2013年3月21日 星期四

pin down

Hi there, students. To pin down, to hold in position with a pin. So he used his left hand to pin the fish down before cutting off its head. Sorry sounds a bit violent, but...To pin down, to pin in position, when you are wrestling, one of your objectives is to pin down your opponent, to hold in position, so he can't move. That's the literal mean. Yeah. He pinned me down and I couldn't move because he was much bigger than me. But then you can pin something down, you can find the reason for it. There is a problem with this engine and I want to pin down, fix (establish ??)exactly the problem. So (??) pin down a problem, pin it down, find out exactly where it is. When I have new students, one of the things I want to do is to pin down their problems in English. So to fix in position so that it establishes clearly my mind that what the problem is. Ok, to pin soemthing down, yeah. Maybe you want to pin somebody down and tell, and then to tell you what exactly what they think It's very difficult to pin down a politian because he never says anything fixed. Yeah, so, ok, to pin down, to force somebody to give a fixed or precise opinion about something. The reporter pinned down the president on his opinion about this matter. Ok, to pin down. Ok, so anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to pin down, 是將某物用釘子固定在一個位置上。在將魚頭切掉前,他用左手將魚­固定住。抱歉,聽起來有點太暴力,但是.....to pin down, 將某物固定住。在摔角的時候,你的目標之一是鉗制住你的對手,將­他壓住,令他無法動彈。這就是它字面的意思。他將我壓制住,我無­法動彈,因為他比我要強壯得多。你也可以pin某件事down, 你可以找出其中的原因。這個馬達有點問題,我要pin down, 將問題確切地固定、確立。所以你pin 問題down, 你准確地找出問題所在。當我有新學員時,其中一個我要做的事情是­我要pin down他們在英語上存在的問題,確定問題何在,以便清晰地在我­腦中建立他們有什麼樣的問題。或許你想pin某人down,令他­們確切告訴你他們在想什麼。pin down一個政治家是非常困難的,因為他們從不講確切的事情。所­以,to pin down某人,就是說要強迫他講出對某件事的確切的看法。那個記­者對總統緊盯不放,一定要他講出對事情的看法。好了,如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你­又見面。

