2013年5月10日 星期五

to meet somebody halfway

Hi there, studnents. I will meet you halfway, Ok, this is to compromise with someone, perhaps to bargain with someone. You want me to pay you 20, I want to pay you 10, I will meet you halfway, I will offer you 15. Ok, so this is, this means to compromise with someone. It's not necessily over bargaining (when the negotiation is plus? ), this can be with other things that is more complex. So you meet someone halfway to show that you want to reach an agreement, to improve your relation by doing some of the things they ask you, but not all of you, all of them, yeah. So if you meet someone halfway, you are prepared to agree some of their conditions, or some of the things they want. If they are prepared, if they are disposed to meet you halfway as well and do some of the things you want. To meet halfway, try to meet in th middle. Ok, so, yeah, to meet someone halway, to do some of the things someone wants, with the idea or concept that they will do some of things that you want,  Because the world is never black and white, it's normally green. So if I meet you halfway, it's some (were?) I want and some (were?) you want, Ok. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!I will meet you halfway, 這是和某人做出妥協、討價還價時所講的話。你想讓我給你20元,­我只想給你10元,這樣吧,一人讓一步,我給你15元。這裡是做­妥協的意思解釋。這不僅僅是和談判有關,也可和其他復雜的事情相­連。所以當你說I will meet you halfway,你在表達你想妥協,你想通過去做他人讓你做的事­情去改善大家的關系,但並不是去做對方要求的全部。you meet someone halfway, 你准備去認同對方的部分條件,或者是部分對方想你做的事情,當然­,對方也要meet you halfway,對方也要有意願去做你所要求的事情的一部分。t­o meet halfway,就是大家各讓一步的意思。to meet someone halfway,就是你同意做一部分對方要求你的事情,對方同時­也同意做一部分你所要求他們做的事情。因為世界永遠不會是白或者­黑,通常是綠色的。所以如果我meet you halfway, 一定是有些是我想要的,有些是你想要的。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留­下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

