2013年5月23日 星期四

spitting image

 Hi there, students. A spittting image, ok, this is an exact likeness. This says that two people look alike. This guy is the spitting image of your brother. He could be the double. Yeah, ok, he, the, a look-alike, yeah. He is a very picture of your brother. So if you see someone who look exactlylike someone else you know, you could say: you are the spitting image of my friend. Ok, so spitting, just spit, the idea or the original of this, I believe, is that it implies that the second person  has been spat out of the mouth of the first, and for that reason, they are the same, the same likeness, yeah. They are exact the same. Ok, so this guy is the spitting image of you. Some people say I look like David Bellamy, but I am not his spitting image. Ok, other people say I loo like Brian Blessed, but again, I don't think I am his spitting image. I am similar, but not exact the same. Ok, so if someone looks exactly like someone else you know, they are the spitting image. Now there is also a very popular (that was?), I don't know (it's still along?), a very popular (sai type) programe with puppies on British television which was call "spitting image " where they made puppies that look like various politicians and famous figures. Ok, so the idea is the puppies are the spitting image, they clon if you like, the exact likeness of the politican. They are more like cartoons, but anyway. Ok, so spitting image, spit out of the mouth of the first. Anyway, so time to stop. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a spitting image, 高度相似的意思。它的意思是兩個人長得很像。這個家伙和你哥哥長得一模一樣,就像你哥哥的翻版一樣,是一個和你哥哥面貌酷似的人,他幾乎是你哥哥的照片一樣。如果你看到某人和你認識的一個人長得高度相似,你可以說:你是我的朋友的spitting image。spitting,就是吐口水的意思。我認為這個spitting這個詞暗示了它的起源,第二個人被第一個人口水吐到了。因為這個原因,他們變成一樣了,擁有一樣的外表,他們完全一樣了。這個家伙和你長得一模一樣。有些人說我長得像David Bellamy。但是我並不是和他一模一樣。還有人說我長得和Brian Blessed一樣,還是那句話,我並不是他的翻版。長得像,但並不是完全一樣。所以,如果某人和你所認識的一樣非常像,他們是the spitting image。有一個非常受歡迎的節目在英國電視上播映過,就叫‘spitting image’,他們找到和政治家及出名人士非常相似的小狗,節目的構思是找到和政治家神似的小狗,也可以說就像克隆出來的一樣。政治人物更像卡通人物,不過,算了。所以,spitting image,就是第一個人吐出口水。好了,錄像要結束了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

