2013年3月14日 星期四

You Pays Your Money and You Takes your Choice

Hi there, students. You pays your money and you takes your choice, ok, notice, this is an informal idiom. What does it mean? You pays your money and you takes your choice, you as the buyer have the money, as a buyer, have the money and you decide which of the many things available you are going to choose. But really they are all the same or similar, that's my slant on the meaning of this idiom. You pays your money and you takes the choice, you are the one with the money, you need to choose which of the available political parties, ideals, ideas, thoughts, mindsets, things available. And you takes your choice, ok, (if?) for me, this means that all of these things are very similar or even the same and there is not much different (??). But maybe I am quite a cynical chap. Notice as well, you pays and you takes or you makes your choice. So a question about the orginal of this. Well, I know Mark Twain, and I know It has been used in (punch?) as well. Both of these were used in 19 century. So I guess it is equally valued for American and for British English. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Maybe you takes your money, you pays your money and takes your choice. See you soon. Bye for now.

各位!you pays your money and you takes your choice, 注意,這是一個非正式的常用語,這句話是什麼意思呢?你是擁有資­金的買家,你決定在眾多可選擇的東西中去挑選你所需要的東西。但­是,這些東西卻非常相似或是一樣的。這是我對於這句常用句的一家­之見。you pays your money and you takes choice, 你擁有資金,你需要去選擇政黨、理想、觀點、看法、思維模式並承­擔選擇的後果。對我來說,所有的這些東西都是非常相似的,甚至是­一樣的,沒有太大的分別。也許我是一個十分多疑的家伙。要注意,­這裡是you pays, you takes, you makes。這句話的來源是怎麼樣的?我知道馬克吐溫(?),我­也知道這句話一直被用在“Punch”(cartoon?)。這­兩個用法都出現在19世紀,我猜測這句短句在美國英語和英國英語­中具有同等使用價值。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡­”評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。you pays your money and you makes the choice。再見。

