2013年5月1日 星期三


Hi there, students. A fluke, have you looked into the dictionary that there are lots of weird and strange meanings for this word. But one I know and one which is most commonly used to mean a stroke of good luck or a stroke of luck. Maybe you are playing ('pull your billions'?). So you (hit the bulls??) and the (bull?) you want goes down by luck. That's what they say a fluke. By a fluke, a fluke chance, a lucky chance, yeah. Ok, so that's fluke. You are just lucky, you didn't do that by skill you did it by luck. Maybe you are playing cards and you have all four aces, that's a fluke. It's no something you get by skill, it's something you get by luck, by a stroke of luck. Yeah, ok, by good fortune. Ok, so a fluke, a fluke chance, and a lucky chance. So maybe you are asking about some more of these meanings. Ok, a fluke, the barb on a harpoon or an arrow. Ok, so you have the point and there is (a bit to stop coming out??) , that's called a fluke. A fluke, an anchor, an anchor for a boat. At the bottom of the anchor, you have a (bit?), around (a little bit?). And on the end of that, you have a flat point, that flat point on the end of the anchor is a fluke. The tail of a whale, it has these two pointed bits, those are the flukes of a whale's tail. And also, a fluke can be a parasitic flatworm which lives inside you, ok. But all of these, other explanations are quite unusual and the wrod you need to know is fluke means by chance, a lucky chance. I was walking down the street and by sheer fluke I met my friend who lives in Japan. Ok, a fluke, a chance. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a fluke, 如果你查過字典的話,你會發現它有很多稀奇古怪的意思。但是我所­知道的其中一個意思而且被通常使用的是‘突如其來的好運’。如果­你在玩(拉到億萬富翁?)游戲,你擊打(?),然後你想要的(?­)幸運地落下來,這就是所說的fluke。a fluke chance, 一個很幸運的機會。這就是fluke的意思,無需使用任何技能,­運氣使然。如果在玩牌時,你手上有4張ace王牌,這就是flu­ke。你得到某樣東西不是靠技巧,而是靠運氣,突如其來的運氣,­好福氣。所以,fluke chance, 就是幸運的機會。你或許想問這個詞有沒有其他的意思,有的,fl­uke還可以是魚叉或者箭上面的倒刺。它是一條尖銳的東西,附有­倒刺。fluke還以做錨來解釋。錨是船上使用的,在錨的尾部,­有一條平鉤,這個也是fluke。我們看看鯨魚的尾部,它有兩條尖尖的尾鰭,它們就是鯨魚尾部的fluke啦。fluk­e也可以做人體內的寄生扁蟲來解釋。fluke所有其他的解釋都­相當不常見。你只需記住fluke的常用意思是‘靠運氣’、‘好­運氣’。我順著馬路走下去,完全是運氣,我遇到了居住在日本的一­個朋友。好了,如果喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂約­我的頻道;我將很快和你又見面。

