2013年5月22日 星期三

more than you bargained for

Hi there, students. More than you bargained for, more than he bargained for, ok, this is where you get more than you expected. Also notice, usually, this is in a negative sense. Let me give you an example. They said climbing this mountain is very difficult. But it was more than I bargained for, I thought it was going to be difficult, but it was much much more difficult than I expected. Ok, so to get more than you expected, or something is more difficult or more problematic than you expected Ok, to bargain is to talk with someone to negotiate price when you buy somthing. Then when you bargain with someone, you expect to get something. But in this case you get something more that is negative. English is very difficult to learn. But it may (well?) be more than you bargained for, more than you have bargained for. Ok, more difficult than you really expect. They say north pole is really cold, and I took a lot of clothes but it was a lot colder than I had bargained for. So I expected to be cold, but it was much more than I expected. To get more than you bargain for, yeah, I went to the shop to buy some, some, some things. But I ended up getting more than I bargained for. I had a problem perhaps in the shop. Maybe I caught a cold or I fell over. So imagine I go to the shop to buy some things and fall over and I hurt myself. So you get more than you bargained for. You think it is going to be one thing, but it is more than that. Ok. So anyway, yeah, it can also be positive at time. If you watch one of my video, you will get more than you bargained for. You think you are going to get a little bit information, and you get huge amount of information, yeah. So you get more than you bargained for. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!more than bargained for, more than he bargained for, 這句話的意思是你得到的要多於你預想的,多用於具有和預期相反意­­思的表達中。我用一個例子來說明。他們說登這座山非常難,但是­比­我預想的還要難。我知道登山很難,但是實際上要比我預期的要­難很­多很多。所以,more than you bargained for,就是某件事比你預期的要困難的多、很成問題。to bargain,是為了買某件東西而和某人對話去商討價錢。當你­­和某人討價還價時,你預期會得到一些結果,在這個例子中,你會­得­到一些比預期多的而且是和預期相反的東西。英語很難學,但是­可能­要比你預期的要難得多。大家都說北極很冷,我帶了很多衣服­,但是­還是要比預期冷很多。我已經預期了會很冷,但是要比我的­預期冷很­多。我去商店去買些東西,結果超出我的預想。我在商店­出了問題,­可能是我在商店得了感冒,也可能是我摔倒了。  我本是去商店買些東西,但是我卻摔倒了,弄傷了自己。you got more than you bargained for, 你預期得到一件東西,但結果卻超出預期。當然,這個短句也可用在­正面的意思表達中。如果你觀看我的錄像,你會get more than you bargained for, 你以為只會學到一些東西,卻沒想到可以汲取大量的知識。好了,如­果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很­快和你又見面。

