2013年5月4日 星期六

might have done and could have done

Hi there,students. What's the difference between might have and could have? He is as white as a sheet, he is complete white, he might have seen a ghost, he could have seen a ghost. Here I think the two meanings are very very similar that are almost identical. But I think with the 'he might have seen a ghost', the emphasize is on possibility. Whereas 'he could have seen a ghost', the emphasize is on ability. But in this case, I think they become more or less the same. Let's look at another example. If you had arrived early at the football ground, you might have bought a ticket for the match. If you had arrived early at the football ground, you could have bought a ticket for the match. So notice in this first one, you might have bought a ticket, there was a possibility, maybe, maybe not. But in the second one, you could have bought a ticket, the possibility existed, you had the ability, you didn't arrive early, so you didn't buy the ticket, but you could have bought one, because they are available. You might have bought one, There were some available but they were very difficult to get and there were a lot of competition. So there was a possibility. Notice there is difference between these two. You could have, you definitely could have bought a ticket. Whereas you mgiht have, you possibly might have bought one. If you had seen me, you could have helped me. If you had seen me, you might have helped me. Ok, here, in this,  if you had seen me, you might have helped me, there was a possibility, maybe you helped me, maybe you didn't, here again, we are talking about the emphasis of possibility. Whereas if you had seen me, you could have helped me, ok, this is again talking about ability. Now, notice sometimes we use this as well as a criticism. You didn't arrive at a meeting, you might have rung me, you could have rung me, notice, the 'could' is very critical, you might have rung me, the possibility existed. But if I am saying 'you could', and also listen to the way my voice emphasizes that: 'could', I am being critical, you didn't, and you have this ability too. The( unrecognized?) question is 'why didn't you do it?' ok. So anyway, that's the difference, it is not a big one and it is not easy and it's not obvious. But anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!might have 和could have 之間有什麼區別?他臉白的像一張紙,he might have seen a ghost, 他可能看見了鬼; he could have seen a ghost, 他也許能見到鬼。此處,我認為這兩個句表達的意思是非常非常相似­的,幾乎完全一樣。但是如果用might have seen, 強調的重點放在了可能性上面,而用could have seen,則強調的是能力。但是在本文中的句子中,我認為它們的­分別並不大。我再給大家一個例子。如果你早點到足球場,你有可能­買到球票;如果你早點到足球場,你或許能買到球票。在第一句中,­如果你早到,有買到票的可能,也有買不到的可能;在第二句中,y­ou could have bought,你或許能買到,可能性存在,你有能力買到票,你沒­有早到,所以你沒有買到票,但是你確實有能力買到票,因為當時是­有票在出售的。you might have bought,也有票在賣,但是很難買到,而且有太多的競爭。所以,這僅僅是是一種可能性。you could have,你絕對具有買到球票的能力,而you might have,是說你有可能買到球票。如果你當時遇到我,你或許能幫­到我;如果你當時遇到我,你也許會幫我。在第二句you might have helped me中,強調的是一種可能性,你可能會幫我,也可能不會,再說一­次,這裡我們所做的是對可能性的強調。對於you could have helped me, 此處我們講的是一種能力。注意,有時我們用這種句子來表達一種批­評的含義。你沒有到會,你應該打電話通知我;你應該能夠打電話通­知我,注意,此處用could,含有很強的批評含義。you might have rung me,表達的是可能性,但是如果我用could,你聽聽我的語氣­及我所強調的counld,你就知道我在進行批評。沒有公開表達­的是‘為什麼你就不能打個電話給我呢?’好了,這就是二者間的區­別,不是很大,理解上不容易,區別也不是太明顯。如果你喜歡這錄­像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

