2013年5月17日 星期五

there will be hell to pay

Hi there, students. There will be hell to pay, ok, there will be hell to pay, this is an idiom meaning that someone will be really really angry if something happens or something doesn't happen. For example, there will be hell to pay if I am late for work again. So my boss will be supremely angry, extrememly angry. There will be hell to pay if I don't pay this bill tomorrow. Ok, I am going to have a lot of trouble, somebody is going to be very angry if I don't pay this bill. Notice, normally this phrase there will be hell to pay, if, plus present simple, so it is in the form of the first conditional. There will be hell to pay if my mother finds out I broke her vase. Ok, my mother will be really angry if she discovers that I broke her glass or vase, I mean, sorry. There will be hell to pay if I don't pass this exam. I am going to have big trouble, yeah, I am going to have big problems if I don't pass this exam. But you can just use the phrase 'there will be hell to pay', Ok, there are going to be a lot of problems and we know if something happens or something doesn't happen. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; if you don't , there won't be hell to pay. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!there will be hell to pay, 這是一句慣用語,意思是某人將因某件事的發生或沒有發生而非常非­常生氣。如果我再遲到,我老板將會大發雷霆。如果我明天不支付賬­單,有人會大發雷霆,我的麻煩就大了。注意,通常這個慣用語是用­if加現在時態構成第一條件句。如果媽媽發現我將她的花瓶打碎了­,她會震怒,我的麻煩就大了。她會大發雷霆,如果她發現我打碎了­花瓶。如果我沒有通過這次考試,我的麻煩就大了,我會有大麻煩,­大問題,如果我沒能通過考試。我們也可以只是簡單說 there will be hell to pay,表示某事如果發生或者沒有發生會帶來大麻煩。如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;如果你不喜歡,也不會有什麼大­麻煩。訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

