2013年3月26日 星期二

think twice

Hi there,students. I recommand you think twice about that. So to think twice, to consider and then think about it again carefully. So this carriage is very expensive and it's quite old. If I were you I think twice before buy it. So I think about it and then think again, so be careful, to weigh carefully, to give extra consideration to something, ok. Yeah. To think twice, so I recommand you think twice about this, you think about this very carefully before making your decision, you turn it over in your mind. Yeah, you weigh the pros and cons, you deliberate about it more than you have so far. Yeah, so, yes, maybe if you are going to have children, you should think twice before actually doing it, ok. It's a big responsibility and you need to think carefully about doing it, yeah. It's not something, just do it, think twice, consider carefully. Ok, so if you enjoy this video, don't think twice, don't think twice about giving me a rating, so don't reconsider, just do it directly. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我建議你對此事三思而後行,to think twice, 慎重考慮,考慮再考慮。這架四輪馬車非常貴而且舊,如果我是你,­買之前我會反復考慮。所以,我考慮了一次,然後再考慮,要小心,­謹慎地權衡輕重,對一件事給予額外的謹慎考慮。我建議對此事做慎­重考慮,在動手之前,你要反復考慮。在你腦中反復權衡,你權衡利­弊,對自己所掌控的東西深思熟慮。如果你想要孩子,你要三思後行­,因為這是件責任極大的事,在決定要之前,你要反復考慮。這不是­件你隨便可以決定做的事,反復思考,慎重考慮。好了,如果你喜歡­這個錄像,不要考慮,無需考慮,馬上給它一個“喜歡”的評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

