2013年5月13日 星期一

to fume about something

 Hi there, students. To fume about something, or to fume over something, or just to fume (intransitive,in transitive?), ok, this means to be really really angry about it, fume is similar to smoke, but there no smoke, there evaporated material, evaporate, something that is evaporated. You can see it and imagine it coming out of their ears. So he was fuming that he hadn't been paid, he was fuming about the fact that he hadn't been paid, he was fuming over the fact that he hadn't been paid.  he was really really angry, you can imagine the smok coming up. We all have been in that situation when we are fuming, we are very angry, we are fuming about somthing, we are very agnry about something, we are fuming over something. We are extremely angry and upset. Ok, yes, I came home very drunk last night and my girlfriend is still fuming over it, she is very angry. Ok, so to fume, to be angry, to be extremely upset. Ok, anyway if you enjoy this video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon.

各位!to fume about something, 或者to fume over something, 又或者僅僅說to fume,不及物動詞,這個短句的意思是對某事非常非常生氣。f­ume和煙很相似,但是它又不是煙,是一種濃縮的物質,你可以看­到或者想像到它從人的耳朵裡面飄出來。對於至今沒有被支付款項,­他感到非常惱火,他非常非常生氣,你可以想像煙從他的耳朵裡冒出­來。我們都對此有體會,我們非常氣憤,我們對某事感到非常惱火,­我們對此感到極端憤怒。昨晚我回到家時仍然醉醺醺的,我女朋友非­常生氣。所以,to fume,就是非常生氣、惱火的意思。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像­,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

