2013年3月24日 星期日

walk somebody through something

Hi there, students. To walk somehbody through something, this is to explain something to somebody, something complex by doing all of the steps necessary with them so that they can see what you do. So let me walk you through making a cake. I am going to do it but you are going to watch me do it.So if I walk you through doing it, then in the future you will be able to do it. Maybe you don't understand a mathematic problem. I can walk you through the problem. So I can walk through you,  I can show you how to do it because I know and you need to learn. Yeah. So to walk somebody through something, to explain or to lead somebody through a problem or through (all?) process by you doing all of these individual pieces so that they can see what is necessary to do. Ok. To walk someone through something, (likes?) that, is much easier to do on your own in the future, yeah. Ok. So I try to walk you through the speaking of English, but it is bit more complicated than a walkthrough notice, a walkthrough, a phrasal noun means the same thing. Let me give you a walkthrough of this problem, an explanation from the beginning to the end, so you can see it. Ok. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to walk somebody through something, 意思是向某人解釋某件事,通過演示所有必要的過程來令他們看到你是怎麼做的。讓我來展示給你看我是怎麼做蛋糕的。我將進行展示,而你要觀看我是怎麼做的。如果我領著你展示給你看我是怎麼做的,那麼將來你可以自己做。也許你對數學上的問題有疑問,我可以帶著你學,我可以和你一起學,展示給你看。因為我知道怎麼做,而你則需要學習怎麼做。所以to walk somebody through something,是解釋並帶領某人解決某個問題或了解整個過程,通過你對於所有獨立環節的操作令他們明白什麼是需要做的。To walk someone through something, 這樣做可以令到你將來自己操作的時候非常容易進行。我嘗試帶著你一起學習英語口語,但是有一點復雜。a walkthrough是一個名詞短語,和to walk somebody through something 是一個意思。對這個問題,我會給你一個從頭到尾的walkthrough,你­就會明白了。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級­;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

