2013年3月23日 星期六

he would turn in his grave

Hi there, students. To turn in your grave, or to turn over in your grave, this talks about a situation that would make a dead person very unhappy. Yeah. My grandmother was really proud of this table and if she saw what you were doing with it right now, she would turn in her grave. Yeah, she would be very upset. So notice, if somebody had known something or somebody knew something, they would turn over in their graves, yeah. It's a second conditional (??) this one, yeah. So this is saying a dead person would be really unhappy or really upset about a current situation. So upset that they would turn over or move in their grave, the place where their body lies, ok. But we only use this for dead people, yeah. If my grandfather saw the way they had developed and built in (Ogst?), he would turn in his grave, he would roll over in his grave, he would be very upset. Yeah. Anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to turn in your grave, or to turn over in your grave, 這句是用來說某中情況之離譜可以令死去的人都生氣。我的婆婆對這個桌子感到十分自豪,如果她看到你現在是怎麼對待它的,她會氣得坐起來。就是說,她會非常非常生氣。注意,如果一個人已經知道某件事,他們會在墓裡面氣得坐起來。這是個第二條句。這個短句是說一個死去的人都會對現有的某種狀況感到非常不高興、煩悶,他們是如此的生氣、憋悶,以至於在墓裡面(他們的軀體所在地)都會氣得坐起來。但是,我們僅對死去的人才用這句短句。如果我的爺爺看到他們是如何開發、修建(??)的,他會氣得在墓裡面坐起來,他會非常生氣。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

