2013年3月3日 星期日

drop off

Hi there, students. To drop off, an interesting phrasal verb, (or?) first we could have the normal meaning to drop something off, the top of the building to drop, to let go. So he dropped the (bread?) off the top of the building, to let go, to let fall. But maybe you are giving somebody a lift in your car, you are taking them somewhere, you could drop them off, let them out near their house. Or you could drop off a parcel at your friend's house, leave, yeah, to leave something, normally when with a vehicle, you drive something and drop soemthing off, you leave it in a place. Ok. We could also have parts of the car dropped off as we (dro??) down the road, to fall off, to separate from, to break away from, yeah. So there were (bits?) of the car dropping off everywhere. I was so tired I thought mAnd then the final one to drop off intransitive, I was just dropping off, to go to sleep. Maybe you have really a good lunch and a couple of drinks then you....drop off, you fall asleep. Notice, this drop off is intransitive,so no direct objective, ok? So to drop off, to let fall from the top of, he dropped the apple off from the top of the tree, dropped off the apple from the top of the tree. You could drop a friend off their house, you could drop a parcel off at somebody's house (when?) y legs would drop off, because I have been walking all day, I thought they were going to fall off.  you are driving. And then something can drop off, it can break away from, separate from something. And then finally when you (s?) tired (at night?) you can drop off, fall asleep. Anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to drop off, 是一個很有趣的動詞短語。首先我們可以用它最原始的本意,即將一­樣東西由高處丟下,讓它掉下去。他將(面包?)由樓上丟下去,讓­它掉下去。當你搭載某人時,你開車帶他們去某處,你可以在接近他­們家的地方讓他們下車。或者你也可以將一件包裹留在你的朋友家,­留下什麼東西,通常是你駕駛車輛,然後你drop off某個東西在某處。我們也可以說部分汽車零件在汽車在路上(­顛簸?)時,從車上脫落了,脫離了,分開了。汽車的碎片散落得到­處都是。我太累了,走了一整天,感覺到腿要掉下來了。最後,dr­op off可以當不及物動詞使用。我正要去drop off, 打盹。也許你吃了一個很好的午餐並且喝了幾杯酒, 這時,你開始打盹了。注意,此處的drop off是不及物動詞,後面沒有直接賓語。好了,to drop off,將東西由高處丟下,他將蘋果由樹上丟下來;你在駕駛車時­,可以用drop off說將一個朋友在他家門口放下車;Drop off也表示某件東西脫落了;最後,當你疲倦時,你可以打瞌睡。­好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個”喜歡“的評級;訂閱我的頻­道。我將很快和你再見面。

