2013年5月21日 星期二


Hi there, students. Otherwise, this means if not, so how do you use this? So X, otherwise Y. Let me explain with examples. You should take a coat when you go out, otherwise you will get cold. If not, you will get cold, otherwise, if not. You should take an umbrella, if not, otherwise you will get wet. You should take an umbrella, otherwise you will get wet. You should spend some time studying English everyday, if not, then you will improve more slowly. Ok, you, the doctor says you must  give up smoking, otherwise you will become ill. If not, if you don't give up smoking, then you will become ill. You must give up smoking, but if you don't, you will become ill. Ok, so it is like a condition, otherwise. Ok, so if you didn't enjoy the video, don't give it a rating, otherwise give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon.

各位!otherwise, 這個詞意思是if not, 否則的意思。怎麼用這個詞呢?X,otherwise,否則,就­Y。我舉些例子來解釋。出去時你要帶件外衣,否則你會感冒,if­ not,不然的話,你會感冒。你要帶雨傘,否則,不然的話,你會­被雨淋濕。你應該每天都花些時間學英語,否則你的英語水平不會提­高的很快。醫生說你必須戒煙,否則你會生病。所以你必須戒煙,不­然的話就會生病。這很像條件句,不然的話。好了,如果你喜歡這個­錄像,不必留下評級;否則,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻­道,我將很快和你又見面。

