2013年5月14日 星期二

in-at one fell swoop

Hi there, students. In one fell swoop, to do a lot of things together, to do them all in one fell swoop. Ok, so I need to do a lot of shopping, I need to buy some meat from the butcher, I need to buy some vegetables, I need to buy some textiles, I need some things from the ironmonger and I am going to buy all these things in one fell swoop, all together, all at the same time. What does this word with phrase mean? In one, once, fell, this is an English word, meaning awful, terrible, horrible, drastic, ok. Yeah, and then swoop, a bird, a bird prey, swoops down, flys down and catches its prey, so eagle swoops and catches a rabbit. So if you do a lot of things in one fell swoop, you do them all together, all of the same time. So if you have got a lot of difficult things or problematic things to do, maybe you can do them all in one fell swoop. Maybe you have heard the phrase to kill two birds with one stone, well if you have got multiple things to do, you do it all in one fell swoop, at the same time, kaboom ! yeah. So the eagle flys down, catches the rabbit resolves all the problems in that one coming down. Ok, that one swoops down to catch its prey to resolve the problems. Ok, I think this phrase first appears in Shakespeare's play Macbeth where (Ham?) says 'at one fell swoop'. Notice , at one fell swoop, this one can be in one fell swoop or at one fell swoop. To do various things at one fell swoop, resove multiple things at the same time. Anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!in one fell swoop, 將很多事情放在一起做,將它們放在一起in one fell swoop去完成。我要去買很多東西,我要從肉店買一些肉,我還­要買些蔬菜、紡織品,我還要從五金店買些東西,我要將全部這些東­西in one fell swoop買回來,將它們一起、在同一時間買回來。這個短語究竟­有什麼意思?one,就是once, 一次的意思。fell, 這是一個舊詞,意思是糟糕的、可怕的、猛烈的;swoop,是鳥­捕捉獵物時,猛撲下來,飛下來捉住它的獵物。老鷹猛撲下來捉住了­一只兔子。所以如果你將所有事情in one fell swoop去做,你將它們全部放在一起並在同一時間做完。如果你­有很多困難的、具難題性的事情要做,也許你可以將它們in one fell swoop一舉完成。或許你聽過那句話:一石殺兩鳥。如果你有多重事情要完成,你可以­將它們in one fell swoop,一舉完成,嘭!那只鷹飛撲下來,抓住兔子,用一次猛­撲解決掉了所有問題。那是一下子俯衝下來,捉住獵物,解決了問題­。我認為這個短句最先出現在莎士比亞的戲劇麥克白裡面。(?)說­:at one fell swoop。主意,這個短句可以說成in one fell swoop,或者at one fell swoop。意思是將多重事情at one fll swoop完成,將很多問題一舉解決。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像­,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

