2013年3月26日 星期二

laughing stock

Hi there, student. A laughing stock, so you knon to laugh, hahah, and stock, I think it is the merchandise perhaps the shop sells or the things that you normally have in stock. But what does this mean the laughing stock or laughing stock? Well a laughing stock is a person, normally, who is, (wait?), could be a thing as well, who is the object of the ridicule, who everybody laughs at. It's the stock, the merchandise, in society that everybody laughts at. Ok, so perhaps you do something really really really silly, and you are the laughing stock of your friends for many weeks. All of your friends laughed about it, ridiculed you, make jokes about it because you did something really silly. So laughing stock, the vicitim or the object of people laughing at you. Because everybody has heard about it and everybody thinks it's funny. Yeah, Ok. If you like, the vicitim of ridicule, yeah. So if I fall over on television if I slip on the banana and fall over on the television,  I am going to be a laughing stock, the vicitim of people ridicule for a long time. Ok. A laughing stock, so this is something (a figure of fun?), of everybody's fool,somebody who everybody laughs at for one reason or another. so it's stock, it's common to laugh about this person, a laughing stock. To make a laughing stock of yourself, not a very good thing to do. But maybe you have got a good sense of humour and you like to laugh, it's not so bad. (There comes point ?) where maybe if you are the (butt? ) of the too many jokes about it, you got angry. I don't know. So the laughing stock, to be the laughing stock. So if you enjoy the video and I haven't made a laughing stock of myself, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a laughing stock, 你知道笑這個動作,哈哈哈哈,stock, 我認為是商品、貨物,在商店銷售的東西,或者是那些通常你有的東­西。但是,laughing stock 究竟是什麼意思?a laughing stock通常指的是人,也可以是物,他們成了被嘲諷的對像,每­個人都在嘲笑他,他就是那個“商品、物品”被每個人所嘲弄。或許­你做了一件非常非常愚蠢的事,幾星期以來,你成了你的朋友嘲笑的­對像。你的朋友都在嘲笑這件事,譏諷你,開你的玩笑,皆因你做了­件非常愚蠢的事。所以,a laughing stock就是人們嘲弄的對像、犧牲者。每個人都聽到這件事,每­個人都覺得這件事好笑,他是嘲弄的犧牲者。如果我踩在香蕉皮上在­錄像裡跌倒,我會成為大家長時間的laughing stock,嘲笑的犧牲者。a laughing stock,是某件事具有好笑的特點,成為大家嘲笑的對像,每個­人都因為各種原因而嘲笑這件事。嘲笑一個laughing stock 是很通常的事情,你會發現做一個laughing stock不是件好玩的事。但是也許你很有幽默感而且你喜歡笑,­這樣就不是太差了。如果你(??),你或許會生氣,我不肯定。好­了,如果你喜歡這個錄像而且我沒有變成一個laughing stock, 留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道。我將很快和你又見面。

