2013年5月29日 星期三

wolf down gobble up gobble down bolt down

Hi there, students. Sometims if you are really hungry and you have very little time, you eat your food very rapidly. It's not good for you and it will give you indigestion. Maybe you are wolfing down your food, so to wolf down, a wolf, wouaaa, a wolf. To wolf down, to eat like a wolf, to eat rapidly. So to eat your food rapidly, to wolf down. Or maybe you gobble up your food or gobble down. Notice, wolf down, but gobble up and gobble down. To gobble down is to eat a lot of food. Notice wolf just eat rapidly. Gobble up or gobble down is to eat a lot of food rapidly, yeah. Or you could even bolt your food. To bolt, to go rapidly. Or bolt down your food. So he had five minutes to eat, and he bolted down his lunch. He gobblled up six hamburgers and seven portions of chips, yeah, he gobbleed them down. And then he wolfed down some pudding as well. Notice, to bolt or to bolt down could also be a drink. Whereas wolf, to wolf down or to gobble, these are both for food. So I recommand not bolting down your food. I recommand not gobbling up too much food. And I recommand not wolfing your food down. Firstly it will make you fat, secondly it will a little probably give you indigestion. Ok, so some words for to eat rapidly. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!有時,如果你非常餓,而且沒有什麼時間,此時你會吃得非常快。這種快速吃法對你並沒有好處,而且容易造成消化不良。也許你在wolfing down 你的食物,你在狼吞虎咽。這裡的wolf down, wolf是狼,發出嗚嗚的叫聲。to wolf down, 像狼一樣吃東西,吃得很快。吃東西很快可以用wolf down來形容。你也可以用gulp up來形容,或者gulp down, 二者皆可,但是只可以用wolf down。to gulp down是吃了很多東西的意思,而wolf down則是吃得很快的意思。gulp up 和gulp down是快速地吃下很多東西的意思。你也可以bolt你的食物。bolt的本意是快速行進的意思。你也可以說bolt down你的食物。他只有五分鐘的時間,所以他bolted down他的午餐,他吞下了午餐。他吞下了六個漢堡包,七包薯條,然後他又狼吞虎咽了一些布丁。bolt和bolt down也可以用於喝飲料。而wolf, wolf down和gulp全都是用於食物。我建議你們不要狂吞食物,我建議你們不要鯨吞太多食物,我也建議你們不要狼吞虎咽食物。首先你會變得太胖,其次你會消化不良。好了,我這裡給出一些關於快速吃東西的詞。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

