2013年3月26日 星期二


Hi there, students. Flabbergasted, to flabbergast, flabbergast, ok, if you are flabbergasted, you are overcome with astonishment. It's maybe a bit more than taken aback, it's completely amazed, completely astonied. So you are not just a big surprise, you are totally flabbbergasted. I was totally flabbergasted when this beautiful woman came up and kissed me, totally surprised, totally amazed. We went to this restaurant and we had a really nice meal. But I was flabbergasted when the  bill arrived. 600 pounds for two people! Wow, that's really a flabbergasting, astonishing price. So flabbergasted, to be overcome with astonishment, to be floored if you like, yeah. Ok, so to flabbergast, to astonish totally and completely. Ok, anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!flabbergasted, flabbergast, 如果你是flabbergasted,你完全被令人震驚的事情所­擊倒,這要超過簡單的“驚訝”“吃驚”,而是完全的“大吃一驚”­。這不僅僅是一個“很驚訝”的程度,而是完全被驚呆了。當這個漂­亮的女人走過來親吻我的時候,我完全驚呆了。完全地驚訝,徹底地­震驚。我們去了一家飯店,吃了一頓很好的飯。但是當餐單來的時候­,我完全驚呆了,兩個人要600鎊!這完全是令人驚呆的、震驚的­價格。所以,flabbergasted,是完全被令人震驚的事­所擊倒,你也可以用to be floored形容。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡­”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

