2013年5月12日 星期日

for the most part

 Hi there, students. For the most part, Ok, this is a phrase that means generally, mostly. Ok, the great part is in this way. Let me give you some examples. For the most part, English words are regular. Ok, mostly, generally. Yes, there are some irrgular ones that are very complicated. But for the most pary, generally, normally, they are regular. For the most part, my videos are serious. Ok, mostly, they are serious, but there are one or two that are not. Ok, so generally, the great amount, The streets in this city are very beautiful for the most part, that means the majority of them are, but there are one or two that are not pretty. So for the most part, generally, normally, the large amount, the large percentage. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, for the most part, or even all of it, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!for the most part, 這是個短句,意思是概括來說,通常來講,事情的大部分按此劃分。­我給大家舉些例子。總體來講,英語詞彙是規則的,總體上,正常來­講,當然也有一些是不規則詞語,它們非常復雜。但是,總體來講,­它們是規則的。通常來說,我的錄像是嚴肅的,但是有幾個是不太嚴­肅的。總體上,通常來講。這個城市的街道總體上是很漂亮的,多數­街道是漂亮的,但是有幾條就不是那麼漂亮了。for the most part, 總體上,正常來講,占多數,大的比例。好了,如果總體上你喜歡這­個錄像,或者你喜歡這個錄像的全部,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

