2013年3月27日 星期三

pin something on somebody


Hi there, students. To pin something on somebody, ok, you pin a crime on another person. Ok, it's to attribute this action to another person, to attribute this crime to another person. So I did this robbery but then I pined this robbery on my friend, I said that he had done it, that he was the guilty person and he was found guilty of doing it. The crime was pined on him. Ok. So to attribute , to say, to prove, to show that somebody else did something bad. Even though they didn't, yeah. So when you do something bad, maybe brothers and sisters, they always try to pin the bad things that their parents found them doing on their brother or sister, yeah, pin on, mum is going to be angry about me breaking this vase. I will see if I can pin it on my brother. "He did it, it was't me, it was him". At this point, I am trying to pin the breaking of the vase on my brother. Ok, to pin something on somebody. Ok, yeah. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to pin something on somebody, 你將一件罪行pin on另外一個人,是說你將這個動作強加給這個人,將罪行強加給這­個人。我做了這個搶劫案,但我將它嫁禍給我的朋友,我說是他干的­,他是有罪的人,而且他被判了有罪,罪行被強加於他身上了。就是­說,將某件事加之於,去講,去證明,去顯示某個人做了某件壞事,­盡管他沒有干。比如你做了件錯事,兄弟姐妹經常將他們所做的被父­母發現的錯事轉嫁給其他的兄弟姐妹。媽媽對於我將花瓶打碎了非常­生氣,我看看能不能將它嫁禍給哥哥。“是他干的,不是,是他!”­。在這件事上,我企圖將打碎花瓶的事嫁禍給我哥哥。好了,如果你­喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快­和你又見面。

