2013年5月31日 星期五


Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the word 'galore' ? It's an adjective, it can also be adverb, but it means in great number, in abundance. So there were people galore in the underground this morning. Ok, great numbers of them, large numbers of them. Its origin is from the Irish gaelic, . (witch?), ok, it's interesting ( in itself?). This word we use to mean 'in plentiful amounts', yeah. There was alcoho galore at the party. A huge amount, a massive amount, in abundance, yeah. Abounding everywhere, in great supply, yeah. To (spare?) all over the place. So for example, in Spain everyone thinks there is sun galore, but it depends where you go. Ok, galore, so notice, this is what is called a postpositive adjective. Yeah, that means, postpositive, what does that mean? It means you have the noun and it goes immediately after the noun. Ok, which in English is quite unusual, in other languages it's very common. But in English not, so you use the noun galore. His computer used megabits galore. Noun, megabits, galore. It cost him money galore, a huge amount of money, a large amount, a lot, yeah. Where I live there are trees galore. There are trees everywhere, all over the place. They are abounding, they are aboundant. Tree are plenty even, ok. So there you go.  if you look at my channel, you will find videos galore. A huge number of them, ok, a large supply, yeah. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and like that you can find the videos galore that I was talking about and I will see you soon. Bye for now.


2013年5月30日 星期四

do somebody's head in

Hi there, students. To do somebody's head in, all these studying English is doing my head in. Ok, to do my head in, is making me unhappy and boored and sad. Ok, when you are doing something you really do like and it really gets on your nerves, it starts to do your head in. Notice, the phrasal verb to do in, to kill. So like your saying, is this killing my head? This is making me bored and sad and unhappy. I have to get up very early every morning and it is doing my head in, ok.  It's disturbing me, it's making me stressed and sad and bored and ill. So to do your head in, yeah. I think phrasal verbs in English very often do students' heads in, yeah. Ok, they make me go crazy. Yeah, ok, so it is doing my head in, it is doing his head in. It is making him crazy, sad and unhappy and bored. So before thid video does your head in, I am going to stop. If you enjoy it, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to do somebody's head in, 所有這些英語練習令我頭疼。to do my head in就是令我感到無聊、不開心、悲哀的意思。當你在做一些你一點都不喜歡,令你緊張的事情時,此時這件事就是在do your head in。注意,此處的動詞短語是do in,意思是令人受折磨,使人痛苦的意思。這件事令我悲哀、感到無聊、不高興。我每天早上要很早起床,這令我感到非常痛苦,do my head in。這讓我很煩惱,令我感到緊張、悲哀、無聊,像是要生病的感覺。我相信英語中的動詞短語通常會令學生們感到頭痛,令人想發瘋。這令我感到悲哀、發瘋,這令到他頭痛、無聊、不開心。在這個錄像do your head in之前,我決定要結束它。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月29日 星期三


Hi there, students. I will be with you in a jiffy. Hi, a jiffy, a jiffy is a very short time. It will just take a jiffy to do this, ok, a very short time. The blink of an eye, a split second, ok. So it will just take a jiffy. I will be with your in a jiffy, like that used it. The origin of this I think is quite interesting. It has a scientific origin. Originally, a jiffy was the amount of time that it takes a light to move one centimeter. Ok, since that time, it has been redefined and  it has various different meanings in computing, physics and other things. But originally a jiffy was defined as the distance....ok, sorry, not the distance, the time, it takes light, light, light, to move a distance of one centimeter. But we use this word just to mean a very short time. Light moves very fast, so it takes a very very short time, to move (to?) light to move that distance, yeah. So in a jiffy. Anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating. If you have watched lots of my video, it only takes you a jiffy to learn English. You learn English in a jiffy and subscribe to my channel if you want and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我一轉眼就會和你在一起。a jiffy是指非常短的時間。你只要花很短的時間就可以做好這件­事。jiffy是非常短的時間,一眨眼,一瞬間的意思。一眨眼就­可以做好這件事,我一剎那就可以和你在一起。我認為這個詞的起源­非常有趣。這個詞有科學上的起源。起初,jiffy是光運動一釐­米所需要的一定量的時間。自從jiffy這個詞被重新定義後,在­計算機應用、物理學及其他領域上都具有不同的意義。本意上jif­fy是指一段距離,不是,是指光運動一釐米所需時間。我們用這個­詞來表示非常短的時間。光運動的速度是非常快的,所以那麼短的距­離,光只需要非常非常短的時間就可完成。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留­下一個‘喜歡’評級。如果你看了很多我錄制的錄像,那麼你只要花­a jiffy就就可以學英語。學習英語只需一眨眼的功夫。如果你喜­歡,你可以訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

wolf down gobble up gobble down bolt down

Hi there, students. Sometims if you are really hungry and you have very little time, you eat your food very rapidly. It's not good for you and it will give you indigestion. Maybe you are wolfing down your food, so to wolf down, a wolf, wouaaa, a wolf. To wolf down, to eat like a wolf, to eat rapidly. So to eat your food rapidly, to wolf down. Or maybe you gobble up your food or gobble down. Notice, wolf down, but gobble up and gobble down. To gobble down is to eat a lot of food. Notice wolf just eat rapidly. Gobble up or gobble down is to eat a lot of food rapidly, yeah. Or you could even bolt your food. To bolt, to go rapidly. Or bolt down your food. So he had five minutes to eat, and he bolted down his lunch. He gobblled up six hamburgers and seven portions of chips, yeah, he gobbleed them down. And then he wolfed down some pudding as well. Notice, to bolt or to bolt down could also be a drink. Whereas wolf, to wolf down or to gobble, these are both for food. So I recommand not bolting down your food. I recommand not gobbling up too much food. And I recommand not wolfing your food down. Firstly it will make you fat, secondly it will a little probably give you indigestion. Ok, so some words for to eat rapidly. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!有時,如果你非常餓,而且沒有什麼時間,此時你會吃得非常快。這種快速吃法對你並沒有好處,而且容易造成消化不良。也許你在wolfing down 你的食物,你在狼吞虎咽。這裡的wolf down, wolf是狼,發出嗚嗚的叫聲。to wolf down, 像狼一樣吃東西,吃得很快。吃東西很快可以用wolf down來形容。你也可以用gulp up來形容,或者gulp down, 二者皆可,但是只可以用wolf down。to gulp down是吃了很多東西的意思,而wolf down則是吃得很快的意思。gulp up 和gulp down是快速地吃下很多東西的意思。你也可以bolt你的食物。bolt的本意是快速行進的意思。你也可以說bolt down你的食物。他只有五分鐘的時間,所以他bolted down他的午餐,他吞下了午餐。他吞下了六個漢堡包,七包薯條,然後他又狼吞虎咽了一些布丁。bolt和bolt down也可以用於喝飲料。而wolf, wolf down和gulp全都是用於食物。我建議你們不要狂吞食物,我建議你們不要鯨吞太多食物,我也建議你們不要狼吞虎咽食物。首先你會變得太胖,其次你會消化不良。好了,我這裡給出一些關於快速吃東西的詞。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月28日 星期二

dependent prepositions

Hi there, students. A dependent preposition, ok, if we look in English, some verbs, some adjectives and some nouns have a preposition that needs to go with them. So for example, to aim at, at the is the dependent preposition that goes with aim. We could also aim for, so it's either aim at or aim for. Yeah, to deal with something, with is the dependent prepostion with the verb to deal. To insist on, I insist on your doing this, ok. To consent to, do you consent to my doing this? So the verb consent, the dependent preposition is to. To congratulate on, I would like to congratulate you on your success. So notice when you learn vocabulary, you need to learn the dependent prepostions that go with each vocabulary. So I have just given some examples and some verbs. But let's look at some adjectives. Ok, to be keen on, you are keen on football. So notice on, is the dependent prepostion with keen. Ok, to be sick of, I am sick of doing this. Sick of, yeah. To be sorry for or to be sorry about, notice here there are two possible dependent prepositions but you need to use one of them. Ok, to be incapable of, I am incapable of doing this right, so notice this again, adjectives with dependent prepositions again. And also, we can have some collocations or some collocation sets of prepostions with nouns, yeah. So for example, is your car under guarantee? Notice very often with the dependent prepositions that the dependent preposition goes before.  I am in his power, in somebody's power, yeah, to be in power, yeah. The prime minister is in power at moment. Or perhaps to have a preference for. I have a preference for beer, ok. So notice, a preference for. Or he had a bad reaction to the medicine. He had a bad reaction to my arriving late, ok, a reaction to something. Ok, here we have nouns with dependent preprositions as well. So like I said before, when you learn your vocabulary, you need to learn the prepositions that go with either the verb, with the adjective or with the noun. Because they are part of it, it is a part of a collocation if you like, yeah. So anyway, I hope that will help you a little bit. It's not the easiest (to, two?) the subjects. Because you just need to learn the correct preposition with each piece of vocabulary, or even not preposition. Ok, anyway, that's enough now. So if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel, subscribe to something and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a dependent preposition, 當我們觀察英語中的一些動詞、形容詞和名詞時,發現它們需要一個­介詞要緊隨其後。比如,to aim at, at是一個從屬介詞綴於aim之後。我們也可以說aim for, 就是說,可以說aim at,或者說aim for也可以。to deal with something, 這裡with是從屬介詞放於deal之後。to insist on, 我堅持你要這樣做。to consent to, 你贊同我這樣做嗎?這裡,to 是從屬介詞,置於consent之後。to congratulate on,我想祝賀你的成功。注意,當你學單詞的時候,你要學習用於­單次之後的從屬介詞。我給了你們一些動詞帶有從屬介詞的例子,現­在我們看看形容詞帶有從屬介詞的例子。to be keen on,你喜愛足球嗎?注意,on 在這裡是從屬介詞,置於keen之後。to be sick of,我很厭倦這樣做。to be sorry for, 或者to be sorry about, 注意,這裡可以用兩個從屬介詞,你要使用其中的一個。to be incapable of, 我無法做對這件事。所以,這裡用了從屬介詞用於形容詞之後。我們­同樣有些詞語的搭配使用是用名詞後接從屬介詞的情況。比如,is your car under guarantee? 名詞搭配從屬介詞時,從屬介詞經常放於名詞之前。I am in his power,我行使他的職權。總理在行使他的職權。有時我們說t­o have a preference for,我很偏好喝啤酒。he had a bad reaction to the medicine,他對藥物有不良反應。他對我遲到很反感。這裡­我們同樣有從屬介詞和名詞搭配使用。就像我之前講的那樣,當你在­學習單詞時,你需要學習和動詞、形容詞及名詞搭配使用的從屬介詞­。可以說從屬介詞是整個結構的一部分。我希望這個錄像多少可以幫到­。你只需要學習正確的從屬介詞和單詞搭配使用,有時甚至根本沒有­從屬介詞。好了, 我們說的已經足夠了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評­級;訂閱我的頻道,這裡用to my channel,我將很快和你再見面。

2013年5月27日 星期一

pull one's socks up

 Hi there, students. If you want to really improve your English, you are going to have to pull your socks up. So to pull your socks up, look, my sock on my foot and I need to pull it up. Ok, to pull up your socks. But what does this mean? Ok, this means you need to improve your work or your behavior, but normally your work, and signaficantly, because your work has not been good enough in the past. So for example, if you want to pass your English example, you are going to need to pull your socks up, you are going to need to work hard, and harder than you had been working before because your work before has been insufficient. So you must do better, you must work harder and produce better results, to pull your socks up. In a way to look smarter or even to smarten up. So to pull your socks up, to improve your work. If you want to keep this job and not be sacked, not be fired, you are going to have to pull your socks up. You are going to have to work harder and produce better results. Because your results in the past or your work in the past has not been good enough, yeah. So you are going to need to pull your socks up. Try harder, improve and do better in the future, ok. Because the, what you have been doing in the past is not good enough. Maybe if we want to get out of this crisis, we are all going to have to pull our socks up and work harder. So anyway, there it is, to pull one's socks up. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!如果你真的想提高你的英語水平,你必須要pull your socks up。你們看,我的襪子在腳上,現在我要將它提起來,看,這就是pull up your socks。但是,這句話是什麼意思呢?這句話的意思是你要提升你的工作或者行為,但通常是指要提升工作,幅度要非常大,因為你之前的工作一直不夠好。比如,如果你想通過你的英語考試,你必須要pull your socks up,你要鼓足干勁,你要信心十足。你要再努力一點,要比以前還要努力,因為你以前的工作是不夠好的。你必須做得更好一點,你必須工作得再努力一些,以便有更好的結果。看起來更加聰明,變得聰明起來。to pull your socks up就是提升你的工作。如果你想保留這份工作,不被解雇,你必須振作起來,努力工作。你要更加投入工作,帶來積極效果,因為之前你的工作及其效果都不夠好。你要努力嘗試,改善工作,以便將來做得更好。你之前所做的工作是遠遠不夠的。如果我們想走出危機,我們必須人人要pull our socks up,我們要更加努力。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月25日 星期六

a knuckle sandwich

Hi there, students. Do you want a knuckle sandwich? Ok, this is a pure, pure slang. So a sandwich, a piece of bread, something in the middle and a piece of bread. And a knuckle, the knuckles, the knuckles on the back of you hand. Ok, do you want me to punch you, do you want a knuckle sandwich? So he gave me a knuckle sandwich right in the face, he punched me in the face. A knuckle sandwich is a slightly jokey, slight funny slang, just a way of saying hitting someone, yeah. So if you say that again, I will give you a knuckle sandwich. No, I won't. But you see how to use it. Ok, so if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; or I will give you a knuckle sandwich. Subscribe to my channel or I will give you another knuckle sandwich and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你想不想要一個knuckle sandwich? 這是一句純粹的俚語。你知道三文治,一層面包,中間夾些東西, 然後又是一層面包。knuckle,是手後面的關節。想不想我給­你一拳?給你一個knuckle sandwich?他給了我一個knuckle sandwich,迎面一拳,剛好打中我的臉中央,他給了我的臉­一拳。a knuckle sandwich這句話是帶有點搞笑滑稽性的俚語,就是打人的意­思。“如果你再這樣說一次,我就給你迎面一拳”。別怕,我不會打­你的,只是讓你知道如何用這句話。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留­下一個‘喜歡’評級,否則我會給你迎面一拳;訂閱我的頻道,否則­,我會再給你迎面一拳。打完你以後,我會很快和你又見面。

as hard as nails

Hi there, students. As hard as nails, ok, you can use these to refer to things. These shoes are as hard as nails, they last for a long time, they are very hard. But you could also use 'as hard as nails' to talk about somebody's character. Somebody who is serious, stern and unyielding. They don't change their position, they stick to their position and they don't change it at all. So it is very hard to bargain with me, because I am as tough as nails. I am as hard as nails, notice I use hard or tough, you can use tough as well. I am as hard as nails, it's not true, guys, but it's a way of using it, just an example to show you. So don't try to (get in?) to change his mind, because he is as hard as nails, he is not going to change his position, he is not going to change what he says (is?) his opinion. He thinks that is right. So as hard, physically hard as nails, a nail, is a metal thing you take and hammer into a piece of wood. Not the nails on your fingers, the ones you use for carpentry. Carpentry nails, maybe even masonry nails. So there you go, yeah. These people are as hard as nails. So I will be (aware?) of them. Ok, so if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!as hard as nails, 你可以用這句話來形容一些東西,比如我的鞋as hard as nails,堅硬無比,可以穿很久。你也可以用as hard as nails來談論某人的性格。某人的性格如果是嚴肅、倔強、不輕易讓步,這種人不會改變立場,他們堅持他們的立場並且不會改變。你和我討價還價是很難的,因為我as hard as nials, 倔強不屈。注意,這裡我用了tough, 其實tough和hard都可以使用。我倔強不屈,這不是真的,這只是個例子,用來說明這句話的使用方法。不要嘗試去改變他的想法,他固執己見,很難改變,他總認為自己是對的。hard,堅硬如nails,釘子,釘子是使用錘子釘入木頭的尖銳金屬。這裡nails不是指你的指甲,而是木工用的釘子。carpentry釘子,也許是masonry nails, 磚石用釘子。好了,這些家伙頑固不化,頑冥不化,我會注意他們。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月24日 星期五

The Goggle Box

Hi there, students. Have you ever watched the goggle box? Ok, the goggle box, the television. So really, the question is what is to goggle? To goggle at, to stare at something, to look fixed at something with your eyes bulging, with your eyes big. Ok, so the idea of goggle box is an idiom but it is humorous as well with the idea is a box that you goggle at, with your eyes bulging out all day, yeah. Ok, if you saw a really beautiful woman, you might goggle at. Yeah, to goggle, the goggle box. So, yeah, don't spend all day watching the goggle box or goggling at the goggle box, watch my videos instead they will help your English, Yeah, so there you go, the goggle box, the television. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你有沒有看過 goggle box?goggle box就是電視機。現在的問題是,goggle是什麼意思?我們經常說to goggle at,就是盯著一個東西看的意思,就是你瞪大眼睛固定地盯著一個東西看的意思,你的眼睛掙得很大。goggle box是一句慣用語但是也有幽默的成分,就是你整天瞪大眼睛緊盯著一個盒子看。如果你看到一個漂亮女人,也許你會goggle at,看的目瞪口呆。不要天天把時間花在goggle box上,看看我的錄像,會幫助你提高英語。總之,the goggle box就是電視機的意思。如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月23日 星期四

spitting image

 Hi there, students. A spittting image, ok, this is an exact likeness. This says that two people look alike. This guy is the spitting image of your brother. He could be the double. Yeah, ok, he, the, a look-alike, yeah. He is a very picture of your brother. So if you see someone who look exactlylike someone else you know, you could say: you are the spitting image of my friend. Ok, so spitting, just spit, the idea or the original of this, I believe, is that it implies that the second person  has been spat out of the mouth of the first, and for that reason, they are the same, the same likeness, yeah. They are exact the same. Ok, so this guy is the spitting image of you. Some people say I look like David Bellamy, but I am not his spitting image. Ok, other people say I loo like Brian Blessed, but again, I don't think I am his spitting image. I am similar, but not exact the same. Ok, so if someone looks exactly like someone else you know, they are the spitting image. Now there is also a very popular (that was?), I don't know (it's still along?), a very popular (sai type) programe with puppies on British television which was call "spitting image " where they made puppies that look like various politicians and famous figures. Ok, so the idea is the puppies are the spitting image, they clon if you like, the exact likeness of the politican. They are more like cartoons, but anyway. Ok, so spitting image, spit out of the mouth of the first. Anyway, so time to stop. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a spitting image, 高度相似的意思。它的意思是兩個人長得很像。這個家伙和你哥哥長得一模一樣,就像你哥哥的翻版一樣,是一個和你哥哥面貌酷似的人,他幾乎是你哥哥的照片一樣。如果你看到某人和你認識的一個人長得高度相似,你可以說:你是我的朋友的spitting image。spitting,就是吐口水的意思。我認為這個spitting這個詞暗示了它的起源,第二個人被第一個人口水吐到了。因為這個原因,他們變成一樣了,擁有一樣的外表,他們完全一樣了。這個家伙和你長得一模一樣。有些人說我長得像David Bellamy。但是我並不是和他一模一樣。還有人說我長得和Brian Blessed一樣,還是那句話,我並不是他的翻版。長得像,但並不是完全一樣。所以,如果某人和你所認識的一樣非常像,他們是the spitting image。有一個非常受歡迎的節目在英國電視上播映過,就叫‘spitting image’,他們找到和政治家及出名人士非常相似的小狗,節目的構思是找到和政治家神似的小狗,也可以說就像克隆出來的一樣。政治人物更像卡通人物,不過,算了。所以,spitting image,就是第一個人吐出口水。好了,錄像要結束了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月22日 星期三

more than you bargained for

Hi there, students. More than you bargained for, more than he bargained for, ok, this is where you get more than you expected. Also notice, usually, this is in a negative sense. Let me give you an example. They said climbing this mountain is very difficult. But it was more than I bargained for, I thought it was going to be difficult, but it was much much more difficult than I expected. Ok, so to get more than you expected, or something is more difficult or more problematic than you expected Ok, to bargain is to talk with someone to negotiate price when you buy somthing. Then when you bargain with someone, you expect to get something. But in this case you get something more that is negative. English is very difficult to learn. But it may (well?) be more than you bargained for, more than you have bargained for. Ok, more difficult than you really expect. They say north pole is really cold, and I took a lot of clothes but it was a lot colder than I had bargained for. So I expected to be cold, but it was much more than I expected. To get more than you bargain for, yeah, I went to the shop to buy some, some, some things. But I ended up getting more than I bargained for. I had a problem perhaps in the shop. Maybe I caught a cold or I fell over. So imagine I go to the shop to buy some things and fall over and I hurt myself. So you get more than you bargained for. You think it is going to be one thing, but it is more than that. Ok. So anyway, yeah, it can also be positive at time. If you watch one of my video, you will get more than you bargained for. You think you are going to get a little bit information, and you get huge amount of information, yeah. So you get more than you bargained for. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!more than bargained for, more than he bargained for, 這句話的意思是你得到的要多於你預想的,多用於具有和預期相反意­­思的表達中。我用一個例子來說明。他們說登這座山非常難,但是­比­我預想的還要難。我知道登山很難,但是實際上要比我預期的要­難很­多很多。所以,more than you bargained for,就是某件事比你預期的要困難的多、很成問題。to bargain,是為了買某件東西而和某人對話去商討價錢。當你­­和某人討價還價時,你預期會得到一些結果,在這個例子中,你會­得­到一些比預期多的而且是和預期相反的東西。英語很難學,但是­可能­要比你預期的要難得多。大家都說北極很冷,我帶了很多衣服­,但是­還是要比預期冷很多。我已經預期了會很冷,但是要比我的­預期冷很­多。我去商店去買些東西,結果超出我的預想。我在商店­出了問題,­可能是我在商店得了感冒,也可能是我摔倒了。  我本是去商店買些東西,但是我卻摔倒了,弄傷了自己。you got more than you bargained for, 你預期得到一件東西,但結果卻超出預期。當然,這個短句也可用在­正面的意思表達中。如果你觀看我的錄像,你會get more than you bargained for, 你以為只會學到一些東西,卻沒想到可以汲取大量的知識。好了,如­果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很­快和你又見面。

2013年5月21日 星期二


Hi there, students. Otherwise, this means if not, so how do you use this? So X, otherwise Y. Let me explain with examples. You should take a coat when you go out, otherwise you will get cold. If not, you will get cold, otherwise, if not. You should take an umbrella, if not, otherwise you will get wet. You should take an umbrella, otherwise you will get wet. You should spend some time studying English everyday, if not, then you will improve more slowly. Ok, you, the doctor says you must  give up smoking, otherwise you will become ill. If not, if you don't give up smoking, then you will become ill. You must give up smoking, but if you don't, you will become ill. Ok, so it is like a condition, otherwise. Ok, so if you didn't enjoy the video, don't give it a rating, otherwise give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon.

各位!otherwise, 這個詞意思是if not, 否則的意思。怎麼用這個詞呢?X,otherwise,否則,就­Y。我舉些例子來解釋。出去時你要帶件外衣,否則你會感冒,if­ not,不然的話,你會感冒。你要帶雨傘,否則,不然的話,你會­被雨淋濕。你應該每天都花些時間學英語,否則你的英語水平不會提­高的很快。醫生說你必須戒煙,否則你會生病。所以你必須戒煙,不­然的話就會生病。這很像條件句,不然的話。好了,如果你喜歡這個­錄像,不必留下評級;否則,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻­道,我將很快和你又見面。

a fly in the ointment

Hi there, students. A fly in the ointment, ok, an ointment is some sort of medicine that you rub on your skin, maybe slightly oily or fatty. Maybe you got a sore skin and you put an ointment on it to make it feel better. Ok, so we have an idiom 'a fly in the ointment', a drawback, something negative to something good. Yeah, we had a brilliant holiday, but the one fly in the ointment was the food at the hotel, it was terrbiel. So the holiday was really good, the ointment,  but there was one negative thing, the fly, the food at the hotel. Ok, so a fly in the ointment, something that is negative, a drawback for something that is really good and positive, yeah. We played football really well. But there was one fly in the ointment when we let the opposing team have a penality. We played very well, but there was a negative moment. Yeah, so a fly in the ointment, something negative, slightly negative which is a drawback or something that spoils something that is good. Ok, something unpleasant that spoils or goes against something you think is really nice. Ok, for example, you really enjoy my videos, maybe there are one or two flies in the ointment. The quality of the videos are not brilliant, there is normally no subtitles, maybe the sound (?), the sound is not always good. So maybe that, three flies in the ointment. Although the video is good, there are one or two flies in the ointment. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy the video and there was no fly in the ointment to really put you off, then give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!A fly in the ointment, ointment 是一種藥,用來塗抹在皮膚上,可能會有點油滑的感覺。如果你皮膚癢,可以塗上一點,感覺會好很多。有一句慣用語,a fly in the ointment,缺點、弊端,在好的事態上出現了負面的事情。我們本來有個非常棒的假期。但美中不足的是酒店的食物差極了。就是說,假期本身是非常好的,這是ointment;但是有一樣負面的東西,the fly,是指酒店的食物。所以,a fly in the ointment是說一種非常負面的東西,或者缺欠,附在另一樣非常好的、正面的事情上。我們本來在比賽中球踢得不錯,但是美中不足在於我們讓對方得到了一次點球的機會。我們踢得不錯,但是出現了一次負面時刻。a fly in the ointment,是某種負面的東西, 或輕微的負面,可能是某種缺欠,破壞了原有的好的東西。令人感到不舒服的東西破壞了原有的你認為很好的事情。比方說,你很喜歡我的錄像,但是也有小小的美中不足,錄像的質量無法做到優秀,錄像通常沒有字幕,有時聲音也不是很好。這裡就已經有了三個ointments了。雖然錄像時非常不錯的,但是仍有小小美中不足。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像而且沒有什麼ointment令你厭惡,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月19日 星期日

black and blue

Hi there, students. Black and blue, give me your money or I will beat you black and blue. Black and blue is (anewing? ) referring to bruises. You know when you hit somebody or something, you have bruise, it swells up, and then it goes black and blue and purple and various of colours. But black and blue, so I fell down stairs, my face was black and blue for a week. Ok, burises all over my face. Ok, but this doesn't have to be literal as well. I had an agrument with my friend, and he was really upset, he said he (fent?) black and blue after the argument. Ok, so it doesn't have to be physical, yeah. After my meeting withe bank manager, the bank left me black and blue, left me feeling black and blue. So you can beat someone black and blue, physcially, or it can be mental or metaphorical, ok. So black and blue is referring to bruises (the colour comes out of...???). Yeah, maybe several hours of learning English can leave you black and blue or leave your brain black and blue. Anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!black and blue, 把錢給我,不然我要打得你遍體鱗傷。black and blue意思是瘀傷。你知道當你擊打某人或某物的時候,你會有瘀­傷,傷口腫起來,然後傷口會出現黑色藍色紫色等各種顏色。我滾下­了樓梯,一個星期我變成了大花臉。我的臉上遍布瘀傷。但是這個詞­無需按照字面去解釋。我和朋友發生一場爭執,他非常生氣,他說在­爭執過後,他感到焦頭爛額。所以焦頭爛額不一定是身體上的狀況。­在和銀行的負責人會面之後,他們令我焦頭爛額。你可以將某人打到­遍體鱗傷,指的是身體上的傷,你也可能被別人打得遍體鱗傷,或者­也可以是精神上的的創傷或者是隱喻的。所以black and blue是指帶有各種顏色的瘀傷。也許幾個小時的英語學習令到你­焦頭爛額,令到你精神上崩潰。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜­歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

the three Rs

Hi there, students. The three Rs, ok, the three Rs are reading, writing and arithmetic. Ok, the three Rs refer to the basis (of?) and education. Be able to read, be able to write, and be able to do mathematics, simple numbers. So reading, writing and arithmetic. Yeah, so very often you hear people say what the education system needs is to go back to the three Rs. To teach children to read, write and add up. Ok, this term is a little bit ironic as well, because notice, reading starts with r,  writing starts with w, and arithmetic starts with a. But all of them have a strong r (phoning) at the beginning, yeah. Ok, so reading, writing and arithmetics, the three Rs, essential in any education and in any language. It is, the three Rs is a quite old fashion phrase, I think it probably originates in the 18 century, the late 18 century, maybe the early 19 century. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!the three Rs,三R指的是閱讀、書寫和計數。這三個R指的是教育的基本層­面。能夠閱讀,能夠書寫並且能夠做簡單計數。所以你經常會聽到人­們說,什麼是教育體系所需要的,實際上就是面向三R,教導孩子閱­讀、書寫和計數。這個三R聽起來有點好笑,因為閱讀是r開頭,書­寫是w開頭,而計數卻是w開頭。三個詞語都有r在開頭發重音。這­三R在教育和語言學習中都是非常重要的。三R這個詞是非常舊式的­詞語,大約出現在18世紀晚期或19世紀早期。好了,如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又­見面。

2013年5月18日 星期六

a skeleton in the cupboard

Hi there, students. To have a skeleton in the cupboard, you could also say a skeleton in the closet. But personally I prefer the phrase to have a skeleton in the cupboard. So a skeleton in your, in the cupboard, or to have a skeleton in your cupboard is a phrase or idiom means something bad happened in the past, you did somehting bad, there was a scandal in the past, you capped it seceret, you didn't tell anyone, so nobody knows. So I am sure we all have skeletons in a cupboard.  There are things in the past, there are bad things we (bid?) did that we haven't told anyone about, so nobody knows. So what's the idea of this? Ok, a skeleton in your cupboard, this is a dead body, this is somebody you have murdered, on the concept, it doesn't have to be murder. But there is somebody you have killed, and then you put them in your cupboard, and you left it there. And that was long time ago, and the body has now rotted and become a skeleton, yeah. So that is the idea,  something bad you have done in the past, but you haven't told anyone about it, so nobody knows. Yeah, we all have skeletons in our cupboard. Me? I certainly do, but I am not going to tell you about it. Because that is why they are in the cupboard, they are skeletons in the cupboard. Scandals, terrible things I did them in the past that I haven't told anyone so nobody knows about, ok. To have a skeleton in the cupboard, let's see if we can find out about your skeleton in the cupboard. If you continue talking like this, I am going to let your skeleton out of the cupboard, I am going to tell anybody what's happened, because I know your skeleton in the cupboard. Well, I don't. But this is an example, yeah.So, yeah, a skeleton in the cupboard, so my new year's resolution:not to put any more skeletons in my cupboard and to be good and honest as always. Yeah, ok, a skeleton in the cupboard, or a skeleton in the closet, a scandal in the past, scandal, bad thing, but you have kept it secret. Ok, so if you want a comment on any of your skeletons in the cupboard, you are most welcome, they could make interesting reading. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to have a skeleton in the cupboard,你也可以說to have a skeleton in the closet,我人人來說比較喜歡用to have a skeleton in the cupboard。to have a skeleton in the cupboard是一句短語或者慣用語,意思是你在過去做了壞事­,有一件醜事在過去發生,而你將它掩蓋下來,沒有告訴任何人,所­以也沒有人知道。我確信我們每個人都有a skeleton in the cupboard,在過去發生了一些事,其中我們確實做了些壞事­,我們沒有告訴過任何人,所以沒有人知道。那這句話的意思究竟是­什麼?a skeleton in your cupboard,是說有一具屍體,這個人被你謀殺了,當然我們­是在解釋概念,其實沒有謀殺案。好了,你殺了人,然後將它放在櫥­櫃裡,任由它腐爛,經過一段時間,它變成了一具骨架。這就是這句­短語的由來。你在過去做了件壞事,你沒有告訴任何人,所以沒有人­知道。我們都有skeleton 在櫥櫃裡,我當然也不例外。 我不會告訴你我做了什麼,這就是為什麼skeleton會在櫥櫃­裡的原因。它是醜聞,它是我在過去所做的壞事,我一直沒有告訴任­何人,所以沒有人知道。我們看看能不能找到你的skeleton in the cupboard。如果你不停地這樣談論這件事,我會將你的醜聞­揭出來,我會告訴所有人關於你的醜聞,因為我知道你的skele­ton in your cupboard。其實我不會的,這僅是個例子。我的新年願望是­不要在將任何skeleton放進我的cupboard,不做任­何見不得人的事,要一直做好的、誠實的人。a skeleton就是醜聞,在過去做的壞事,你一直在掩蓋。好了­,如果你想談談你的skeleton,我們無任歡迎,因為這會引­起極大的閱讀興趣。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;­訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月17日 星期五

there will be hell to pay

Hi there, students. There will be hell to pay, ok, there will be hell to pay, this is an idiom meaning that someone will be really really angry if something happens or something doesn't happen. For example, there will be hell to pay if I am late for work again. So my boss will be supremely angry, extrememly angry. There will be hell to pay if I don't pay this bill tomorrow. Ok, I am going to have a lot of trouble, somebody is going to be very angry if I don't pay this bill. Notice, normally this phrase there will be hell to pay, if, plus present simple, so it is in the form of the first conditional. There will be hell to pay if my mother finds out I broke her vase. Ok, my mother will be really angry if she discovers that I broke her glass or vase, I mean, sorry. There will be hell to pay if I don't pass this exam. I am going to have big trouble, yeah, I am going to have big problems if I don't pass this exam. But you can just use the phrase 'there will be hell to pay', Ok, there are going to be a lot of problems and we know if something happens or something doesn't happen. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; if you don't , there won't be hell to pay. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!there will be hell to pay, 這是一句慣用語,意思是某人將因某件事的發生或沒有發生而非常非­常生氣。如果我再遲到,我老板將會大發雷霆。如果我明天不支付賬­單,有人會大發雷霆,我的麻煩就大了。注意,通常這個慣用語是用­if加現在時態構成第一條件句。如果媽媽發現我將她的花瓶打碎了­,她會震怒,我的麻煩就大了。她會大發雷霆,如果她發現我打碎了­花瓶。如果我沒有通過這次考試,我的麻煩就大了,我會有大麻煩,­大問題,如果我沒能通過考試。我們也可以只是簡單說 there will be hell to pay,表示某事如果發生或者沒有發生會帶來大麻煩。如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;如果你不喜歡,也不會有什麼大­麻煩。訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

a pub crawl

Hi there, students. A pub crawl, so you all know the word pub, a pub is where you go for a beer, for a drink. And crawl, before babies walk, they crawl on all fours. So a pub crawl is where you go to lots of different pubs and drink loads of alcoho and get really drunk. And by the end you are so drunk that you crawl on your all fours from one pub to the next. Ok, (beof?), my head really hurts, we went on a pub crawl last night. It's when you go to various different pubs, and you drink, drink and drink. Yeah. Maybe a group of you as well. Ok, so it's a nice easier idiom to remember. To go on a pub crawl, yeah. I am sure most of you have been on a pub crawl once or twice in your life. Anyway, a lot of you are asking as well if I am in the hospital and how am I. I am fine and in the next couple of hours they are going to let me out of hospital. So I am going and I am fine so don't worry. There will be loads more videos for a lot more time. Ok, that was just a little aside. So anyway, let's go back to the video itself, a pub crawl, to go to lots of different pubs and get drunk. So if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a pub crawl, 你們都知道pub這個詞,a pub是你去喝啤酒的地方。crawl,是當嬰兒沒有開始行走前­,他們用四肢爬行。a pub crawl,是說當你去了很多不同的酒吧,喝了很多酒,醉酒熏熏­,最後你醉得只好從一家酒吧爬到另一家酒吧繼續喝。誒,我的頭痛­得很,昨晚我們一直在進行a pub crawl,從一家酒吧喝到另一家酒吧。a pbu crawl就是去各種不同的酒吧,不停地喝呀喝,當然,也許是一­群人。記住,to go on a pub crawl,這是一個容易記住、好用的短句。我相信你們大多數人­曾經做過to go on a pub crawl。另外,你們很多人都問我是不是住院了,現在如何。我­很好,一會幾小時內,醫生會讓我出院。就是說,我要離開這裡了,­我現在很好,你們不必擔心,我們會有很多很多的錄像。這是幾句題­外話。好了,讓我們回到錄像,繼續講a pub crawl,去很多酒吧喝酒,喝得爛醉。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄­像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月16日 星期四

What are the characteristics of a beautiful woman

Hi there, students. What are the characteristics of a beautiful woman? What is a tractive in a woman? Well I think you ask that questions, question to most man and the answer will be 'she has got fantastic boobs', 'she has got wonderful hips', 'a flat stomach', 'she is really good in bed', yeah. But all of these characteristics are but skin deep. I think you really need to talk about her mind. So what would be the characteristics of a beautiful woman? I think she should be patient, I think patience is a very beautiful characteristic. I think also being understanding and comprehensive, very very beautiful characteristics again. I think she needs to be enthusiastic and full of energy and do many different things. I think she needs the ability to talk about (why?) variety (is? )a different and interesting and vary subject. Also again the ability to listen, I think it is essential, to know when listen to her partner and what he is trying to say. And also, I like woman who is upbeat even when time is difficult. It's a good thing to smile even though things are working against you. It's also important I think that woman is funny, it's beautiful characteristic woman who makes you laugh. So that would really be a very nice one. And also I think it's very important that a woman is loving and caring and she cares and loves her partner. I think all of these are really the characteristics that make a woman beautiful. So anyway, there you go, (guys?) next time they ask you what makes a woman beautiful, stop and think about her mind, not her body. Anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

 各位!漂亮女人的特征是什麼?什麼特征令一個女性吸引人?如果你­問男人這個問題,我想大多數男人會回答“她有一對迷人的乳房,她­的臀部漂亮極了,小腹也平坦沒有贅肉,她床上的功夫也非常好。”­這些所謂的特征都是膚淺的、表面上的。我認為你應該好好談論一下­女性的心智。那究竟什麼是漂亮女人的特征呢?她應該有耐性,耐性­是一個漂亮女人的重要特征。理解能力和悟性也是漂亮女人所應具有­的重要特征。她應該是熱情的,精力充沛,可以處理很多不同的事情­。她應該有談話的能力,能談論很多不同的、有趣的、廣泛的話題。 同時,她要有聆聽的能力,聆聽伴侶的能力是非常重要的,她應該能­夠明白另一半想講什麼。我喜歡女性積極向上、愉快樂觀,就算是艱­難時期也是如此。能夠保持微笑是一件好事,就算各種事情都是不如­意,也要如此。同時,女性要懂得開玩笑也是非常重要的,她能夠逗­笑你,這是漂亮女性的重要特征。還有,我認為漂亮女人要有愛心、­懂得關心他人,她關愛她的伴侶。我認為以上這些特征就塑造了一個­漂亮女人。好了,就是如此,下次有人問你什麼令到一個女人變得漂­亮,停下來,思考一下她的內心世界,不要只是集中精力在她的身體­上。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的­頻道,我將很快和你再見面。

2013年5月15日 星期三

a bouncing cheque- a rubber cheque

Hi there, students. A rubber cheque, ok, a cheque is something that you have from the bank, a piece of paper and you write in it and you can pay with that. Yeah, mostly people use bank transfers now, but cheque still do exist. So if a cheque is made of rubber, it bounces. And if it bounces, then you send it to the bank for payment, it doesn't , it doesn't clear, there is no money in the account. Ok, so a rubber cheque is a cheque that you take to the bank to try to cash, but there is no money in the account and when you try to cash it, the bank sends it back. Ok, so notice, a rubber cheque, bounces, to bounce a cheque. Yeah, ok, so this is something that you might be fuming about, you might be really angry about. He gave me a cheque to cover all the money he owed me, but unfortunately, it was a rubber cheque, the cheque bounced. Not a good situation at all, yeah? Anyway, I hope it doesn't happen to you. So if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a rubber cheque, a cheque,支票,就是你從銀行領取一張紙,你在上面簽好內容­,可以用來支付款項。很多人用銀行轉賬服務,但是支票仍然存在。­所以,如果支票是用膠皮制成的,它就會上下彈動。如果支票彈了,­你將支票送到銀行用來支付款項,銀行無法支付,因為賬戶內根本沒­有錢。所以,a rubber cheque,就是一張支票,你拿著它去銀行兌現,但是賬戶內根­本沒有錢,無法兌現,銀行會將支票退回給你。a rubber cheque,就是彈票,彈出來。這是一件你可能會非常生氣的事­,氣得冒煙的事。他交給我一張支票,用來償還欠我的所有債款。可­悲的是,這是一張rubber cheque,是一張彈票。這是一種非常不好的情況。總之,我希­望你沒有遇到這樣的情況。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘­喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

to be in somebody else's shoes

Hi there, students. To be in somebody else's shoes, ok, shoes, shoes, (for the ..?) a shoe. Ok, to be in the situation the body of somebody else. Ok, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't do that. So I were in your situation, I wouldn't do that. Notice the second contional in the use of this, because it's impossible for me to be you, yeah, it's just not possbile. So it is second conditional 'if I were you, I would..'. If I were in your shoes, I would do this. If I were in his shoes,  I would go and see the doctor, because clearly, he has a problem. Ok, to go and see the doctor, if I were in your shoes, I would go and see the doctor. If he were in my shoes, he would deal with this problem, he would resolve this problem more easily. Ok, so to be in somebody else's shoes, to be in somebody else's situation, to see things as they do. we are all different, so it is not possible, but we can, it's something we can imagine. If I were you, I'd get some new glassses. Like that, you would see better. But that's what I would do in your situation, what you do is another question, ok. So if I were in your shoes, if he were in my shoes, yeah. If somebody were in somebody else's shoes, yeah. To be in somebody else's shoes, yeah, to be in the same situation as them. But from their point of view, not your point of view, ok. So anyway, if I were in your shoes and I had enjoyed this video, I would give it a rating; you could subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to be in somebody else's shoes, shoes, 這就是鞋,就是說處在某人所處的位置上。如果我be in your shoes, 如果我處在你的位置上,我不會那樣做。注意,這裡用了第二條件句­。因為我不可能是你,這是不可能的事。所以,這是第二條件句,如­果我是你,我將如何如何。如果我處在你的位置上, 我會這樣做。如果我是他的話, 我會去看病。因為很明顯,他身體有問題。要去看病,如果我是你的­話, 我會去看病。如果他是我的話,他會著手處理這個問題,他會更容易­解決這個問題。所以,to be in somebody else's shoes,就是換位相處的意思,從他人的角度看待問題。每個人­都是不同的,換位是不可能的,但是我們可以想像這樣做。如果我是­你,我會換一副眼鏡,可以看得更清楚些。這是如果我處在你的情況­下所會做的事情,你如何選擇是另外一回事。所以,我們經常說,如­果我是你,如果他是我等等,就是處在他人所處的位置上。要從他人­的觀點看,不是從你自己的角度看問題。好了,如果我是你而且喜歡­這個錄像的話,我會留下一個‘喜歡’評級;你可以訂閱我的頻道,­我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月14日 星期二

in-at one fell swoop

Hi there, students. In one fell swoop, to do a lot of things together, to do them all in one fell swoop. Ok, so I need to do a lot of shopping, I need to buy some meat from the butcher, I need to buy some vegetables, I need to buy some textiles, I need some things from the ironmonger and I am going to buy all these things in one fell swoop, all together, all at the same time. What does this word with phrase mean? In one, once, fell, this is an English word, meaning awful, terrible, horrible, drastic, ok. Yeah, and then swoop, a bird, a bird prey, swoops down, flys down and catches its prey, so eagle swoops and catches a rabbit. So if you do a lot of things in one fell swoop, you do them all together, all of the same time. So if you have got a lot of difficult things or problematic things to do, maybe you can do them all in one fell swoop. Maybe you have heard the phrase to kill two birds with one stone, well if you have got multiple things to do, you do it all in one fell swoop, at the same time, kaboom ! yeah. So the eagle flys down, catches the rabbit resolves all the problems in that one coming down. Ok, that one swoops down to catch its prey to resolve the problems. Ok, I think this phrase first appears in Shakespeare's play Macbeth where (Ham?) says 'at one fell swoop'. Notice , at one fell swoop, this one can be in one fell swoop or at one fell swoop. To do various things at one fell swoop, resove multiple things at the same time. Anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!in one fell swoop, 將很多事情放在一起做,將它們放在一起in one fell swoop去完成。我要去買很多東西,我要從肉店買一些肉,我還­要買些蔬菜、紡織品,我還要從五金店買些東西,我要將全部這些東­西in one fell swoop買回來,將它們一起、在同一時間買回來。這個短語究竟­有什麼意思?one,就是once, 一次的意思。fell, 這是一個舊詞,意思是糟糕的、可怕的、猛烈的;swoop,是鳥­捕捉獵物時,猛撲下來,飛下來捉住它的獵物。老鷹猛撲下來捉住了­一只兔子。所以如果你將所有事情in one fell swoop去做,你將它們全部放在一起並在同一時間做完。如果你­有很多困難的、具難題性的事情要做,也許你可以將它們in one fell swoop一舉完成。或許你聽過那句話:一石殺兩鳥。如果你有多重事情要完成,你可以­將它們in one fell swoop,一舉完成,嘭!那只鷹飛撲下來,抓住兔子,用一次猛­撲解決掉了所有問題。那是一下子俯衝下來,捉住獵物,解決了問題­。我認為這個短句最先出現在莎士比亞的戲劇麥克白裡面。(?)說­:at one fell swoop。主意,這個短句可以說成in one fell swoop,或者at one fell swoop。意思是將多重事情at one fll swoop完成,將很多問題一舉解決。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像­,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月13日 星期一

to fume about something

 Hi there, students. To fume about something, or to fume over something, or just to fume (intransitive,in transitive?), ok, this means to be really really angry about it, fume is similar to smoke, but there no smoke, there evaporated material, evaporate, something that is evaporated. You can see it and imagine it coming out of their ears. So he was fuming that he hadn't been paid, he was fuming about the fact that he hadn't been paid, he was fuming over the fact that he hadn't been paid.  he was really really angry, you can imagine the smok coming up. We all have been in that situation when we are fuming, we are very angry, we are fuming about somthing, we are very agnry about something, we are fuming over something. We are extremely angry and upset. Ok, yes, I came home very drunk last night and my girlfriend is still fuming over it, she is very angry. Ok, so to fume, to be angry, to be extremely upset. Ok, anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon.

各位!to fume about something, 或者to fume over something, 又或者僅僅說to fume,不及物動詞,這個短句的意思是對某事非常非常生氣。f­ume和煙很相似,但是它又不是煙,是一種濃縮的物質,你可以看­到或者想像到它從人的耳朵裡面飄出來。對於至今沒有被支付款項,­他感到非常惱火,他非常非常生氣,你可以想像煙從他的耳朵裡冒出­來。我們都對此有體會,我們非常氣憤,我們對某事感到非常惱火,­我們對此感到極端憤怒。昨晚我回到家時仍然醉醺醺的,我女朋友非­常生氣。所以,to fume,就是非常生氣、惱火的意思。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像­,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月12日 星期日

pin your ears back

Hi there, students. I recommend that you pin back your ears and listen carefully to what I am going to say. Ok, so to pin back your ears, to pin back, to take your ears and pull them back, literally, so you can hear well. Ok, so this means pay serious attention to what someone is saying. When the teacher is talking in the class, you should pin back your ears, so you can hear well. Ok, pin back your ears and listen to what he says is important. He knows he is talking about, ok. Yeah, when you are listening to my videos, you really should pin back your ears and pay your uttermost, uttermost attention. Ok, so, yeah, to pin back your ears, to pay special and express attention to someone, to listent to what they say. Ok. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my video and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我建議你們pin back your ears,仔細聽我將要說的話。to pin back your ears, 字面上就是將你的耳朵提起來然後向後拉,這樣可以聽得清楚點。這­個短句的意思是你要集中精力聽某人所講的東西。老師在講課的時候­,你要pin back your ears,集中精力聽,這樣才能聽得清楚。pin back your ears 並且仔細聽他說的東西是非常重要的,他知道他在說什麼。你在聽我­的錄像的時候,你要pin back your ears,要集中你最高的注意力去聽。pin back your ears,要十分留心並快速聽某人在說的東西。好了,如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你­又見面。

for the most part

 Hi there, students. For the most part, Ok, this is a phrase that means generally, mostly. Ok, the great part is in this way. Let me give you some examples. For the most part, English words are regular. Ok, mostly, generally. Yes, there are some irrgular ones that are very complicated. But for the most pary, generally, normally, they are regular. For the most part, my videos are serious. Ok, mostly, they are serious, but there are one or two that are not. Ok, so generally, the great amount, The streets in this city are very beautiful for the most part, that means the majority of them are, but there are one or two that are not pretty. So for the most part, generally, normally, the large amount, the large percentage. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, for the most part, or even all of it, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!for the most part, 這是個短句,意思是概括來說,通常來講,事情的大部分按此劃分。­我給大家舉些例子。總體來講,英語詞彙是規則的,總體上,正常來­講,當然也有一些是不規則詞語,它們非常復雜。但是,總體來講,­它們是規則的。通常來說,我的錄像是嚴肅的,但是有幾個是不太嚴­肅的。總體上,通常來講。這個城市的街道總體上是很漂亮的,多數­街道是漂亮的,但是有幾條就不是那麼漂亮了。for the most part, 總體上,正常來講,占多數,大的比例。好了,如果總體上你喜歡這­個錄像,或者你喜歡這個錄像的全部,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

if you like

 Hi there, students. I had a question about the phrase 'if you like'. Well if you like can be part of a condtional clause. If you like sweet things, you shoule eat chocolate. But there is a different meaning to this. This we use more (?) idiom. So we use this to say things in another way. So for example, he is quite a large man, fat, if you like. Ok, so, I am saying it in another way, I am rephrasing it, I am paraphrasing it, yeah. Ok, I teach people to communicate, or I am an English teacher if you like. Ok we can also use this phrase to mean 'if you want to approve', if you agree with me, making a suggestion and asking if you agree with them. So we can go to the cinema if you like. I am suggesting why don't we go to the cinema, if you like, if you want, we can go to the cinema, I think it is a good idea, what do you think? if you like, yeah. We could have a class tomorrow at 4 O'clock, if you like, if you agree, so it's a way of making a suggestion as well. Ok, so this phrase, if you like, ok, it has two different meanings, it means to say something in another way, ok. He drives extremely fast, dangerously, if you like. So maybe you want to prove what I am saying, or maybe will say, to say it in another way. So notice the two meanings are very very similar, they almost overlap, cover one and another. So I think it's time to finish this video or I have probably got no more to say, if you like.  So anyway, you can give the video a rating if you like, if you want, if you prove my suggestion and you can subscribe to my channel if you like and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我對短句‘if you like’有個疑問,if you likei可以是條件從句的一個部分,如果你喜歡甜食,你應該吃­點巧克力。但其實它有另外一個意思,我們更多的把它當成一句習慣­用句。我們用它來表示事情的另一種講法。比如說,他是一個體型厚­重的人,也可以說,肥胖。我在用另外一種方式來講述這件事,我在­描述這件事,我在措辭。我在教大家溝通的學問,你也可以說,我是­一個英語教師。我們也用這個短句來表達‘贊同’‘同意某人’的意­思,提出建議並詢問對方是否同意。我們可以去看電影,如果你不反­對。我在建議,為什麼我們不去看電影呢,如果你不反對,如果你也­想這樣,我認為這是個好主意,你說呢?我們明天下午4點有課,如­果你沒有問題的話。這是我用該句做出的建議。if you like,這個短句有兩種意思,一是用另外一種方式來描述事情,­他開車狂飆,可以說,極其危險。或者你想贊同我所說的,或者可能­要說的,用另一種方式來表達。所以這兩種意思是非常相似的,幾乎­互相重疊。我認為是時候要結束這個錄像了,也可以說,我幾乎沒有東西可以說­了。如果沒有問題的話,你同意的話,你可以給這個錄像留下一個評­級;你可以訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月10日 星期五

to meet somebody halfway

Hi there, studnents. I will meet you halfway, Ok, this is to compromise with someone, perhaps to bargain with someone. You want me to pay you 20, I want to pay you 10, I will meet you halfway, I will offer you 15. Ok, so this is, this means to compromise with someone. It's not necessily over bargaining (when the negotiation is plus? ), this can be with other things that is more complex. So you meet someone halfway to show that you want to reach an agreement, to improve your relation by doing some of the things they ask you, but not all of you, all of them, yeah. So if you meet someone halfway, you are prepared to agree some of their conditions, or some of the things they want. If they are prepared, if they are disposed to meet you halfway as well and do some of the things you want. To meet halfway, try to meet in th middle. Ok, so, yeah, to meet someone halway, to do some of the things someone wants, with the idea or concept that they will do some of things that you want,  Because the world is never black and white, it's normally green. So if I meet you halfway, it's some (were?) I want and some (were?) you want, Ok. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!I will meet you halfway, 這是和某人做出妥協、討價還價時所講的話。你想讓我給你20元,­我只想給你10元,這樣吧,一人讓一步,我給你15元。這裡是做­妥協的意思解釋。這不僅僅是和談判有關,也可和其他復雜的事情相­連。所以當你說I will meet you halfway,你在表達你想妥協,你想通過去做他人讓你做的事­情去改善大家的關系,但並不是去做對方要求的全部。you meet someone halfway, 你准備去認同對方的部分條件,或者是部分對方想你做的事情,當然­,對方也要meet you halfway,對方也要有意願去做你所要求的事情的一部分。t­o meet halfway,就是大家各讓一步的意思。to meet someone halfway,就是你同意做一部分對方要求你的事情,對方同時­也同意做一部分你所要求他們做的事情。因為世界永遠不會是白或者­黑,通常是綠色的。所以如果我meet you halfway, 一定是有些是我想要的,有些是你想要的。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留­下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月9日 星期四

description of a view from a hospital

Hi there, students. Here you have the view from my window. On the left of you, you can see a chimney and part of the hospital. It looks pretty horrible but that's where it is. But look behind, it's (net?) beautiful. You can see the river with, there is a road bridge going across with cars, buses moving across slowly. And then you can see the water and the light reflect the water. You can some industrial buidlings here and behind them some residential blocks. And if you look, it goes up  And then this hill also with residential buildings on the top of it, yeah, whick looks like quite a nice place to live with beautiful view over the city. You can see the trees, (at the back as well?). And then we got another rather ugly residential complex here where people live. And one of the two trees, there is a couplf pine trees here which look ok. What else we got? Ok, so there is a yellow building here and if you actually look down below me here, somebody has got a garden where grwoing vegetables, I think if you look down here, they have got potatoes and other things as well. And if you look at the (..?) as well, let's see if I can find it, there is a (pang ?) tree growing, you see just in front of these red cars, there is a (pang?) tree, quite a nice one. And then there are a couple of more (pangs?) up as well. So anyway, let's just pull back a bit, and we can see the scene again, ok, that's the scene from the window, maybe that's a good description for you. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!這裡是從我房間窗戶望出去的景像。從左邊望過去,有一個煙­囪及部分醫院建築,看上去很難看,但是,就是這樣子。看看後面,­卻很漂亮。有一條河,在河上有一座橋,上面滿是轎車和巴士,在緩­慢行駛。你可以看到河水及光在水中的反射。這裡有一些工廠大廈,­在它們後面是居民區。向上看看,山坡頂部也是居民區,看上去是十­分舒適的居住地方。在後面有一些樹,在後面,可以看到另一些較為­難看的居民樓宇,兩棵樹中間,有些松樹,看上去不錯。還有些什麼?還有一座黃色的建築物,如果你從我這裡望下去,有個­花園,裡面種植了一些蔬菜,從這裡看,可以看到一些馬鈴薯和其他­種植物。如果從這裡向上看, 也許能看到,這裡有一顆(?)樹在生長。就在那幾架紅色轎車的前­面,長得很好看。那邊也有幾顆(?)樹。好了,我們將鏡頭向後拉­回一點,你可以再看一次這裡的景致,這就是從窗戶望出去的情景。­也許這是對你有用的描述。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘­喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月7日 星期二

review of must

Hi there, students. In this video, I am going to make a brief review of the use of must. Ok, we can use 'must ' for logical certainty. For example, he must be here, ok. That's talking about a logical certainty in the present. Ok, he must have been here, ok, that's a logical certainty in the past. He must be here, his wife is here; he must have been here, there is a photo of him in the garden. Ok, so in both of these, it is a logical certainty that he is here now or he was here in the past he must be here, he must have been here. But notice we can't use this in the future, ok. This only talks about prsent or past. And then in the negative, oh, he mustn't have been here. Ok, we can use this in a logical certainty saying 'it is impossible that he is here now', he mustn't be here. But personally I would use 'he can't be here', it's impossible for him to be here. It's possible again, if his wife says he didn't come, then he mustn't have been here. It's possible, but again, I would use in this case 'couldn't'. So for logical certainty negative , something your certainty isn't true, I would recommand 'can't ' for a present and 'could' for a past. Ok, now we can use must for necessity. For example, you must buy a ticket to ride on the train. Ok, here this is talking about either present or near future, you must pass the exam to enter the university, yeah. And in the past, I think  I would use 'had to', so for example, you had to buy a ticket to get into the concert And necessity in the past not using must. Ok, so you had to buy, yeah. Ok, now also we use must to talk about strong recommendations. You must lose weight or you are going to be very ill. This is a very strong recommendation. Here is talking about the present or the near future. Ok, you must lose weight and then in the negative, you mustn't lose weight, again, it's a strong recommandation, almost like a prohibition. You mustn't lose weight or you are going to get more weight or you are going to be very ill. To talk about strong recommendations in the past, or even just weak recommendations, I would use should. So you should use should. Yeah. So He should have lost weight or he shouldn't have lost weight. This is well, talking about recommendations for things in the past, hindsight with 20/20 vision. Ok, that's a (compl ...??). But let's see, for recommendations, ok, you must do this, you mustn't do that, and in the past, you should have done this or you should have done that. Ok, finally let's look at 'must' for prohibition. You mustn't work on the grass, ok, this is talking about the present or the nea future again, or even habit. Ok, something that is prohibited. And then in the past for this prohibition, I would say 'you couldn't work on the grass'. When I was at university, you couldn't work on the grass. So notice for this prohibition, mustn't for present and near future, but couldn't for the past, ok. Anyway I hope that clear some of your doubts, I am sure there are lots more, because these modal verbs are really (complics?), with different meanings, different uses in different tenses. But persevere with them, and you will find them easier. Ok anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!在這個錄像裡,我會將must的用法做一個簡要的回顧。我­們可以用must表示邏輯上的確定性。比如說,他一定要來這裡,­這個must就是在將邏輯上的確定性。他一定已經來過這了,這句­表示的是在過去的邏輯上的確定性。他一定在這,因為他的妻子在這­裡。他一定來過這裡,因為在花園裡有他的一張照片。這兩個例子都­是在說邏輯上的確定性,一個是說現在,另一說的是過去。他一定在­這裡,他一定來過這裡。要注意,我們不能將must用在將來時態­中。因為must僅能用在現在和過去兩種時態中。在否定句中,他­一定沒有來過這裡,我們可以用must表達邏輯上的現在不可能性­,he mustn't be here, 但是我個人傾向於用can't,he can't be here,他是不可能在這裡的。在類似的使用上,he mustn't havee been here, 有這個可能性,如果他的妻子說他沒有來過這裡,那他he mustn't have been here,再說一次,用mustn't 是可以的,但是我會用couldn't, 對於確定性的否定,對某件事你肯定是錯的,我建議現在式用can't, 過去式用couldn't。我們也可以用must來表示必要性。­比如,乘坐火車,你必需購買火車票。這裡是來說現在或者比較近的­將來。升入大學,你必須通過考試才行。對於過去,我認為我自己會­用had to,你had to 買一張票才能進入音樂會。對於談到過去式的必要性,我們一般不用­must,而是用had to。我們也用must來表示非常強烈的建議。你必須減肥,否則­你會病得很厲害。這是非常強的建議。這裡所談論的是目前和較近的­將來。you must lose weight,在否定式中,用you mustn't lose weight。都是非常強烈的建議,近乎命令。你不減肥,或者增­肥,你會得重病。如果談到在過去式中用到建議,或者是較弱的建議­,我建議使用should, he should have lost weight,或者he shouldn't have lost weight。這裡所講的是在過去式中使用建議,hindsig­ht with 20/20 vision,馬後炮的20/20視野節目,哈哈。對於建議來說,用you must do this, you mustn't do that; 對於過去式,用should, you should have done this, you shouldn't have done that。最後我們看看must被用在禁止做某事上的用法。yo­u mustn't work on the grass, 你不可以在草地上做。這句說的是現在或者比較近的將來時態,甚至­是一種習慣,總之是被禁止的。如果是要講在過去的禁令,我會這樣­說:you couldn't work on the grass。在大學裡,你不可以在草坪上工作。在表示禁令的句子­中,用mustn't 表示現在和較近的將來,用couldn't 表示過去的禁令。我希望我已經消除了你們的一些疑問,但是我十分­清楚還有很多你們會感到困惑的地方,因為這些情態詞十分(?),­在不同時態中有不同的意思和用法。但是如果你堅持學習,你會較容­易發現它們。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱­我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月5日 星期日

it's a dog eat dog world

Hi there, students. It's a dog eat dog world, or it's a dog eat dog situation, ok, one dog eats another. Ok, this means people, it's a situation in which people will do anything to be successful, anything to survive. So, yes, for example, business is a dog eat dog world. Yeah, it doesn't matter, people don't mind what they do, they don't mind if they harm or hurt other people as long as they are successful, yeah. Ok, so dog eat dog, one dog, one person eats another, they harm another,  to be more successful themslves, yeah. They say that the cinema that making films is a dog eat dog business, ok. So you will do anything including harm or hurt other actors, for yourself, to become more successful. Yeah, ok. We are in the middle of the crisis and many people are desperate. In my opinion the best thing to do would be to help each other. But many people consider this as to be a dog eat dog situation, they will do anything to survive, even hurting or harming other people,ok. So anything, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!it's a dog eat dog world,也可以說it's a dog eat dog situation,一只狗吃掉了另一只。它的意思是在一種環境­中,人們會用各種手段去獲取成功、去爭取生存。比如說,生意場是­a dog eat dog world, 人吃人的世界,你死我活的世界。人們不在乎自己做什麼,不要緊,­不管是傷害他人也好,還是損害他人利益也好,只要他們自己能成功­就好。a dog eat dog, 一只狗,一個人去傷害另外一個人,以便自己成功、生存。大家常說­,制作電影是一種a dog eat dog business, 是生死競爭的生意,你會不擇手段去傷害其他演員,只為追求自己更­加成功。我們仍處在危機之中,大家都很絕望。我的觀點則是最好的­辦法是大家互相幫助,但是很多人都認為現在的環境是處在你死我活­的狀態,他們會掙扎求存,就算損害他人利益也在所不惜。好了,如­果你喜歡這錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很­快和你又見面。

2013年5月4日 星期六

might have done and could have done

Hi there,students. What's the difference between might have and could have? He is as white as a sheet, he is complete white, he might have seen a ghost, he could have seen a ghost. Here I think the two meanings are very very similar that are almost identical. But I think with the 'he might have seen a ghost', the emphasize is on possibility. Whereas 'he could have seen a ghost', the emphasize is on ability. But in this case, I think they become more or less the same. Let's look at another example. If you had arrived early at the football ground, you might have bought a ticket for the match. If you had arrived early at the football ground, you could have bought a ticket for the match. So notice in this first one, you might have bought a ticket, there was a possibility, maybe, maybe not. But in the second one, you could have bought a ticket, the possibility existed, you had the ability, you didn't arrive early, so you didn't buy the ticket, but you could have bought one, because they are available. You might have bought one, There were some available but they were very difficult to get and there were a lot of competition. So there was a possibility. Notice there is difference between these two. You could have, you definitely could have bought a ticket. Whereas you mgiht have, you possibly might have bought one. If you had seen me, you could have helped me. If you had seen me, you might have helped me. Ok, here, in this,  if you had seen me, you might have helped me, there was a possibility, maybe you helped me, maybe you didn't, here again, we are talking about the emphasis of possibility. Whereas if you had seen me, you could have helped me, ok, this is again talking about ability. Now, notice sometimes we use this as well as a criticism. You didn't arrive at a meeting, you might have rung me, you could have rung me, notice, the 'could' is very critical, you might have rung me, the possibility existed. But if I am saying 'you could', and also listen to the way my voice emphasizes that: 'could', I am being critical, you didn't, and you have this ability too. The( unrecognized?) question is 'why didn't you do it?' ok. So anyway, that's the difference, it is not a big one and it is not easy and it's not obvious. But anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!might have 和could have 之間有什麼區別?他臉白的像一張紙,he might have seen a ghost, 他可能看見了鬼; he could have seen a ghost, 他也許能見到鬼。此處,我認為這兩個句表達的意思是非常非常相似­的,幾乎完全一樣。但是如果用might have seen, 強調的重點放在了可能性上面,而用could have seen,則強調的是能力。但是在本文中的句子中,我認為它們的­分別並不大。我再給大家一個例子。如果你早點到足球場,你有可能­買到球票;如果你早點到足球場,你或許能買到球票。在第一句中,­如果你早到,有買到票的可能,也有買不到的可能;在第二句中,y­ou could have bought,你或許能買到,可能性存在,你有能力買到票,你沒­有早到,所以你沒有買到票,但是你確實有能力買到票,因為當時是­有票在出售的。you might have bought,也有票在賣,但是很難買到,而且有太多的競爭。所以,這僅僅是是一種可能性。you could have,你絕對具有買到球票的能力,而you might have,是說你有可能買到球票。如果你當時遇到我,你或許能幫­到我;如果你當時遇到我,你也許會幫我。在第二句you might have helped me中,強調的是一種可能性,你可能會幫我,也可能不會,再說一­次,這裡我們所做的是對可能性的強調。對於you could have helped me, 此處我們講的是一種能力。注意,有時我們用這種句子來表達一種批­評的含義。你沒有到會,你應該打電話通知我;你應該能夠打電話通­知我,注意,此處用could,含有很強的批評含義。you might have rung me,表達的是可能性,但是如果我用could,你聽聽我的語氣­及我所強調的counld,你就知道我在進行批評。沒有公開表達­的是‘為什麼你就不能打個電話給我呢?’好了,這就是二者間的區­別,不是很大,理解上不容易,區別也不是太明顯。如果你喜歡這錄­像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月3日 星期五

pick up steam

Hi there, students. To pick up steam, ok, firstly, to pick up, to increase, to get more, to become more. So he started the car and speed started to pick up. Ok, and then we have steam. Steam is water vapor. Ok. So if something picks up some steam, it starts to become more effective, more successful. They launched a new product on the market, and for the first few months, there was very little interest. But then they started advertising and the sales started to pick up steam, to go faster,  to be more serious, to improve, to go at a fast rate, ok, to pick up steam. So if you want your learning of English to pick up steam, to go faster, to be more effective, you need to study more or watch more videos, or both. Ok, so to pick up steam, to become more effective, more successful, more rapid, ok. So the project is now starting to pick up steam, to go much better, to go faster and more effectively. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to pick up steam, 首先,to pick up,是增加、擴大的意思。他發動了車,車速開始pick up,加快。然後,我們看看steam, steam就是蒸汽的意思。所以,如果我們說某件事to pick up steam,意思是它變得更加有效率,更加成功。他們推出了一款­新產品,最初的幾個月,市場的興趣不大。然後他們開始加強宣傳,­銷售量開始pick up steam,開始變快,變強,開始改善, 開始快速提升。如果你希望你的英語學習可以pick up steam,學得更快、更有效率,那你需要學得更多,或者觀看更­多錄像,也許二者要兼顧。所以,to pick up steam就是要變得更加有效率、成功、更加迅捷。現在這個項目­已經開始pick up steam, 變得更加好、進展很快、更有效率。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留­下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

neither rhyme nor reason

Hi there,students. Neither rhyme nor reason, there is neither rhyme nor reason to the way they organize this. Ok, this describes something very organized? , without logic, without order, without planning. Yeah, maybe some of you look at my channel and see all these thousands of videos and you say there is neither rhyme nor reason to the order of the videos. Or this guy is always changing his mind, there is neither rhyme nor reason at what he is going to decide next. Ok, we don't understand, there is no rhyme, to rhyme, two words rhyme. (Iam and rhyme?), dog and bog, rhymes, so there is no rhyme or reason, there is no order, there is no order to pattern. I think very often there is no rhyme or reason to the way the law is implimented in various countries. In some cases in this way, in other cases this way, but there is no rhyme or order, there is no pattern to it. Ok, yeah. So no rhyme or order to something, it's disordered, you don't understand how it works, because it is not logical, yeah, it is not order in a logical way. So anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!neither rhyme nor reason, 他們對此事所做的安排毫無條理可言。這個短句是說某件事十分沒有­條理性,毫無邏輯、次序、計劃可言。你們中的一些人或許面對我的­頻道中上千個錄像會說,這些錄像的次序混亂無常。這個家伙常常改­變主意,他下一步會怎麼做,毫無頭緒。我們無法了解。to rhyme, 押韻,要有兩個詞,比如aim和rhyme,dog和bog,t­here is no rhyme or reason, 是沒有次序的意思,沒有程序模式。我認為很多國家的法律在執行上­都是經常沒有什麼次序可言的,有時是這樣,有時那樣,no rhyme or reason,毫無條理,沒有固定模式。這句表示混亂不堪,你無­法明白其中的運作原理,無邏輯可言,並非有邏輯上的次序。好了,­如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我­將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月2日 星期四


 Hi there, students. Comuppance, to get yoru comeuppance, ok, this means to reveive your punishment, the punishment that you deserve, to get your just deserts. Very often you know you see people do bad things or stupid things and nothing happens. Well, sometimes they get latter they get their compuppance. They get their just or reasonable retribution. The origination, the origin of this phrase is from the phrase 'to come up before the judge'. So if you are going to be tried because you have . done soemthing bad in court, you come up before the judge, come up, comeuppance, ok. So you get your comeuppance, The man treated you very badly, don't worry, at some point in the future, he will get his comeuppance, ok. He is dual punishment, yeah. Ok, the retribution that is reasonable for what he has done. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. bye for now.

各位!comeuppance, to get your comeuppance, 這個短語的意思是受到你應得的懲罰,罪有應得。你會經常看到一些­人做了壞事但是竟然沒有受到任何懲罰。有時,他們是要遭到報應的­,他們會得到公正合理的報應的。這個短句是從‘come up before the judge’而來,面對審判。如果你因做了壞事而要在法庭上接受­審判,你come up before the judge。come up,就變成了comeuppance。這個人對你十分不好,不­要怕,在可見的將來,他會得到報應。他會得到雙倍懲罰。對他的所­作所為,將有合理的懲罰。合理,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘­喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道;我將很快和你又見面。

2013年5月1日 星期三


Hi there, students. A fluke, have you looked into the dictionary that there are lots of weird and strange meanings for this word. But one I know and one which is most commonly used to mean a stroke of good luck or a stroke of luck. Maybe you are playing ('pull your billions'?). So you (hit the bulls??) and the (bull?) you want goes down by luck. That's what they say a fluke. By a fluke, a fluke chance, a lucky chance, yeah. Ok, so that's fluke. You are just lucky, you didn't do that by skill you did it by luck. Maybe you are playing cards and you have all four aces, that's a fluke. It's no something you get by skill, it's something you get by luck, by a stroke of luck. Yeah, ok, by good fortune. Ok, so a fluke, a fluke chance, and a lucky chance. So maybe you are asking about some more of these meanings. Ok, a fluke, the barb on a harpoon or an arrow. Ok, so you have the point and there is (a bit to stop coming out??) , that's called a fluke. A fluke, an anchor, an anchor for a boat. At the bottom of the anchor, you have a (bit?), around (a little bit?). And on the end of that, you have a flat point, that flat point on the end of the anchor is a fluke. The tail of a whale, it has these two pointed bits, those are the flukes of a whale's tail. And also, a fluke can be a parasitic flatworm which lives inside you, ok. But all of these, other explanations are quite unusual and the wrod you need to know is fluke means by chance, a lucky chance. I was walking down the street and by sheer fluke I met my friend who lives in Japan. Ok, a fluke, a chance. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a fluke, 如果你查過字典的話,你會發現它有很多稀奇古怪的意思。但是我所­知道的其中一個意思而且被通常使用的是‘突如其來的好運’。如果­你在玩(拉到億萬富翁?)游戲,你擊打(?),然後你想要的(?­)幸運地落下來,這就是所說的fluke。a fluke chance, 一個很幸運的機會。這就是fluke的意思,無需使用任何技能,­運氣使然。如果在玩牌時,你手上有4張ace王牌,這就是flu­ke。你得到某樣東西不是靠技巧,而是靠運氣,突如其來的運氣,­好福氣。所以,fluke chance, 就是幸運的機會。你或許想問這個詞有沒有其他的意思,有的,fl­uke還可以是魚叉或者箭上面的倒刺。它是一條尖銳的東西,附有­倒刺。fluke還以做錨來解釋。錨是船上使用的,在錨的尾部,­有一條平鉤,這個也是fluke。我們看看鯨魚的尾部,它有兩條尖尖的尾鰭,它們就是鯨魚尾部的fluke啦。fluk­e也可以做人體內的寄生扁蟲來解釋。fluke所有其他的解釋都­相當不常見。你只需記住fluke的常用意思是‘靠運氣’、‘好­運氣’。我順著馬路走下去,完全是運氣,我遇到了居住在日本的一­個朋友。好了,如果喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂約­我的頻道;我將很快和你又見面。