2013年5月25日 星期六

as hard as nails

Hi there, students. As hard as nails, ok, you can use these to refer to things. These shoes are as hard as nails, they last for a long time, they are very hard. But you could also use 'as hard as nails' to talk about somebody's character. Somebody who is serious, stern and unyielding. They don't change their position, they stick to their position and they don't change it at all. So it is very hard to bargain with me, because I am as tough as nails. I am as hard as nails, notice I use hard or tough, you can use tough as well. I am as hard as nails, it's not true, guys, but it's a way of using it, just an example to show you. So don't try to (get in?) to change his mind, because he is as hard as nails, he is not going to change his position, he is not going to change what he says (is?) his opinion. He thinks that is right. So as hard, physically hard as nails, a nail, is a metal thing you take and hammer into a piece of wood. Not the nails on your fingers, the ones you use for carpentry. Carpentry nails, maybe even masonry nails. So there you go, yeah. These people are as hard as nails. So I will be (aware?) of them. Ok, so if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!as hard as nails, 你可以用這句話來形容一些東西,比如我的鞋as hard as nails,堅硬無比,可以穿很久。你也可以用as hard as nails來談論某人的性格。某人的性格如果是嚴肅、倔強、不輕易讓步,這種人不會改變立場,他們堅持他們的立場並且不會改變。你和我討價還價是很難的,因為我as hard as nials, 倔強不屈。注意,這裡我用了tough, 其實tough和hard都可以使用。我倔強不屈,這不是真的,這只是個例子,用來說明這句話的使用方法。不要嘗試去改變他的想法,他固執己見,很難改變,他總認為自己是對的。hard,堅硬如nails,釘子,釘子是使用錘子釘入木頭的尖銳金屬。這裡nails不是指你的指甲,而是木工用的釘子。carpentry釘子,也許是masonry nails, 磚石用釘子。好了,這些家伙頑固不化,頑冥不化,我會注意他們。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

