2013年5月18日 星期六

a skeleton in the cupboard

Hi there, students. To have a skeleton in the cupboard, you could also say a skeleton in the closet. But personally I prefer the phrase to have a skeleton in the cupboard. So a skeleton in your, in the cupboard, or to have a skeleton in your cupboard is a phrase or idiom means something bad happened in the past, you did somehting bad, there was a scandal in the past, you capped it seceret, you didn't tell anyone, so nobody knows. So I am sure we all have skeletons in a cupboard.  There are things in the past, there are bad things we (bid?) did that we haven't told anyone about, so nobody knows. So what's the idea of this? Ok, a skeleton in your cupboard, this is a dead body, this is somebody you have murdered, on the concept, it doesn't have to be murder. But there is somebody you have killed, and then you put them in your cupboard, and you left it there. And that was long time ago, and the body has now rotted and become a skeleton, yeah. So that is the idea,  something bad you have done in the past, but you haven't told anyone about it, so nobody knows. Yeah, we all have skeletons in our cupboard. Me? I certainly do, but I am not going to tell you about it. Because that is why they are in the cupboard, they are skeletons in the cupboard. Scandals, terrible things I did them in the past that I haven't told anyone so nobody knows about, ok. To have a skeleton in the cupboard, let's see if we can find out about your skeleton in the cupboard. If you continue talking like this, I am going to let your skeleton out of the cupboard, I am going to tell anybody what's happened, because I know your skeleton in the cupboard. Well, I don't. But this is an example, yeah.So, yeah, a skeleton in the cupboard, so my new year's resolution:not to put any more skeletons in my cupboard and to be good and honest as always. Yeah, ok, a skeleton in the cupboard, or a skeleton in the closet, a scandal in the past, scandal, bad thing, but you have kept it secret. Ok, so if you want a comment on any of your skeletons in the cupboard, you are most welcome, they could make interesting reading. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to have a skeleton in the cupboard,你也可以說to have a skeleton in the closet,我人人來說比較喜歡用to have a skeleton in the cupboard。to have a skeleton in the cupboard是一句短語或者慣用語,意思是你在過去做了壞事­,有一件醜事在過去發生,而你將它掩蓋下來,沒有告訴任何人,所­以也沒有人知道。我確信我們每個人都有a skeleton in the cupboard,在過去發生了一些事,其中我們確實做了些壞事­,我們沒有告訴過任何人,所以沒有人知道。那這句話的意思究竟是­什麼?a skeleton in your cupboard,是說有一具屍體,這個人被你謀殺了,當然我們­是在解釋概念,其實沒有謀殺案。好了,你殺了人,然後將它放在櫥­櫃裡,任由它腐爛,經過一段時間,它變成了一具骨架。這就是這句­短語的由來。你在過去做了件壞事,你沒有告訴任何人,所以沒有人­知道。我們都有skeleton 在櫥櫃裡,我當然也不例外。 我不會告訴你我做了什麼,這就是為什麼skeleton會在櫥櫃­裡的原因。它是醜聞,它是我在過去所做的壞事,我一直沒有告訴任­何人,所以沒有人知道。我們看看能不能找到你的skeleton in the cupboard。如果你不停地這樣談論這件事,我會將你的醜聞­揭出來,我會告訴所有人關於你的醜聞,因為我知道你的skele­ton in your cupboard。其實我不會的,這僅是個例子。我的新年願望是­不要在將任何skeleton放進我的cupboard,不做任­何見不得人的事,要一直做好的、誠實的人。a skeleton就是醜聞,在過去做的壞事,你一直在掩蓋。好了­,如果你想談談你的skeleton,我們無任歡迎,因為這會引­起極大的閱讀興趣。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;­訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

