2013年5月27日 星期一

pull one's socks up

 Hi there, students. If you want to really improve your English, you are going to have to pull your socks up. So to pull your socks up, look, my sock on my foot and I need to pull it up. Ok, to pull up your socks. But what does this mean? Ok, this means you need to improve your work or your behavior, but normally your work, and signaficantly, because your work has not been good enough in the past. So for example, if you want to pass your English example, you are going to need to pull your socks up, you are going to need to work hard, and harder than you had been working before because your work before has been insufficient. So you must do better, you must work harder and produce better results, to pull your socks up. In a way to look smarter or even to smarten up. So to pull your socks up, to improve your work. If you want to keep this job and not be sacked, not be fired, you are going to have to pull your socks up. You are going to have to work harder and produce better results. Because your results in the past or your work in the past has not been good enough, yeah. So you are going to need to pull your socks up. Try harder, improve and do better in the future, ok. Because the, what you have been doing in the past is not good enough. Maybe if we want to get out of this crisis, we are all going to have to pull our socks up and work harder. So anyway, there it is, to pull one's socks up. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!如果你真的想提高你的英語水平,你必須要pull your socks up。你們看,我的襪子在腳上,現在我要將它提起來,看,這就是pull up your socks。但是,這句話是什麼意思呢?這句話的意思是你要提升你的工作或者行為,但通常是指要提升工作,幅度要非常大,因為你之前的工作一直不夠好。比如,如果你想通過你的英語考試,你必須要pull your socks up,你要鼓足干勁,你要信心十足。你要再努力一點,要比以前還要努力,因為你以前的工作是不夠好的。你必須做得更好一點,你必須工作得再努力一些,以便有更好的結果。看起來更加聰明,變得聰明起來。to pull your socks up就是提升你的工作。如果你想保留這份工作,不被解雇,你必須振作起來,努力工作。你要更加投入工作,帶來積極效果,因為之前你的工作及其效果都不夠好。你要努力嘗試,改善工作,以便將來做得更好。你之前所做的工作是遠遠不夠的。如果我們想走出危機,我們必須人人要pull our socks up,我們要更加努力。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

