2013年5月19日 星期日

black and blue

Hi there, students. Black and blue, give me your money or I will beat you black and blue. Black and blue is (anewing? ) referring to bruises. You know when you hit somebody or something, you have bruise, it swells up, and then it goes black and blue and purple and various of colours. But black and blue, so I fell down stairs, my face was black and blue for a week. Ok, burises all over my face. Ok, but this doesn't have to be literal as well. I had an agrument with my friend, and he was really upset, he said he (fent?) black and blue after the argument. Ok, so it doesn't have to be physical, yeah. After my meeting withe bank manager, the bank left me black and blue, left me feeling black and blue. So you can beat someone black and blue, physcially, or it can be mental or metaphorical, ok. So black and blue is referring to bruises (the colour comes out of...???). Yeah, maybe several hours of learning English can leave you black and blue or leave your brain black and blue. Anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!black and blue, 把錢給我,不然我要打得你遍體鱗傷。black and blue意思是瘀傷。你知道當你擊打某人或某物的時候,你會有瘀­傷,傷口腫起來,然後傷口會出現黑色藍色紫色等各種顏色。我滾下­了樓梯,一個星期我變成了大花臉。我的臉上遍布瘀傷。但是這個詞­無需按照字面去解釋。我和朋友發生一場爭執,他非常生氣,他說在­爭執過後,他感到焦頭爛額。所以焦頭爛額不一定是身體上的狀況。­在和銀行的負責人會面之後,他們令我焦頭爛額。你可以將某人打到­遍體鱗傷,指的是身體上的傷,你也可能被別人打得遍體鱗傷,或者­也可以是精神上的的創傷或者是隱喻的。所以black and blue是指帶有各種顏色的瘀傷。也許幾個小時的英語學習令到你­焦頭爛額,令到你精神上崩潰。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜­歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

