2013年5月21日 星期二

a fly in the ointment

Hi there, students. A fly in the ointment, ok, an ointment is some sort of medicine that you rub on your skin, maybe slightly oily or fatty. Maybe you got a sore skin and you put an ointment on it to make it feel better. Ok, so we have an idiom 'a fly in the ointment', a drawback, something negative to something good. Yeah, we had a brilliant holiday, but the one fly in the ointment was the food at the hotel, it was terrbiel. So the holiday was really good, the ointment,  but there was one negative thing, the fly, the food at the hotel. Ok, so a fly in the ointment, something that is negative, a drawback for something that is really good and positive, yeah. We played football really well. But there was one fly in the ointment when we let the opposing team have a penality. We played very well, but there was a negative moment. Yeah, so a fly in the ointment, something negative, slightly negative which is a drawback or something that spoils something that is good. Ok, something unpleasant that spoils or goes against something you think is really nice. Ok, for example, you really enjoy my videos, maybe there are one or two flies in the ointment. The quality of the videos are not brilliant, there is normally no subtitles, maybe the sound (?), the sound is not always good. So maybe that, three flies in the ointment. Although the video is good, there are one or two flies in the ointment. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy the video and there was no fly in the ointment to really put you off, then give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!A fly in the ointment, ointment 是一種藥,用來塗抹在皮膚上,可能會有點油滑的感覺。如果你皮膚癢,可以塗上一點,感覺會好很多。有一句慣用語,a fly in the ointment,缺點、弊端,在好的事態上出現了負面的事情。我們本來有個非常棒的假期。但美中不足的是酒店的食物差極了。就是說,假期本身是非常好的,這是ointment;但是有一樣負面的東西,the fly,是指酒店的食物。所以,a fly in the ointment是說一種非常負面的東西,或者缺欠,附在另一樣非常好的、正面的事情上。我們本來在比賽中球踢得不錯,但是美中不足在於我們讓對方得到了一次點球的機會。我們踢得不錯,但是出現了一次負面時刻。a fly in the ointment,是某種負面的東西, 或輕微的負面,可能是某種缺欠,破壞了原有的好的東西。令人感到不舒服的東西破壞了原有的你認為很好的事情。比方說,你很喜歡我的錄像,但是也有小小的美中不足,錄像的質量無法做到優秀,錄像通常沒有字幕,有時聲音也不是很好。這裡就已經有了三個ointments了。雖然錄像時非常不錯的,但是仍有小小美中不足。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像而且沒有什麼ointment令你厭惡,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

