2013年3月29日 星期五

that will do

Hi there, students. That will do, that will do, or even in the conditional "that would do". Ok, normally we only use this phrase in the future and conditional. So what does it mean? It means "that is sufficient", "that is adequate", "that's satisfactory". - I haven't got anything to write with, could you lend me a pen? - I only got a pencil. - That will do. So that is adequate, that is satisfactory, yes please, lend me your pencil. -Let me fill up your glass. - just a little bit. That will do Enough, sufficient, stop. - Would you like some more potatoes? - Stop, that will do, that's enough. So I am saying either that's enough or that's sufficient, that's adequate, that is the right thing, yeah. I.. it's enough. So maybe when something is finished or you have done soemthing enough for it, to be adequate, you say "that will do". Maybe when it's time to finish work, that will do for today, that is enough work for today. I need something to wrap up my sandwich. Oh, look, a plastic bag! That will do. - I need to ring my friend, can I use your phone? - Well, you can. But it hasn't got any battery, so it needs recharging. But there is a pay-phone over there. Would that do? Would that be sufficient? Would that be adequate? - Yes, the telephone there will do fine. Ok. That will do the job, that will do the trick. We have a couple of little idioms there as well. That will do the job, that is the perfect thing, the satisfactory thing for the job, or that will do  the trick, that's adequate, sufficient to do what you need. Yeah. So that will do, that is enough, it's sufficient, it's adequate, it is satisfactory, ok. So I think I have probably talked enough and that will do for this video, that's enough information for this video. If you enjoy it, then give it a rating and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!that will do, 或在條件句中的that would do, 通常我們只在將來時和條件句中用這個短語。這個短句是什麼意思?­它的意思是“足夠了”、“夠多了”“夠好了”。“我沒有什麼東西­可以用來寫字,你可以借給我一只筆嗎”?“我只有鉛筆”。“那就­可以了”。就是說,有鉛筆就夠了,就夠令人滿意了,好,就借給我­鉛筆吧。“讓我把你的酒杯加滿”,“一點就行了,好了,夠了”。­夠了,滿意了,可以停止了。“你想再要點番薯嗎”?“好了,夠了­”。所以,我說的意思是或者足夠了,或者充足的,足夠多的, 是正確的事情。也許你完成了某件事情,你可以說that will do;也許是下班的時間了,你可以說that will do for today, 今天就是這樣了,今天的工作已經足夠了。我需要些東西來包起來我­的三文治,那邊有一個塑料袋,那就可以了。“我想打給我的朋友,­可以借用你的電話嗎?”“沒問題,但是我的電話沒有電了,需要插­電。你介意那邊有個付費電話嗎?”那可以嗎?那足夠好嗎?“那就­可以了”“那邊的電話就足夠好了”。這裡我們用了幾個常用短語,that will do for the job 和that will do for the trick。that will do for the job,是說對於某件事來說,這樣做是足夠好的,是完美的。th­at will do for the trick, 也是指“對於你所需要做的事情是足夠好的,足夠多”的意思。好了­,我認為我已經談得足夠多了,that will do for this video,對這個錄像來說,我已經給出了足夠的資料。如果你喜­歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”評級;如果你I還沒有訂閱我的頻道­,也請你訂閱。我將很快和你又見面。

