2013年3月18日 星期一

rest on one's laurels

Hi there, students. Rest on one's laurels, ok, a laurel is a plant, is a (bylians?). And in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, they were used to have a crown laurels for the victor, for the winner of games. So if you rest on your laurels, you rest on your past successess, your past successes were so wonderful that you don't have to do anything now. Yeah. So rest on your laurels, to stop trying now becuase you are really satisfied with what you have done in the past. It's not a good thing to rest on your laurels, you need to be continually improving and getting better. When you past your exam, you can't rest on your laurels, you need to continue studying, yeah. The business seems to have rested on its laurels and the competitors seem to have taken away a lot of their business, ok. So they are feeling wonderful because of past successes and thinking that they don't need to do anything now. So with your English is not a good idea to rest on your laurels if you have done well English in the past. You need to always continue trying to learn, trying to improve. Ok. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to rest on one's laurels, laurel, 是一種植物,是()。在古希腊和古羅馬,它被用來制作比賽中勝利­者的桂冠。所以,如果你rest on your laurels, 你就是“沉湎於過去的成功而不思進取”。你過去的成功是如此精彩­以至於你現在無需做任何事情。所以to rest on one's laurels,就是停止嘗試前進,因為你非常滿足於過去的成功­。to rest on your lauels並不是一個好決定,因為你應該不停地提升自己並變得­更好。當你通過了考試,你不應滿足於成功而停滯不前,你要繼續學­習。這家公司似乎沉湎於過去的成功而不思進取,其競爭者則搶走了­很多生意。他們感覺良好,因為過去的成功太顯赫,他們覺得無需再­做進一步發展。而對於你的英語來說,如果你曾經有很大的進步,而­現在rest on your laurels不是一件好事,你需要不停地學習,不停地提升。好­了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道­,我將很快和你又見面。

