2013年5月3日 星期五

neither rhyme nor reason

Hi there,students. Neither rhyme nor reason, there is neither rhyme nor reason to the way they organize this. Ok, this describes something very organized? , without logic, without order, without planning. Yeah, maybe some of you look at my channel and see all these thousands of videos and you say there is neither rhyme nor reason to the order of the videos. Or this guy is always changing his mind, there is neither rhyme nor reason at what he is going to decide next. Ok, we don't understand, there is no rhyme, to rhyme, two words rhyme. (Iam and rhyme?), dog and bog, rhymes, so there is no rhyme or reason, there is no order, there is no order to pattern. I think very often there is no rhyme or reason to the way the law is implimented in various countries. In some cases in this way, in other cases this way, but there is no rhyme or order, there is no pattern to it. Ok, yeah. So no rhyme or order to something, it's disordered, you don't understand how it works, because it is not logical, yeah, it is not order in a logical way. So anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!neither rhyme nor reason, 他們對此事所做的安排毫無條理可言。這個短句是說某件事十分沒有­條理性,毫無邏輯、次序、計劃可言。你們中的一些人或許面對我的­頻道中上千個錄像會說,這些錄像的次序混亂無常。這個家伙常常改­變主意,他下一步會怎麼做,毫無頭緒。我們無法了解。to rhyme, 押韻,要有兩個詞,比如aim和rhyme,dog和bog,t­here is no rhyme or reason, 是沒有次序的意思,沒有程序模式。我認為很多國家的法律在執行上­都是經常沒有什麼次序可言的,有時是這樣,有時那樣,no rhyme or reason,毫無條理,沒有固定模式。這句表示混亂不堪,你無­法明白其中的運作原理,無邏輯可言,並非有邏輯上的次序。好了,­如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我­將很快和你又見面。

