2013年3月13日 星期三

the tail wags the dog

Hi there,students. Have you heard the phrase "the tail wags the dog"? Ok, so let's see a dog has tail at the back and tail wags, it moves back and forwards. Ok. So when the dog is happy, a dog wags its tail, it moves its tail. But this phrase says "the tail wags (move back and forward) the dog". Ok, this is a phrase meaning the unimportant part of somthing is having more effect on the whole situation than the important part of something. So let me give you an example, let's make it (a lot) clearer. Yes, he was given a beautiful present. But he was very upsent because he didn't like the colour. Ok, the present was beautiful, forget the colour, it doesn't matter it is blue or red, yeah. He has been looking for a job for year and finally found one. The problem was it was an hour's journey everyday there and (back?). So he said he wasn't going to take it, to take the job. Here, again, the tail is wagging the job (dog), what's more important? Having the job or having to spend an hour each way travelling? Yeah, he has been looking for it for year, so which part is more important, taking the job or the problem travelling? That's the idea of "the tail wags the dog". He gave...the student gave beautiful presentation. But I gave him a Nine because his pronunciation wasn't perfect. He was very upset that he has got a Nine. Ok, well, he thought, perhaps he thought he deserved a Ten, I don't know. But it is a case again "the tail wagging the dog". He should be very happy to get a Nine, yeah. Be satisfied with the situationk, don't let the unimportant things take over, yeah. Ok. He was very angry with his girlfriend becuase she was half an hour late. Here the tail is wagging the dog. Half an hour, it doesn't matter, yeah. Ok. You need to look at the important parts of the situations. Anyway, (I grace???), if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你有沒有聽過短句“the tail wags the dog”?狗尾巴搖動了狗。我們看看,一只狗在後面有尾巴,而尾­­巴會來回搖動。當狗高興的時候,它會來回搖動尾巴。但是這個短­句­卻是在說“尾巴在搖動這個狗”。這個短句的意思是某件事非重­要的­部分卻對整體有著非常重要的影響。我給你一個例子,把它說­得更清­楚些。有人給了他一件非常漂亮的禮物,但是他有點不開心­,因為他­不喜歡禮物的顏色。禮物很漂亮,顏色並不重要,忘掉顏­色,管它是­藍色還是紅色。他已經找了整年的工作,最後終於找到­了一份工作。­但問題是這是一份要每天要各花一個小時上下班的工­作。他說,他不­會接受這份工作。這裡尾巴再一次搖動了狗。接受­這份工作和每天各­花一個小時上下班,究竟哪個更加重要?他已經­找了成年的工作,接­受這份工作或者每天要奔波,哪部分更重要?­這就是“the tail wags the dog”的意思。一個學生做了一個優美的示範,但我給了他九分,­­因為他的發音並不完美。只得到九分,他感到非常不高興。或許他­認­為他值得十分....我不知道....不過這又是一次“th­e tail wags the dog”。實際上他應該很高興得到九分。他應該滿意這個結局,不要讓次要的­東西所控制。他很生他女朋友的氣,因為她遲到了半個小時。這裡,­狗尾巴又搖動了狗,半小時,這無所謂,你應該看重的是問題的重點­。好了,(?)如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

