2013年3月28日 星期四

slow on the uptake

Hi there, students. To be slow on the uptake, or the opposite, to be quick on the uptake, ok, let's see, to be slow on the uptake. Not to be able to understand something quickly, to understand probably something new. So normally when learning languages, young people are much quicker on their uptake and old people like me are much slower on their uptake. So notice this, the uptake, to take up, to absorb, so if you are quick on the uptake, you absorb the information or you absorb the thing rapidly, yeah. To take up, the uptake, the phrasal noun. Ok, so to be quick on the uptake, yeah, I think most of my students are pretty quick on their uptake, they understand and absorb the information I gave them very very rapidly. Ok, so to be slow on the uptake or to be quick on the uptake. Yeah, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to be slow on the uptake 或者to be quick on the uptake, 我們先看看to be slow on the uptake, 它的意思是無法快速理解事物,特別是對一些新事物的理解。一般在­學習語言的時候,年輕人在理解上要快很多,而像我這樣年齡比較大­的人則理解力較差。注意這裡的to uptake, 也就是to take up, 是吸收的意思,如果你to be quick on the uptake,你對事物的吸收理解是很快、很強的。uptake­是to take up的名詞性短語。我認為我的大多數學生對事物的理解是很快的,­他們對我給出的新的資料理解吸收得非常快。這就是對事物理解的快­與慢。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱­我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

