成年的工作,接­受這份工作或者每天要奔波,哪部分更重要?­這就是“the tail wags the dog”的意思。一個學生做了一個優美的示範,但我給了他九分,­­因為他的發音並不完美。只得到九分,他感到非常不高興。或許他­認­為他值得十分....我不知道....不過這又是一次“th­e tail wags the dog”。實際上他應該很高興得到九分。他應該滿意這個結局,不要讓次要的­東西所控制。他很生他女朋友的氣,因為她遲到了半個小時。這裡,­狗尾巴又搖動了狗,半小時,這無所謂,你應該看重的是問題的重點­。好了,(?)如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

simple versus simplistic

 Hi there, students. So what's the difference between simple and simplistic? Ok, simple means something which is not complicated, but it is easy to understand or do, yeah. Ok, it is (known) without complication. Whereas (something like??) simplistic, it's too simple, it's (forgetting) some of the more complicated things, over-simplified, ok. And ignoring complicities or complications. Ok. So nitice, simple, can be great or bad; simplistic, is talking about a criticism. So if you have a simplistic view of the world, you are very naive, yeah. You don't understand the complicities of the world. But you could have a simple view of the world which could be good or bad just not a complicated one, ok. So, yes, for example, I could give you a simplistic explanation or I could give you a simplex explanation. A simplex explanation is easy for you to understand. But a simplistic explanation is one (where?) I have made it over simplified, I have removed or not explained some of the complicated things that really are (within it?). Ok. So it is not realistic, yeah. Ok, so simplistic, over simplified complex problems, yeah. Making unrealisticly simple judgement or analysis of things, ok. So, simplistic, extreme naivety, where simple just not complex. Ok, I hope this has been a simplex explanation and not a simplistic one ignoring difficulties. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!simple和simplistic的分別是什麼?sim­ple,是不復雜的意思,是容易理解並易做的意思,免去了復雜成­分。而simplistic則是某件事太過簡單,忽略了一些復雜­的事情,過於簡化,忽視了內在關聯性和復雜性。注意,simpl­e,可以是好的或者不好的,而simplistic通常傾向於批­評。比如,如果你對世界有一種過於簡單化的看法,那你將是非常幼­稚的,你不理解世界內部間的關聯。但你可以對世界有一種簡單的看­法,它可以是好的,也可能是不好的,但是,它一定不是復雜的。比­如,我可以給你一個非常簡化的解釋,我也可以給你一個單純的解釋­。單純的解釋是容易理解的。但是過於簡化的解釋則是我將其極度簡­化,我將其中的復雜的東西刪除了,不太現實。所以,simpli­stic,是將有關聯性的復雜事物極度簡化,做出不現實的簡單判­斷和分析。simplistic, 極端的幼稚;simple,則是不復雜。我希望我的解釋是不錯的­、單純的,不是過於簡化的、略去難點的解釋。好了,如果你喜歡這­個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級。訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又­見面。

2013年3月11日 星期一

a ten mile walk

Hi there, students. In English, do we say "a two-week holiday" or "a two-weeks holiday"? Ok. Notice the first one "a two-week holiday" is correct. But then we can also say "the holiday lasted two weeks", "I had a two-week holiday". So notice when we have this construction "noun noun", the first noun in that construction doesn't take a "s". Let me give you some more exampleSo "two-hour English lesson", the hour doesn't take a "s". Here, the noun "hour" is acting like adjective describing the lesson, yeah. Let me give you some more examples. "A two-player game", not "a two-players game", a two-player game, yeah. For example, in English, if you said "I have a two-ride car", you wouldn't say "a two-rides car", because adjectives don't take "s" . So in this case, the noun of the noun-noun construction, a two-hour lesson is acting like an adjective, therefore nos. "I have a two-hour English lesson", not a two-hours English lesson, "a two-hour English lesson".  "s". But the lesson lasts two hours, yes, s, because it's acting as a noun. Ok, let's look at some more things. Yeah, a multi-use tool, not a multi-uses tool, a multi-use tool. Notice, the use, many, a tool with many uses, a multi-use, this tool has multiple uses, but it is a multiple-use tool, a use, here, a multiple-use tool, the use is a noun but acting as an adjective in the noun-noun construction. Ok. A three-mile walk, a distance, not a three-miles walk, a three-mile walk. A two-seat sofa, a sofa with two seats, but a two-seat sofa. Ok. So something to remember, when you have a noun-noun construction, (don't make the descriptive noun comes before the second noun, the last noun, don't make it plural, no ("s"s??). A two-hour lesson, a three-mile walk, a two-player game. Ok. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel, and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!在英語裡,我們是否有“a two-week holiday”這種講法?或者“a two weeks holiday”?注意,第一種講法“a two-week holiday”是正確的。我們也可以說,“假期一共有兩個星期­”。“我休了一個兩個星期的假期”。注意,當我們用名連接加名詞­這種結構時,此結構中的第一個不帶s。我再給大家舉一些例子。“­我上了一堂兩個小時的英語課程”,不是“a two hours English lesson”,是“a two-hour English lesson”。這裡,hour不帶s,它起到類似形容詞的作用­,用來修飾lesson。我給大家舉多一些例子。“a two-player game”,不能說“a two-players game”。比如,英語裡,你說“我有一架two-ride car”,你不可以說“I have a two rides car”,因為形容詞不可以帶s。在本例中,名詞加名詞結構中的­第一個名詞two-hour起到形容詞的作用,所以後面不帶s。課程持續了兩個小時,此時要用s,因為這裡“two hours”是名詞。我們再看一些例子。“a multi-use too”,多用途工具,不能說“a multi-uses tool”,而是“a multi-use tool”。注意,這裡的工具,是有很多用途的工具,這裡的us­e是名詞,但在名詞加名詞的結構中起到形容詞的作用。“a three-mile walk”,一段三英裡的路程,不能說“a three-miles walk”。“a two-seats sofa”,一張兩個座的沙發,雖然這是個有兩個座的沙發,但是­我們要說“a two-seats sofa”。所以,我們要記住:當你看到名詞加名詞結構,不要(­),不要將第二個名詞變成復數。兩個鐘的課程,三英裡長的路程,­兩個選手的游戲。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的­評級,訂閱我的頻道,我講很快和你又見面。

2013年3月7日 星期四


Hi there, students. Likewise, ok, this is an adverb which means in the same way, similarly, as well, also, moreover, besides, too, yeah, in addention to, furthermore, moreover. Ok. Likewise, besides, as well. Let me give you some examples. I live in Spain and many of my friends likewise, many of my friends live in Spain likewise, in the similar way to me. So A, blah, blah, blah, B, likewise. I am very tired, and I imagine you likewise, you are tired likewise, in the similar way, in the similar fashion to me. He studies English and she likewise, she studies English likewise, similar to him. Ok. So likewise, in addition, as well, also. Yeah. I like hot sunny weather and you likewise, you like hot sunny weather likewise in a similar way to me, also, ok? So there you are , a nice adverb to use, likewise, in a similar way. So if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel likewise, similarly, and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!likewise, 這是個副詞,意思是“使用同樣的方式”、“相近的”、“也”、“­同樣”、“同時”、“而且”、“除...之外”、“此外”。我給­大家一些例子:我住在西班牙,我的很多朋友也住在西班牙,他們和­我一樣也住在西班牙。所以,A如何如何,B也同樣如此。我非常疲­倦,我料想你也是如此,你也是同樣疲倦,和我一樣疲倦。他在學英­語,她也同樣在學英語,她在和他一樣在學英語。所以,likew­ise, 同樣的、一樣的、也。我喜歡熱的、陽光普照的天氣,你也同樣。你­和同樣喜歡熱的、陽光燦爛的天氣。好了,這是個很不錯的副詞,很­有用,likewise, 同樣的方式。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級,同樣­地,也訂閱我的頻道。我將和你很快再見面。

2013年3月6日 星期三

in a fix

Hi there, students. To be in a fix, this is an idiom meaning to be in a problem, to be in difficulties. So I am in a bit of fix at the moment, I need extra money, I need more money to pay my bills. Ok, so to be in a fix, ok, to have a problem, to have difficulty. So maybe you need to resolve the problem if you are in a fix, maybe you need to fix your fix, yeah. Ok, so if you are in a fix, you need to find a way to resolve your problem; if you are in fix in English, you could listen to my videos (in?) my help. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to be in a fix, 這是一句習語,意思是“有個難題”“有困難”。比如,目前我有點­小困難,我需要額外的錢,我需要更多的錢去支付我的賬單。所以,­to be in a fix, 是有困難的意思。所以,如果你有難題,你就需要解決這個難題,你­需要fix你的fix。如果你有一個fix, 你需要解決你的難題;如果你在英語上有難題,你可以聽我的錄音。­好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻­道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月5日 星期二


Hi there, students. To flog, ok, this is a nice British slang phrase meaning to sell. Yeah. There was a man flogging watches in the market, to flog, to sell, to try to sell. How much are you flogging those for? Ok, flog also means to beat or to hit either with a stick or with a whip, yeah. To flog, to beat hashly or severely with the whip or a stick or a rod. Yeah, so bang, bang, bang. But commonly in English, in British English, in the slang situation, they say to flog. So, yeah, how much do you think you could flog this for, sell this for, how much do you think I could flog this for. So to flog, to sell. Yeah. So if you enjoy this video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to flog, 這是一個很好的英國俚語短語,意思是“售賣”。有個人在市場售賣­手表, 出售,試圖出售。那些東西你售賣多少錢?flog也有打的意思,­擊打,可能用一條棍子或者皮鞭打。flog, 狠狠地、嚴厲地用棍子、皮鞭、杆子去打,打得發出啪啪啪聲音。但­是在英國英語中,人們常說to flog, 比如,你認為你可以將這個賣多少錢?你認為我可以將這個賣多少錢­?所以,to flog,就是出售的意思。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留系一個­“喜歡”的評級。訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年3月3日 星期日


Hi there, students. A debacle, a debacle, this comes from French, this talks about disaster, a downfall, a sudden disaster or failure. Particular often in organization. So the last piece of programme I did was a debacle, a disaster, a (rot?), a ludicrous failure. Ok. A debacle is really serious and maybe foremost funny for other people. There was total lack of organization in the place, it was a complete debacle. The event was a debacle. Ok. a total disaster. Yeah, ludicrously organize, so it didn't work. Yeah. So a debacle. Anyway this video wasn't a debacle and you enjoy it, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a debacle, 這個詞來自法語,意思是“災難、垮台、突然性的災難或失敗”。通­常在公司組織結構中使用,比如,我做的最後一部分計劃是一場災難­,可笑的失敗。debacle是十分嚴重的,也許其他人首先第一­感覺是滑稽。徹底缺乏組織令到事情完全是一場災難,完全的災難性­後果。可笑的安排,令到事情無法進行。好了,這個錄像可不是一個­debacle,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級。­訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你再見面。

drop off

Hi there, students. To drop off, an interesting phrasal verb, (or?) first we could have the normal meaning to drop something off, the top of the building to drop, to let go. So he dropped the (bread?) off the top of the building, to let go, to let fall. But maybe you are giving somebody a lift in your car, you are taking them somewhere, you could drop them off, let them out near their house. Or you could drop off a parcel at your friend's house, leave, yeah, to leave something, normally when with a vehicle, you drive something and drop soemthing off, you leave it in a place. Ok. We could also have parts of the car dropped off as we (dro??) down the road, to fall off, to separate from, to break away from, yeah. So there were (bits?) of the car dropping off everywhere. I was so tired I thought mAnd then the final one to drop off intransitive, I was just dropping off, to go to sleep. Maybe you have really a good lunch and a couple of drinks then you....drop off, you fall asleep. Notice, this drop off is intransitive,so no direct objective, ok? So to drop off, to let fall from the top of, he dropped the apple off from the top of the tree, dropped off the apple from the top of the tree. You could drop a friend off their house, you could drop a parcel off at somebody's house (when?) y legs would drop off, because I have been walking all day, I thought they were going to fall off.  you are driving. And then something can drop off, it can break away from, separate from something. And then finally when you (s?) tired (at night?) you can drop off, fall asleep. Anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to drop off, 是一個很有趣的動詞短語。首先我們可以用它最原始的本意,即將一­樣東西由高處丟下,讓它掉下去。他將(面包?)由樓上丟下去,讓­它掉下去。當你搭載某人時,你開車帶他們去某處,你可以在接近他­們家的地方讓他們下車。或者你也可以將一件包裹留在你的朋友家,­留下什麼東西,通常是你駕駛車輛,然後你drop off某個東西在某處。我們也可以說部分汽車零件在汽車在路上(­顛簸?)時,從車上脫落了,脫離了,分開了。汽車的碎片散落得到­處都是。我太累了,走了一整天,感覺到腿要掉下來了。最後,dr­op off可以當不及物動詞使用。我正要去drop off, 打盹。也許你吃了一個很好的午餐並且喝了幾杯酒, 這時,你開始打盹了。注意,此處的drop off是不及物動詞,後面沒有直接賓語。好了,to drop off,將東西由高處丟下,他將蘋果由樹上丟下來;你在駕駛車時­,可以用drop off說將一個朋友在他家門口放下車;Drop off也表示某件東西脫落了;最後,當你疲倦時,你可以打瞌睡。­好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個”喜歡“的評級;訂閱我的頻­道。我將很快和你再見面。