2013年5月2日 星期四


 Hi there, students. Comuppance, to get yoru comeuppance, ok, this means to reveive your punishment, the punishment that you deserve, to get your just deserts. Very often you know you see people do bad things or stupid things and nothing happens. Well, sometimes they get latter they get their compuppance. They get their just or reasonable retribution. The origination, the origin of this phrase is from the phrase 'to come up before the judge'. So if you are going to be tried because you have . done soemthing bad in court, you come up before the judge, come up, comeuppance, ok. So you get your comeuppance, The man treated you very badly, don't worry, at some point in the future, he will get his comeuppance, ok. He is dual punishment, yeah. Ok, the retribution that is reasonable for what he has done. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. bye for now.

各位!comeuppance, to get your comeuppance, 這個短語的意思是受到你應得的懲罰,罪有應得。你會經常看到一些­人做了壞事但是竟然沒有受到任何懲罰。有時,他們是要遭到報應的­,他們會得到公正合理的報應的。這個短句是從‘come up before the judge’而來,面對審判。如果你因做了壞事而要在法庭上接受­審判,你come up before the judge。come up,就變成了comeuppance。這個人對你十分不好,不­要怕,在可見的將來,他會得到報應。他會得到雙倍懲罰。對他的所­作所為,將有合理的懲罰。合理,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘­喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道;我將很快和你又見面。

