2013年3月15日 星期五


Hi there, students. Zenith, ok, this is a nice word beginning with z, a good letter. Zenith, (orginally?) I think is from (Arabet?). And the zenith is the point directly above your head. Ok. So if you look at the sky or the stars, the point is exactly 90 degrees to all the horizon above your head, it's the zenith. So this means the highest point. Ok. So the zenith, the sun is at its zenith at 2:15 at the highest point, possible, yeah. Ok, it might not be your zenith, but its zenith. We often use zenith for at its highest point, so this thing is very fashionable at the moment, it is at the zenith of fashion. Notice: at its zenith, at your zenith, ok, it is a position. Ok. So at the highest point. Ok notice also, the opposite is nadir, the point directly below you, ok. So remember this word, the word beginning with z, zenith, your zenith, the highest point, the maximum, the most of the most, yeah. You can use it to talk about strongly, but you are probably not going to do that. But if you study, study and study, the zenith of your English will improve everyday, the high point, ok. But if you stop studying English, then possibly your English will have reached the zenith, its highest point, and then going down. Ok. So if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!zenith, 這是個很不錯的詞,以z開頭,一個很好的字母。我認為zenit­h來源於(?),zenith是垂直於頭上最高的點。如果你抬頭­仰望天空會或者星星,會發現上面的點是超過你頭上以90度角垂直­於地平面,zenith表示最高的點。太陽在2:15分達到它的­最高點,這可能不是你的最高點,但是卻是太陽的最高點。我們經常­用zenith表示事物的最高點。比如,這是近期最流行的東西,­它是流行趨勢的最高境界。注意,它是“在最高點”、“在你的..­.最高點”,表示的是位置,在事物的最高位置。注意,zenit­h的反義詞是nadir,垂直你自身位置之下的那個點。好了,記­住這個詞,以z開始,你的zenith, 最高點、最大值、極致之最。你可以用它加強談話的強度,但是你可­能不打算這樣做。但是如果你不停地學習,你的英語的極限將每天提­升;但是如果你停止學習,你的英語程度會由最高點下滑。如果你喜­歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道。我將很快和­你又見面。

