2013年5月28日 星期二

dependent prepositions

Hi there, students. A dependent preposition, ok, if we look in English, some verbs, some adjectives and some nouns have a preposition that needs to go with them. So for example, to aim at, at the is the dependent preposition that goes with aim. We could also aim for, so it's either aim at or aim for. Yeah, to deal with something, with is the dependent prepostion with the verb to deal. To insist on, I insist on your doing this, ok. To consent to, do you consent to my doing this? So the verb consent, the dependent preposition is to. To congratulate on, I would like to congratulate you on your success. So notice when you learn vocabulary, you need to learn the dependent prepostions that go with each vocabulary. So I have just given some examples and some verbs. But let's look at some adjectives. Ok, to be keen on, you are keen on football. So notice on, is the dependent prepostion with keen. Ok, to be sick of, I am sick of doing this. Sick of, yeah. To be sorry for or to be sorry about, notice here there are two possible dependent prepositions but you need to use one of them. Ok, to be incapable of, I am incapable of doing this right, so notice this again, adjectives with dependent prepositions again. And also, we can have some collocations or some collocation sets of prepostions with nouns, yeah. So for example, is your car under guarantee? Notice very often with the dependent prepositions that the dependent preposition goes before.  I am in his power, in somebody's power, yeah, to be in power, yeah. The prime minister is in power at moment. Or perhaps to have a preference for. I have a preference for beer, ok. So notice, a preference for. Or he had a bad reaction to the medicine. He had a bad reaction to my arriving late, ok, a reaction to something. Ok, here we have nouns with dependent preprositions as well. So like I said before, when you learn your vocabulary, you need to learn the prepositions that go with either the verb, with the adjective or with the noun. Because they are part of it, it is a part of a collocation if you like, yeah. So anyway, I hope that will help you a little bit. It's not the easiest (to, two?) the subjects. Because you just need to learn the correct preposition with each piece of vocabulary, or even not preposition. Ok, anyway, that's enough now. So if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel, subscribe to something and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a dependent preposition, 當我們觀察英語中的一些動詞、形容詞和名詞時,發現它們需要一個­介詞要緊隨其後。比如,to aim at, at是一個從屬介詞綴於aim之後。我們也可以說aim for, 就是說,可以說aim at,或者說aim for也可以。to deal with something, 這裡with是從屬介詞放於deal之後。to insist on, 我堅持你要這樣做。to consent to, 你贊同我這樣做嗎?這裡,to 是從屬介詞,置於consent之後。to congratulate on,我想祝賀你的成功。注意,當你學單詞的時候,你要學習用於­單次之後的從屬介詞。我給了你們一些動詞帶有從屬介詞的例子,現­在我們看看形容詞帶有從屬介詞的例子。to be keen on,你喜愛足球嗎?注意,on 在這裡是從屬介詞,置於keen之後。to be sick of,我很厭倦這樣做。to be sorry for, 或者to be sorry about, 注意,這裡可以用兩個從屬介詞,你要使用其中的一個。to be incapable of, 我無法做對這件事。所以,這裡用了從屬介詞用於形容詞之後。我們­同樣有些詞語的搭配使用是用名詞後接從屬介詞的情況。比如,is your car under guarantee? 名詞搭配從屬介詞時,從屬介詞經常放於名詞之前。I am in his power,我行使他的職權。總理在行使他的職權。有時我們說t­o have a preference for,我很偏好喝啤酒。he had a bad reaction to the medicine,他對藥物有不良反應。他對我遲到很反感。這裡­我們同樣有從屬介詞和名詞搭配使用。就像我之前講的那樣,當你在­學習單詞時,你需要學習和動詞、形容詞及名詞搭配使用的從屬介詞­。可以說從屬介詞是整個結構的一部分。我希望這個錄像多少可以幫到­。你只需要學習正確的從屬介詞和單詞搭配使用,有時甚至根本沒有­從屬介詞。好了, 我們說的已經足夠了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評­級;訂閱我的頻道,這裡用to my channel,我將很快和你再見面。

