2013年12月31日 星期二

settle down

Hi there,students. Have you ever heard the phrasal verb 'to settle down'? Maybe all students in the class are talking and running all round, and the teacher comes into the class and says 'settle down'! 'settle down'! Ok, become less active, become more relaxed and more quiet. Make the situation less chaotic. Ok, so another example, I have been really really at work, seems really chaotic. But I think next week things will settle down. They will become less intense, less disorganized. Ok, less chaotic. Ok, so this is the idea as well with the class of children, you tell the children to settle down. The children settled down when to sleep. Ok, so to settle down. Notice, also, two people can settle down together, this has slightly different meaning. I have been travelling for very, for many years and I now want to settle down and have my own house and live for a long period in the same place. Ok, to settle down. To start living a fixed life and a fixed rountine. Ok, so, yes I met a really nice girl and we want to settle down together. To live together and to live a fixed more rountine life. Like that maybe we could have some children, ok, to settle down and have kids, yeah. To settle, to get comfortable, yeah. So to settle down, to get comfortable and live for a long period of time, maybe forever in a place, to put down roots if you like, to settle down, yeah. Ok, to start living in a place where you plan to live for a long time, maybe with the person you love, ok. And,or but particularly after a long period of travelling or different things maybe different partners or different life and irregular life, yeah, you settle down. So having travelled the world for 20 years, I finally settled down. Yeah, or you can settle down with someone. Notice, normally to settle down is intransitive, it doesn't take a direct object. So, children, please settle down! I want to settle down with this girl. Notice settle down with someone. With and it makes it a transitive. But you can use it transitively without with. I am going to settle the children down before they go to bed. Because they are running up and down upstairs and I am going to settle the children down before they go to sleep. So make them calm and relaxed, maybe read them story, slowly trun down the light, make them relaxed to go to sleep. So you can settle someone down. The patient was really ill and suferring a lot. But the nurse finally managed to settle the patient down, ok, to settle someone down. Ok, so to settle down, to relax, to make a chaotic situation more organized, less chaotic. To go to live somewhere a long time with a more fixed rountine or to settle down and have children to go and live somewhere with somone for, maybe forever. Ok, so there you go, a phrasal verb for you maybe, to settle down. If you enjoy it, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過動詞短語‘to settle down’嗎?教室裡所有學生可能都在聊天或跑來跑去,老師走進來,說:settle down, settle down!意思是不要太活躍,要放松些,要安靜些,令到環境少點混亂。再舉個例子,我的工作非常忙,但我認為下星期事情會settle down,事情會逐漸變得不那麼緊張,不那麼混亂,減輕無秩序性。·就像在課堂裡,你告訴學生們:安靜下來!孩子們安靜下來並且去睡覺了。注意,兩個人也可以一起settle down,這裡的意思有些許不同。我飄蕩了很多年,現在我想安頓下來,想有自己的房子,並長期固定在這個地方住下來。這裡的settle down 是開始一種固定的生活、固定的生活模式。我遇到了一個非常可愛的女孩,我們想在一起安頓生活,我們想住在一起,一起過日子。那樣的話,我們或許會有些孩子,to settle down並且生些小孩。to settle, 變得舒服點,並住相當長的一段時間,也許在這個地方永遠住下去,也可以說落地生根。在你計劃居住的地方生活一段相當長的時間,可能是和你所愛的人一起。特別是經過一段長時間的漂泊,經歷很多不同的事情,不同的伴侶,不同模式的生活,不規律的生活,你決定安頓下來。所以,經過了20年的漂泊之後,我終於安頓了下來。你可以和某人一起安頓下來。注意,to settle down是不及物動詞,後面不接直接賓語。比如,孩子,請settle down, 請安靜下來。我想和這個女孩一起安定生活。to settle down with某人,with令到settle down後面接賓語。但是你也可以把它用作及物動詞而無需用with。我想在孩子們睡覺之前先令到他們安靜下來。因為他們在樓梯上不停地跑。在孩子們睡覺之前令他們安靜下來,使到他們冷靜、放松,或許給他們讀故事書,將燈扭暗一點,令到他們輕松下來去睡覺。所以你可以settle 某人down, 那個病人病得很重,痛苦不堪。但那個護士最終能夠令到病人安靜下來。所以,to settle down是令到某人放松下來,令到混亂的環境變得有秩序,減輕混亂。去到某地生活相當長的時間,過一種固定模式的生活。或者安頓下來,生下孩子,和某人在某地生活一世。好了,這是一個新的動詞短語,to settle dow。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。


2013年12月5日 星期四

right handed - left handed - ambidextrous

Hi there, students. When you writhe, do you use your right hand or your left hand? Your right hand, you write with your right hand, or do you write with yoru left hand? If you write with your right hand, we say in English you are 'right handed', if you write with your left hand, you are 'left handed'. And then there are some people that have equal facility when using their right hand and their left hand, these people are ambidextrous. They have equal facility using their right hand and their left hand to do things. Ok, so if you use your right hand, normally to do things, then you are right handed. I am right handed. If you use your left normally to do things, then you are left handed. And if you use both hands, because you have equal facility with both, then you are what it is called ambidextrous. You have the ability to use both hands with equal (ees??). So there you go, a nice easy video. Right handed, left handed and ambidextrous, the two. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你寫字的時候,是用左手還是右手?你的右手,寫字用右手,或者用左手寫字。如果你用右手寫字,在英語裡被稱為右撇子;如果你用左手寫字,則為左撇子;如果你雙手都有均衡寫字的能力,則為ambidextrous,雙手靈活寫字的人,這樣的人雙手都具有做事情的能力。如果你用右手做事,你是右撇子,我就是右撇子。如果你通常用左手做事情,你就是左撇子。如果你雙手都可以,你有使用雙手的均衡能力,你就是ambidextrous,雙手都靈活的人。好了,這是個簡單而有用的錄像,right handed, left handed, ambidextrous。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月28日 星期四

's with time

Hi there, students. I am sure you all know the rule about using the apostrophe s. Yes, for example, my teacher's pen. Ok, apostrophe s, the pen of my teacher. Alex's jersey, yeah, Alex's glasses. Ok, this is an apostrophe s for possessives. Now the rule says that this is for people, for animals, for groups of people and for groups of animals. But we don't use it for inanimate things. So for animals, the dog's leg, the lion's teeth, yeah. Or groups of people, Spain's population, IBM' s workers, ok, a group of people, Spain is a group of people. IBM, again, is a group of people. My school's teachers are very good. A school, the people who work in it. Ok, my school's teachers, so here the school, we think about a group of people. My company's Chrismas party, ok, so here again, possessives. Now there is an exception to this rule of this we use for animate things, for groups of people, for groups of animals, and for animals and people. We also use apostrophe s for time and for time phrases. So have you got yesterday's newspaper? Clearly yesterday is totally inanimate, well, I don't know. But yesterday's newspaper, so we use this for time expressions. Next week's concert is going to be very excellent. Tomorrow's weather forecast is sunny, the weather forecast of tomorrow. Ok, we also use it for periods of time. I have got a week's holiday next month, a week's holiday. I have got, it's about ten minutes' walk, a walk of ten minutes. I have got three hours of class tomorrow. I have got.. so, I have got three hours' class tomorrow. Three hours of class tomorrow or I have got three hours', apostrophe s class tomorrow. Ok so that's the exception to your rule. We use the apostrophe s for people, for animals, for groups of animals, for groups of people, and for time expressions, tomorrow's newspaper, and for periods of time. I have got three hours' class tonight. Three hours, we could say 'three hours of class'. Depends, you use it in the possessive or the plural, ok. Anyway, that's the exception to te rule. Apotrophe s with time. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating ; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我相信你們都知道使用撇好加s的規則,比如,我老師的筆。用撇號,加上s,是老師的筆的意思。Alex的毛衣,Alex的眼鏡。這裡的撇好加s表示擁有,其規則是撇號加s表示人、動物、群體的人及群體的動物。我們不會用它表示無生命的東西。比如動物,狗的腿,獅子的牙。群體的人,西班牙的人口,IBM的員工。這裡的西班牙是個群體性的詞,IBM,也是一個群體性詞。我學校的老師非常好。學校是一些人工作的地方,我學校的老師,這裡的學校,我認為也是群體性詞。公司的聖誕節聚會,再次說明這裡的撇號加s表示擁有的意思。但是這個規則有一個例外,就是撇號加s也可以用在時間及時間短語上面。你有昨天的報紙嗎?昨天,實際上是完全無生命性的,嗯,我也不肯定。yestereday's newspaper,我們用它來表示時間。下星期的音樂會將會是精彩的,明天的天氣預報是好天。我們也用它表示一段時間,下個月我有一個星期的假期,這是一段大概10分鐘的路程,明天我有一個三小時的課程。你可以說three hours' class或者three hours of class。這就是規則的例外情況,我們用撇號加s來表示人、動物、群體性的人及動物,並可以表示時間,如,明天的報紙,也可以表示一段時間,如,今晚我有三小時的課程。我們也可以說three hours of class, 這由你是用擁有的意思還是復數形式來決定。好了,這就是規則的例外情況,撇號加s用來表示時間。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月20日 星期三


Hi there, students. I am sure you all know that the employer, er, gives the job and the employee, double ee, receives the job, it's the person who does the job. Ok, so notice the er is the person who gives or does the action, and the ee is the person who receives. So for a check, the payer is the person who pays the money, and the payee is the person who receives the money. Yeah, employer, employee; payer, payee. Or for example, you can have an examiner, and examiner is the person who sets the exam, who gives the exam to the examinee. So the er is the person who gives, and the ee is the person who receives. So, yeah, it's like ee is the form of the passive participle, the receiver, the person is to whom the action is done. And the er is the person who does the action. Ok, so for example, you could have a supervisor. A supervisor supervises this. And people who receive this supervision are the supervisees. Ok, the people who receive the supervision. So there are quite a few like this, but not a huge number. Examiner, examinee; interviewer, interviewee;trainer, trainee. Yeah, you could have responder, the person who responds and respondee, the person who is responded to. Yeah, ok, so remember these two sides, er is the person who does the action and ee is the person who receives this. Ok, so you could say maybe teacher, teachee, but teachee doesn't work. So you can only use these suffix, suffix, word, a little bit that comes at the end of the word with some limited examples. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我確信你們都知道employer, er這裡指的是提供工作的人;而employee, 兩個e,是指接受工作的人,做工作的人。注意,er,是指給出某物的人,做動作的人;而ee是指接受某物的人。對於支票來說,payer是付款人的人,而payee是收款人。employer雇主,employee雇員;payer付款人,payee付款人。比如,examiner主考人,是指出試題的人,他出試題去考examinee,應試者。所以,er是指付出的人,而ee是收到的人。ee像是一個被動分詞,指的是動作的收受者;而er則是指動作的執行者。例如,supervisor是指進行監督的人,而被監督的人則是supervisee。有些詞是這種類型的,但並不是太多。examiner,examinee;interviewer, 面試人,interviewee被面試者;trainer教練員, trainee受訓者。還有responder,回應的人;respondee,被回應人。記住這兩方面的詞,er是做出動作的人,ee則是接受動作的人。也許有人說teahcher和teachee,說teachee是不行的。所以,只有有限的詞才可以用這些後綴詞結尾。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月16日 星期六

any in affirmative sentences

Hi there, students. I am sure you all know the grammar rule that says we use any for negative sentences and for interrogtive sentences. Do you have any money? No, I don't have any money. But this playlist is about exceptions to the rule. So for example, let's give you some examples with any in positive sentences. Which buy should I take to get to the centre of the town? Take any bus. It doesn't matter, all of the buses will take you to the centre of the town. So we are using any to say it doesn't matter which one, it desn't make any difference which. So in positive sentences, any says it doesn't matter, all are valid. Is this difficult to do? No, anyone can do it, it doesn't matter who, all people are capable of doing it, anybody can do it. So it doesn't matter which person, it doesn't matter a difference who you choose, everybody is able to do it. Yeah, ok, so we use any to say it doesn't matter which one, it doesn't matter which member of the group, but it's ok. Would you buy me some fruit? What type of fruit do you want? Any fruit, I don't mind. So as long as it's fruit, it's ok, but it doesn't matter which one, pears, apples, bananas, strawberries, cherries, whatever. So this is any in positive. Ok, so here is another exception to the rule. Notice as well, you can use any with negative words in the sentences. For example, I have hardly any money. Hardly, almost not, and therefor in my opinion this isn't an exception to the rule, because this one has already got negative in it, hardly, almost not, but that's another thing. So remember, any in positive sentences, means it doesn't matter which one. You can watch any of my videos, they will all help your English. It doesn't matter which video you watch, it will aid your study. Ok, so if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!我相信你們全都了解在語法規則中提到的any用於否定和疑問句規定,你有any money 嗎?沒有,我一點錢都沒有。但是此處的清單中確是該規則的例外情況。我給你們舉一些any可以用在肯定句中的例子。去城裡面我要乘坐多少號巴士?乘坐任何一輛巴士都可以,乘坐哪一輛車並不重要,任何一輛車都可以帶你去城中心。我們用any在肯定句中表示某些事‘選擇哪一個並不重要’,並不會產生任何差異。所以在肯定句中,any表示選擇哪一個無所謂,所有的選擇都是可行的。這個很難做嗎?不,任何人都可以做到,哪個人做不重要,任何人都有能力這樣做,任何人都可以做。所以哪個人並不重要,你選擇哪個人並不重要,任何人都可以做到。我們用any表達哪個人並不重要,人群中的哪個人並不重要,哪個都可以。你可以幫我買些水果嗎?你想要什麼水果?什麼水果都可以,我不介意。只要是水果就行了,哪種水果並不重要。梨、蘋果、香蕉、草莓、櫻桃,什麼都可以。這就是any在肯定句的用法。好了,這就是規則中的一個例外。也要注意,any可以和否定詞一起用在句子中。I have hardly any money,我幾乎沒有什麼錢。hardly,就是almost not,幾乎沒有,因此我的觀點是,這並不是規則的例外,因為這個詞已經有hardly作為否定意思。這是另外一回事了。好了,any用在肯定句式中表示‘哪一個並不重要’。你可以觀看我所有的錄像,全部對你的英語學習有幫助。觀看哪個錄像不重要,任何一個都會幫到你。如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’;評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月13日 星期三


Hi there, studnent. Have you ever heard the word 'complacent, complacent'? This is an adjective meaning you are really satisfied with yourself, too satisfied with yourself. So happy with your previous achievements that you are sure everything you do in the future and in present will be good. Smug, if you like, yeah. Overpleased, overcontented with yourself now based on your past performance. Contented to a fault, so self-satisfied that you are not worried. So he has many many many (weeks success in the roll?), and finally he became complacent. Maybe you see this with a really big and important football team that when they play a small insignifcant team, they are complacent, maybe they lose, they are sure they are going to win, anything they do will be enough. To be complacent, ok, complacent. Pleased, self-satisfied, extremely self-satisfied, but over self-satisfied, too much, yeah. Smug, yeah, this word smug, I like it as well. Resting on your laurels, yeah. So self assured that you know you can't go wrong. Yeah, not a good characteristic, it's not a good thing to become complacent, you always need to be improving and trying to learn new things and improve your methor so that you don't become. Ok, so another adjective for your vocabularies. If you enjoy thevideo, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你們聽說過‘complacent’這個詞嗎?這是個形容詞,意思是你對自己非常滿意,對自己極度滿意,對自己曾經有過的成就如此滿意,你確信將來和現在所做的事情都會很成功。你可以用smug來形容,自命不凡。overpleased, overcontented, 基於過去的自我表現,表現出的自命不凡,自鳴得意。非常自我滿意,不會擔憂什麼事情。他很多星期在總體上都是成功的,最後他變得自滿了。或許你會在足球隊裡面看到這種情況,當他們和一個無關緊要的球隊比賽時,他們洋洋自得,他們可能會輸掉比賽,他們確信會贏,他們以為所做的任何事都足夠好了。自鳴得意的,自我滿意的,極端自我滿意,過分自我滿意,洋洋自得,rest on one's laurels,滿足於過去的成就,如此非常自信,以至你知道自己不會做錯什麼。這不是一個好的性格,洋洋自得並不是好事情。你需要不停提高自己並且學習新的東西,提高做事的方式,令到自己不自滿。好了,這就是為你准備的一個詞。如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月11日 星期一


Hi there, students. Have you heard the verb 'to harangue' ? Or even the noun 'a harangue' ? Ok, to harangue is to leture somebody in an aggressive, critical and (lingsy??) manner. So maybe when you were a kid , you did sojmething wrong, you mum harangued you for a long time, you shouldn't have done lt like that, you mustn't do it like this. Ok, to harangue, to talk for a long time about something aggressively. To address a person or a crowd in an aggree way, in trying to be forcefully persuasive. Yeah, a harangue, a loud, forceful, angry speech. A scolding verbal attack. You can even say a (diatry??) ''. Maybe a dictator harangued his people with a long speech about what they should think and what they should do. Ok, to harangue, to give a long (punpus?? keydies??) speech which has a didactic nature to teach you something but the opinion of the person gave it, not necessarily your opinion. Ok, to deliver a harangue, to give a harangue, or the verb to harangue, to harangue a person, to talk to them in a violent, strong forceful angry way. Ok, so, yeah, I probably better harangue you about the meaning of harangue and let you draw your own conclusitions and find your own solutions to it. Ok, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你們聽說過動詞‘to harangue’嗎?又或者名詞‘a harangue’? to harange是用一種侵略性的、嚴厲的、(??)的方式訓斥某人。或許當你還是個孩子的時候,如果你做錯了什麼事,你的媽媽會harangue你很長時間,你不該這麼做,你必須這樣做!to harangue就是很有壓迫性地長時間談論某件事,用一種很氣憤的態度對某人或一群人發表講話。試圖表達強有力的說服力。a harangue,就是大聲的、有力的、氣憤的講話。斥責性言辭攻擊,你甚至可以說(??):你不可以做這件事!或者一個獨裁者長篇大論地訓斥他的手下,什麼應該做,什麼應該想。a harangue, 就是長篇的(????)講詞,帶有didactic指教性的特征,教導你應該做什麼,但是,這並不是你需要的觀點,而是訓導者的觀點。ti deliver a harangue, 就是做出一個訓導性的講話。 to harganue 某人,就是對他發表一通猛烈的、強勁的、有力的、氣憤的講話。我還是停止用harganue的意思來不停地harangue你,讓你自己得出結論並找到解決問題的方案。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月7日 星期四

have the upper hand

 Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'to have the upper hand'? Ok, one hand, and the upper hand, the superior hand. Ok, this means to be controlling or in a position to control either a person or a situation. Ok, this is when somebody or something has power or control over a situation. I don't know, for example in the basketball match, the blue team clearly had the upper hand, they were controlling the match and they clearly look like they were going to win it.  In the fight between the two boxers, the taller boxer had the upper hand. Or in politics, maybe the ruling party have the upper hand, they control the political scene. He has six brothers and sisters. But clearly of all his siblings, he is the one who has the upper hand. He is the one who says what happens, who controls the relationship between them and controls what is done, yeah. So to have the upper hand, ok, maybe you are more powerful, you are stronger and like that,  you control the situation. So to have the upper hand, to be in control of the situation. If you study enough for your English exams, you will have the upper hand on your English, you will be in control. He seemed very tired in emotion and his emotion seemed to have the upper hand. Ok, his reasoning was not in control, his emotions were in control. So to have the upper hand, to be in control, to be in power, to be winning, to be the stronger, the strong is force in a given situation.  Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過‘to have the upper hand’這句短語嗎?看這裡,一只手,另一只高一點兒的手,較高級別的手。這個短句的意思是控制或處在控制某人或某種局面的位置。它是指某人或某物具有某種權利,或具控制某種局面的力量。比如,在籃球比賽中,藍隊具有絕對優勢,to have the upper hand,他們控制了比賽,看來他們將贏得比賽。在這兩個拳擊手的比賽中,較高的拳手占了上風。政治領域,執政黨占有優勢,他們控制了政治形勢。他有六個兄弟姊妹,在他們之中,他具有控制地位,他決定將發生的事及控制彼此間的關系,他決定做什麼。或許你具有某種權利,你要比他人更強勢,於是,你來決定形勢的走向。to have the upper hand,就是處在決定權的位置。如果你為英語考試做了充分准備,你在考試中就具有優勢。他看起來非常疲倦,情緒占據了上風,理性失去了控制地位。所以,to have the upper hand,就是處在控制、具有某種權利、獲勝、強勢的位置。好了,如果喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月4日 星期一

a trifle

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'it is a trifle' ? It's trifling, ok when we say in English, it's a trifle, it means it's very small, it's insignificant, it's not revelant, it's not important. And something that is trifling, trifling is an adjective, so this is a trifling problem, a very small problem. This is a trifle, we can resolve this immediately. Yeah, it's not a big problem, it's very small, ok. A trifle in English is also a type of pudding, a type of dessert.  With spongecake, probably with Sherry or Brandy and then jelly or jam, and then (cuts it??), and then maybe with cream on top, a trifle, very tasty. But notice we can also use it as an idiom, this is a trifle, it's unimportant, it's insignificant, it doesn't matter. Yeah, you could say 'I am a trifle late', and a little bit late. This is trifling, this is unimportant. It was a trifle, more expensive than I thought, a little bit more expensive than I thought, just a little bit,  but not very much. Ok, so a trifle, either a pudding or a very small insignificant amount. Ok, so there you go anyway. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel, and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過a trifle這個詞嗎?在英語裡,當我們說這件事是a trifle, 意思是它很小、微不足道、意義不大或不重要的意思。當我們說某件­事是一個trifling問題, 這裡的trifling是個形容詞,意思是只是一個小問題。這是­一個trifle,我們可以很快解決它。它並不是什麼大問題,是­很小的問題。trifle在英語裡還是一種pudding,布丁­,甜品的一種,通常裡面有海綿蛋糕,散發雪利酒和白蘭地酒味道,­還拌有啫喱和果醬,或許(??),上面塗有一層奶油,美味極了。­注意,我們仍可以將它用在本文中的短句中,表示不重要的,意義不­大的,不要緊的。你可以說,我只是a trifle late, 我只是遲到了一點,它只是 trifling, 不重要的。它要比我預想的貴一點,a trifle,只是一點兒,並不多。所以,a trifle或者表示布丁,或者表示極微小的量,a trifle就是這樣理解了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜­歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月3日 星期日

hit the ground running

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'to hit the ground running'? He really seems to hit the ground running today, ok, this means.. it is very figurative, it means to do very well at something immediately after starting or start your day really well. Imagine you jump out of the bus or an airplane or off a horse, if you hit the ground running, you are less likely to fall over. So you start by running very fast. And that's a way to do well.  To hit the ground running, yeah. Ok, this means so, means to be very successful at something, very soon after starting, yeah. So he really seems to hit the ground running in this business, he has been very successful doing this (for right?) from the beginning. Or I really hit the ground today, I was really efficient,  I did a lot of good things, really well-done today, I hit the ground running. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你們聽說過to hit the ground running 這個短句嗎?he really hit the ground running today,這是什麼意思?這句話非常形像,它的意思是一開始做­某件事,就馬上做得非常好,開頭開得非常好。你可以想像,你從巴­士、飛機或者一匹馬上面跳下來,如果你hit the ground running,你幾乎不會摔倒。你一開始就跑得非常快。to hit the ground running 的意思做某件事非常成功,開始做之後就進行得非常快。在這個生意­上,他似乎進行得非常成功,really hit the ground running。他一開始就將這件事做得非常成功。我確實hit the ground running,我今天非常有效率,我做了很多事。如果你喜歡這­個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見­面。

2013年10月29日 星期二


 Hi there, students. To sift, a sift, to sift is to separate something in a sift to separate the very fine bits from the bigger bits. So this is a sifter, if you put flour in here and you rub it, then you can sift the flour. So all the small small grains go through, and any bigger pieces are left inside the sift. That is to sift. Maybe you can sift sands to get only the fine particles, ok. So to sift is to separate the small pieces from the bigger pieces. Now we can use this verb sift  figuratively as well. Ok, so for example, if you are looking for somebody to do a job and you receive a lot of CVs, curriculums, applications for the job. Maybe you can sift the candidates, you say this one looks interesting, this one doesn't look interesting. So to sift is to separate into the bits you want and the bits you don't want. So to sift , to separate, to separate one type of thing from anohter. You can also use this to mean examine. I had to sift through all the papers  to find the information that I needed. But again this is the idea, separate the bits you don't want from the bits you do want. Maybe you made a beatuiful desert and then you sift a little bit of icing sugar on the top of it, you could even use a sugar sifter, ok, something sifts very fine bits on [the top] of sugar or very fine bits of icing sugar onto something, you can sift, use a sifter. Ok, so to sift, to use this sifter, to separate the small tiny bits from bigger bits.  But you can use sifter as well (phgritifily???) to mean to separate into the bits of something you want and the bits you don't want. I have to sift through the information to find the exact piece of information I want, yeah. Ok, so to sift, something could be useful for you, for your vocabulary. Maybe you need to sift through my videos and find the ones that useful particularly for you. Because there are so many, maybe they need (sifted??). Anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to sift, a sifter, to sift就是將一些東西用篩子分離出來,將細小的顆粒分離出來。­這就是一個篩子,如果你將面粉放在裡面,然後摩擦面粉,那麼你就­是在篩面粉。所有細小的顆粒漏了下來,大的顆粒則留在了篩子裡。­這就是篩東西。你可以篩沙子,將細小的沙子篩選出來。所以,to sift就是將小粒的東西從較大的顆粒中分離出來。我們也可以用­這個動詞to sift(?)。比如,你在找一個人去做某件工作,你受到很多簡­歷,就是申請工作的簡歷。你可以篩選候選人,你可以認為這個人比­較合適,那個人不太合適。這裡的to sifte就是將你想要的篩選出來,不想要的也篩選出來。to sift就是分離,將一種東西由另外一種東西裡面就是說用將一些不想要的東西由想要的東西篩出來。你也可以做一件­好看的甜點,將一些糖霜sift在甜點的上面。你也可以用一個糖­篩在一些東西上面篩灑出一些糖或糖霜。to sift也用於將一些你想要的部分分離與不要想的部分。我必須將­信息進行sift,找出我需要的東西。好了,這就是sift,一­個可能對你的詞彙庫有用的詞。或許你需要對我的錄像進行篩選,找­出對你有用而且比較特別的東西。錄像是在是太多了,需要篩選。好­了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,­我將很快和你再見面。分離出來。你也­可以用這個詞表示檢查。我要將所有的文件進行sift, 找出對我有用的資料。

2013年10月24日 星期四

keep shtum

Hi there, students. If someone is silent and they don't say anything about the subject, they are keeping shtum. They are not telling anyone the secret. They are not talking about it. If he asks you about the price we paid for it, you keep shtum. You don't say anything, yeah, mum's the word even. Ok, to keep shtum, not to tell a secret, not to say anything about something. Ok, so if you want somebody not to say anything about something, you say 'keep shtum' about this. So let's see. Yeah, I am the best English teacher in thw world, but keep shtum, ok, keep it quiet, don' tell anyone. You could even say 'mum's the word', yeah. Ok, to keep shtum, shtum, I believe originally comes from German and it means to be silent, ok. To keep shtum, to keep silent, to keep shtum about something. Notice, to keep shtum is a quite informal phrase, yeah. And I wouldn't use it in a formal sitting or a formal writting, this is something I would use spoken, ok.  Ok, so when you are writting, don't use to keep shtum, keep shtum and say to keep quiet about it, or don't let on, don't tell anyone about it. Yeah, ok, there you go, another idiom, to keep shtum, not to say anything about something, too keep it secret. Yeah, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

 各位!如果有一個人對所談的話題保持沉默,他們是在keep shtum。他們不會將秘密告訴任何人,他們根本就談論它。如果­­他問你我們所付的價錢,你要keep shtum, 保持沉默,你不要講任何事。你可以說‘mum's the word’來形容。to keep shtum,就是保持沉默,不要談論這件事。如果你不想某人談論­­起某件事,你可以對他說:請對這件事keep shtum。我們看看,好,我是世界上最好的英語教師,但是請k­­eep shtum,不要告訴任何人,保守秘密,當然,你也可以說mum­­'s the word。shtum,我認為應該來源於德語,意思是保持沉默的­­意思。to keep shtum就是保持沉默。注意,to keep shtum是一個很非正式的短語,我不會在正式場合或者書面寫作­­中用到它,它是被用作在口語中的。 當你在寫東西的時候,不要用keep shtum,此時要用keep quiet, 或者don't let on, don't tell anyone about it。好了,這就是keep shtum這個短語,保持沉默,不要告訴他人。如果你喜歡這個錄­像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月21日 星期一

mum's the word

 Hi students! How are you today? So if I tell you a secret, Mum's the word, ok, we use this phrase in English 'Mum's the word' to mean this is a secret, so don't tell anyone. I am the best teacher in the world, but mum's the world, ok, don't tell anyone else. They use this phrase in English to mean this is a secret, so don't tell anyone, don't let on, don't let the cat out of the bag. Ok, so remeber, next time you tell somebody something  that you want them to keep secret and not tell anyone else, what you have to do is to say to them, 'mum's the word', ok, mum is the word. So there you are, a nice little idiom, mum's the word, don't let the cat out of the bag, don't tell anyone this secret. Ok, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學,你們好嗎?我要告訴你們一個秘密,但是,mum's the word。在英語中,我們用mum's the word表示這是一個秘密,不要告訴他人。我是最好的教師,但是mum's the word, 不要告訴任何人。表示這是一個秘密,不可以告訴別人。don't let on,不要泄密,don't let the cat out of the bag, 不要露餡,不要走漏風聲。好了,下次如果你告訴某人一件事,你希望他保守秘密,你需要做的就是對他說:mum's the word,保守秘密。好了,這是個不錯的短小常用語,對嗎?mum's the word,就是不要泄密,不要走漏風聲的意思。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月20日 星期日

muddle through

Hi there, students. To muddle through something, we will muddle through it, ok this is to manage to do something despite problems, despite difficulties. To continue, despite confusion and difficulties. To manage to get through something but with problems and difficulties. To muddle through. Ok, a muddle is a disorder, a confusion. So to muddle through confusion, through to the end. Ok, so for example, we did a play the other day, but nobody really knew they (lions??) very well, but we muddled through it to the end, ok, we managed to get to the end despite difficulties and problems. There are a lot of financial problems in my family, but we managed to muddle through, we managed to pay the bills somehow with difficulty, not easily but with problems. Ok, so to muddle through soomething, notice this is an inseparable phrasal verb. Muddle through it, so you can't put it, muddle it through, no, that's not right, to muddle through something, inseparable. Ok, so to muddle through, to arrive at the end of process despite confusion and problems and difficulty, arriving there. So I seem to manage to muddle through this video and get to the end. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to muddle through 某些東西,我們會muddle through它,這個動詞短語的意思是某人將會設法應付某事,而不管這件事有多少問題、本身有多大的困難。不理會困惑和困難,設法應付。在困難和大量問題中,設法做完某件事。muddle是失調、困惑的意思。to muddle through,就是克服困惑,設法完成的意思。比如,我們那一天有一場比賽,但是沒有估計到他們(??)那麼好,但是我們muddle through困難而堅持到了最後。我們不理困難和難題而設法堅持到了最後。家裡面臨很多財政問題,但是我們設法應付,我們設法去應付困難,支付各種賬單,並不容易,而且還是要在困難中做到如此。to muddle through是個不可分割的動詞短語,我們可以說to muddle through it, 但是不可以說to muddle it through。所以,to muddle through something就是處在困惑、難題、困難中仍設法應付從此到達最後一步。好了,我似乎已經設法應付而完成了這個錄像,如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月18日 星期五

chip away at

Hi there ,students. To chip away, intransitive, or chip away at, transitive. Ok, this means to reduce something slowly and gradually. For example, the bills that I receive every month are more than my salary and they chip away at my savings. They reduce a small piece by small piece. So what is this chip? Well you know a chip, to eat, we all know chips to eat, but a glass or a plate, maybe if you drop it or hit it, it doesn't break completely, but you just..remove a little chip, a little piece. You could have a chip of glass, or a chip of plate, maybe a chip of stone even. Ok, so you are chipping away at something, you are removing little chips, little tiny pieces. When a sculptor makes the statue, he chips away at the piece of stone, he removes little chips piece by piece. He is chipping away at the stone. Ok, to chip away at, to reduce slowly and steadily. Ok, yeah, this is the idea of to chip away at something, to reduce it in a steady way.  If you have a very very big job that you need to do, and you can't do it all at once, I recommend you chip away at it, piece by piece by piece, so you do a little piece of the job and another little piece, another little piece. And suddenly after a long time, you've done all of it. To chip away at, to reduce something slowly and surely. Yeah, ok anyway, so if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位! to chip away, 這裡用的是不及物形式,或者to chip away at則是及物動詞形式,它的意思是緩慢地、逐漸地減少某樣東西。­比如,我每月收到的賬單金額超過了我的薪水,它們在逐漸蠶食我的­積蓄,它們一點一點地減少我的積蓄。那麼這裡的chip是什麼意­思?我們都知道chip是吃的東西,但是我們將玻璃或者盤子掉在­地上打碎它們的時候,它們並不會徹底碎掉,有時僅掉下一點碴,比­如一片玻璃碎片、一片盤子碎片或者一小片石頭碎片。所以當你ch­ip away at 某樣東西的時候,你將它一點一點地削減。當雕刻家雕刻雕像的時候­,他慢慢鑿掉石塊,一片一片地逐漸削掉石片,他在chippin­g away at這塊石頭,他在鑿掉石屑。to chip away at就是將某樣東西緩慢而持續地縮小。這就是to chip away at用詞的由來,穩定地縮減某個東西。如果你有某樣非常非常艱巨的工作要做,你無法馬上完成,我建議你­to chip away at 這個工作,逐漸削減、蠶食它,不停地一點一點地做。很長一段時間­之後,你會突然發現你已經將它完成了。chip away at就是要穩定而緩慢地去削減某樣東西。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄­像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面­。

2013年10月16日 星期三

all vs whole

Hi there, students. I've just had a question asking what's the difference between all and the whole? Ok, the difference is really quite easy. We use the whole or the whole of when we talk about singular countable nouns. My whole hand, the whole cake. So we use the whole or the whole of my hand, the whole of the cake. We use whole for singular countable nouns when we are using the entire amount. All or all of, we use for singular countable nouns as well, but also for plural countable nouns. So all my fingers, ok, plural countable nouns. All of my fingers. Or we can also use all of for uncountable nouns. He ate all of the sugar, he drank all of the water. So notice this is the big important difference. We use the whole, the whole of something when we talk about singular countable nouns, singular things, the entire amount of something singular, yeah. But we use all of to talk about singular countable nouns, plural countable nouns and uncountables. Ok, so let's go over these examples again. He ate the whole cake, singular countable, a cake, he ate the whole cake. He ate all of the cake, ok. Or he ate all of the cakes, but we can't use whole with cakes, because it 's a plural. And he drank all of the coffee, ok, coffee, uncountable. He drank the whole cup of coffee, a cup of coffee, countable. We can also use all, we very often use all with all of it, all of them. So he ate the whole cake, he ate all of the cake,  He ate all of it, singular, he ate all of the cakes, he ate all of them. And notice as well, very often we use it after a personal pronoun, a plural personal pronoun, we all like good food, yeah, they all went to the cinema. But notice with this one, with all, it needs to be we, you (plural), and they, yeah, because he all, no! So we all enjoy Alex's videos. Ok, this is saying the whole group, notice a group countable. So let's recap, let's go over again. Whole for singular countable nouns, the entire amount. All for singular countable nouns as well, plural countable nouns and uncountables. Ok, and that's it. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我剛剛有個問題想問大家,all和the whole之間的區別是什麼?二者區別實際上是相當簡單,當我們­談論單數可數名詞時,用whole和the whole of。my whole hand,我的整只手,the whole cake,整個蛋糕。所以我們這裡用了whole來表示整只手和­整個蛋糕。當我們表示整體數字時,我們用whole。至於all­和all of,我們同樣用它們表示單數可數名詞,也同樣用它們表示復數可­數名詞。all my fingers,我所有的手指,這是復數可數名詞。all of my fingers,我手指的全部。或者我們可以用all of表示不可數名詞。他把所有的糖都吃了,他把所有的水都喝了。­注意,這是一個非常的分別。我們用whole和the whole of表示單數可數名詞,單數的東西。某單數東西的整體量。我們用all of來表達單數可數名詞、復數可數名詞及不可數名詞。我再把這些­例子重新講述一下。he ate the whole cake, 單數可數名詞,he ate all of the cake,he ate all of the cakes,不能將whole同cakes連用,因為cakes­是復數名詞。he drank all of the coffee,coffee,這裡是不可數名詞。he drank the whole cup of coffee,一杯咖啡,是可數名詞。我們還經常在all of it、all of them中用到all。he ate the whole cake, he ate all of the cake, he ate all of it, he ate all of the cakes, he ate all of them。同時要注意,我們經常在復數人稱代詞後面用到all。­we all like good food,they all went to the cinema。 這裡和all連用的人稱代詞必須是we,you(復數)和the­y。你不可以說he all。we all enjoy Alex's videos,這裡指的是整個團體,整體可數名詞。我們再將重點­概述一下,whole是用來表達單數可數名詞,一個整體數量;a­ll可以用在單數可數名詞、復數可數名詞和不可數名詞前面。好了­,這就是全部了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月12日 星期六

keep in check

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'to keep something in check' or 'hold something in check'? This means to restrain, to maintain under control. Ok, so please could you keep your dog in check? Don't let it run around, put a lead or rope around him so that you have him in check, you are holding him in check. You chould also keep or hold a person in check. It means to control them, to stop them acting too rambunctiously, in too a lively manner. Please could you keep your kids  in check? They are running around the place and causing mayhem. Ok, so to keep in check, to restrain, to keep control over. For example I don't have very much money so I need to keep my spending in check, to restrain it, to limit it so that it's not too much, it's not out of control. So yes, the opposite of in check or to keep in check is to lose control (over?), to be out of control, yeah. You are out of control over yourself, you really need to keep yourself in check. I think you drink too much, you need to hold yourself in check and be more abstemiously. So to keep in check or hold in check, to restain, to limit, to keep in control. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們曾經聽過keep某樣東西in check 或者hold這個東西in check嗎?這個短語的意思是控制、保持控制的意思。你可以k­eep your dog in check嗎?你可以控制一下你的狗嗎?不要讓它到處亂跑,用狗­帶或者繩子牽住它好嗎?這樣你可以控制它,對它保持控制。你也可­以對一個人keep in check,意思是你要控制他們,阻止他們的粗暴行為,或者過於­活躍的行為方式。可以約束一下你的小孩嗎?他們到處亂跑,搞得一­片狼藉。所以,to keep in check,就是約束,保持控制。我的錢很少,我需要控制支出。­要對它施以約束,要限制,以便不會超額、失控。in check和keep in check的反義詞是lose control,失控的意思。你失控了,你需要自我控制。我認為­你飲酒過量,你要控制,要有節制。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留­下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月10日 星期四

kindred spirit

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'a kindred spirit'? Ok, this is a person who feels and thinks in the same way that you do. Oh, I don't know, for example, this guy really really likes looking at trains, I think he is a kindred spirit, it's something I like doing as well, ok. So a kindred spirit is somebody who likes to do or thinks about things in the same way as you do, yeah. Somebody who feels, thinks or likes things in the same way as you, has the same attitude about things. Ok, this comes from two words kindred and spirit. Ok, a spirit is the way we are, the person insiders; and kindred means similar, in the same way. You have the word kin or kindred, of the same clan or (tr...?), so a memeber of a family. But, ok, having the same ancestors. But it also means to be of the same nature, of the same character. So I see you like to make wine in the same way that I like to make wine, ok, to make wine, take grapes to make wine,  I am sure there are various methods of doing it, if we both like to do it the same way, I might call you a kindred spirit. Perhaps most or all of my students are kindred spirits in the fact that they like to study English. They want to improve their English and they like the way I teach. So a kindred spirit, you are all kindred spirits, you are all people who think and act in the smiliar way, we respect English. Ok, so there you have the phrase, a kindred spirit. Somebody who thinks , acts in the same way as you, very similarly. Yeah, ok, so kindred spirit (out there??). If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們曾經聽過kindred spirit這個短語嗎?它的意思是說,有一個人,他對事物的感­覺和思考事情的方式和你都是一樣的。 我不肯定,我給你們有些例子。有個人非常喜歡看火車,對於我,我­認為他是個kindred spirit, 因為我也喜歡看火車。所以,a kindred spirit就是說一個人喜歡做的事情或者他思考事物的方式和你­是一模一樣的,他所喜歡的事情、思考問題的方式、對事物感覺的感­覺都和你是一樣的,你們對事物有同樣的看法和態度。這個詞由兩個­詞構成,kindred 和spirit。spirit就是一個人內在的東西,是他之所以­是他本人的東西。kindred是相似、同樣方式的意思。kin或者kindred是同一個clan,同一個宗族的意思,­家族中的一個成員,或擁有同樣的祖先,ancestors。同時­,這個詞也有同樣特性和性格的意思。我知道你喜歡制作紅酒,而我­也同樣喜歡制作紅酒,用葡萄制作。但是我知道有很多種方法可以制­作紅酒。如果我們兩人都用同樣的方法,我可以稱呼你為"興趣相投­的人"。我的學生多數或者全部都是kindred spirits,他們全是興趣相投的人,因為他們都喜歡學英語,­他們都想提升英語水平,他們都喜歡我教英語的方式。你們全是ki­ndred Spirits,你們全是志趣相投的人,你們都具有相近的思考和­行動方式,並具有對英語的尊重。所以,kindred spirit,就是指有人具有和你同樣思考和行為方式,非常接近­。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我­將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月8日 星期二

whether or not

 Hi there, students. I had a question about the use and meaning of 'whether or not'. Ok, this we normally use when we have a choice of two possible courses of action. I am wondering whether to go to bed or not, I am wondering whether or not to go to bed. So I can go to bed or not go to bed. I am wondering, I am thinking about it. Now notice, normally the 'or not' is extra, it is (...?), we don't have to use it. I am wondering whether I should go to bed, I am wondering whether to go to bed. Notice the construction is a little bit different. I am wondering whether to go to bed or not, whether or not to go to bed, ok, but normally the 'or not' is something extra that you don't necessarily have to use. However, notice sometimes we can use 'whether or not' to mean regardless, I don't care, so I am going to bed now, whether or not you are coming with me. Ok, here I need the 'whether or not', because I am saying 'if you come, I am going to bed; if you don't come, I am going to bed'. So this has the meaning of regardless, regardless what you decide to do. When we are using whether or not to mean regardless like this, we need the 'or not', ok. So I am wondering whether or not to go to France next week. Ok, I am wondering whether to go to France next week. So we are using whether to mean if, but I can say 'I am wondering whether or not to go to France', I am wondering whether to go to France or not. Notice the or not can come before or after with, and I am wondering whether to go to France, or if I should go to France we could also use. So notice there are a lot of different ways putting these together and use it. Yeah, whether or not, you have a choice of different things, yeah. Oh, yeah, I am trying to decide whether I need to buy a new coat or not. I am trying to decide whether I need a new coat or not, whether or not I need a new coat. So notice, different ways of doing it. So whether or not, it gives you a choice of doing two things , two courses of action. Normally it's to do something or not to do it, yeah. I am wondering whether or not to buy that red one. So shall I buy it, yes? or shall I not buy it, whether or not. Shall I do this yes or shall I do this no. So anyway, that's my explanation.  If you enjoy the video, you now need to decide whether or not to give it rating, a rating, i would be happy if you did. You can subscribe to my channel. I will see you soon. Ok, so enjoy. Bye.

各位!我有一個關於whether or not用法和意思的問題。我們通常在對具有可能性的兩個動作項目­進行選擇時,使用該詞。我很猶疑,是去睡覺還是不去睡覺。我可以­去睡覺, 也可以不去,我在猶疑,我在思考。注意,通常來說or not是一個附加詞,無需一定用到它,Iam wondering whether 我應該去睡覺。whether or not to go to bed和whether to go to bed or not,前後兩個句子的結構式不同的。記住,or not只是個附加詞,並非必用。然而,有時我們要用whethe­r or not去表示一種‘不管怎樣,都要。。’的意思,一種‘我不在乎­’的意思。我現在去睡覺,whether or not you are coming with me, 我不管你跟不跟我去。這裡我們要用到whether or not,因為我的意思是,你來,我要去睡覺,你不來,我也要去睡­覺。這裡面的意思是‘不管怎麼樣’,無論你怎麼樣的意思。所以,­當我們想表達regardless的時候,我們需要用到or not。 我在猶疑,是否應該下星期去法國。我們用whether表示‘是­否’,但是,我也可以說‘I am wondering whether or not’去法國,或者I am wondering whether 去法國or not。注意,or not可以用在前面或者後面。很多種不同的方法可以集中在一起使­用,你可以對不同的事情進行選擇。我正在決定是否買一個新外套。­我正在決定whether 我需要一件新外套or not,或我正在決定whether or not買一件新外套。你可以對兩件不同的事情進行選擇,通常是做­某事或者不做某事。我很猶疑是否該買那個紅色那個,我是應該買,­還是不應該買,這裡用了whether or not。我是應該做這個,還是不做這個。好了,這就是我對whe­ther or not的解釋。如果你喜歡這個錄像,你無需心中有whether or not留給這個錄像一個評級,如果你留下評級,我會很高興的。你­可以訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。好了,希望你喜歡,再見­!

2013年10月7日 星期一

some with interrogatives

 Hi there, students. So what is the rule with some and any? Well with some, they say we use some for affirmative, for positive statements, and we don't normally use it in negative or interrogative statements. Ok, that's the genenal rule. But what are the exceptions to this rule with some? Do you want some money? Yeah, ok, so when we are making an offer, we very often use the wrod some in the question. Would you like some food? Would you like some water? Ok, it's probably more natural. 'would you like some water' than 'would you like any water', you could say 'would you like any water' as well, that's fine. But notice, when we are making offers, when we are offering things to people, we generally use some in the question, yeah. Do you want some more? Ok, do you want some more. Ok, also in a similar way, in a similar line, we use some in questions when we make the requests, yeah, when we ask for things. Could I have some more water, please?  Could I have a sandwich, could I have some sandwiches? Ok, so when you are asking things as well, very often we use some in requests, when we are asking for something. Would you spend some more time with me, please? Now, I think this one with the request is links a little to the next one. Ok, we use some when we are expecting the answer 'yes'. Ok, it's a question when we expect the person to say yes.  So maybe with this offer or request (a litttle bit?) as well, do you want some water? I think you want some water, so I think you are going to answer yes. Could I have some sandwiches? I am expecting you to agree and say yes. Try this with...an example..with questions when we expect you to say yes. Do you have some money on you? I think you have money on you and I am expecting you to answer yes. Do you have some time tomorrow? I know you could have a day off tomorrow and I imagine you are going to have some time. So do you have some time tomorrow? Do you have any time tomorrow? I don't know. Do you have any money on you? It's a question asking because I am not sure, I need the information. But normally when we use some in questions, in other questions like this, do you have some friends who live near here? I am expecting for you to say yes, I think I have already known the answer, I am looking for re-affirmation.  Ok, so remember, some in interrogatives, we use this for offers, do you want me to make some more videos? We use this for requests, would you like me to make some more videos? And when we expect the answer yes, do you have some understanding of this exception now? You have listend to the video so I amexpecting you to say yes. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!有關some 和any的規則是什麼呢?對於some,通常要將其用在確定的、­肯定的句中,而不是將其用在否定和疑問句中。這是通常的法則。對­此規則,例外的情況有哪些呢?‘你想要些錢嗎?some money’,當我們提出某項提議時,我們經常在句中用到som­e。你想要些食物嗎?你想要些水嗎?說‘would you like some water’要比'would you like any water'更加自然些,當然,你也可以說any water,沒問題。注意,當我們向別人提議時,我們通常在疑問­句中用some。你還想多要些嗎?在類似的情況下,我們在提出要­求的疑問句中用some。‘我可以再要些水嗎?’‘我可以要一個­三明治嗎?我可以要些三文治嗎’?當我們提出要求時,常用到so­me在提出要求的句子中。你可以多花些時間和我在一起嗎?我認為提出要求的這個句子和下一­個句子有關聯。當我們使用some時,我們期望相應的回答是ye­s。這是一個我們預期回答人會說yes的問句。比如,你想要點水­嗎?我認為你想要點水,所以我預期你會說yes。我可以再要點三­文治嗎?我預期你會同意並說yes。some要使用在預期要說y­es的句子中。你身上有錢嗎?我認為你身上有錢而且我預期你會說­有。你明天有時間嗎?我知道你請了一天假,我相信你明天會有時間­。你明天有任何時間嗎?我不知道。你什麼有任何一點錢嗎?這是一­個我不肯定的問題,我這樣問是因為我要知道相關信息。但是當我們­將some用在下面的這些句子中,你有住在附近的朋友嗎?我們是­期望對方的回答是yes,我們其實已經知道答案,只不過是希望得­到再確認罷了。所以,記住我們將some用在疑問句中表示一種提­議,比如,你想我多制作些錄像嗎?我們期望的回答是yes。你現­在對這個例外情況有了一定的了解嗎?你聽過了這個錄像,我預期你­會說yes。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;­訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月4日 星期五

as a rule of thumb

 Hi there. Have you ever heard the phrase 'a rule of thumb'? Ok, a rule is a way to calculate things, grammar rules, you all know the word rule, a rule of thumb. This is a way to estimate something, this is something that is generally true. For example, as a rule of thumb, it is cold in winter and hot in summer, ok. As a rule of thumb, generally, normally this is true. But there could be a warm day in winter or a cold day in summer, yeah. As a rule of thumb, an easy way to calculate something approximately. The way I remember is that this distance here, this distance for me is six inches. Ok, six inches is about fifteen centimetres. And then if I measure things, I can measure them with (group?) six inches. It's not exactly right, but it is a good rule of thumb to work out what something meaures, yeah. Ok, As a rule of thumb, the conference of circle is three times or (..?) three times its diameter. ok, generally, it's not exactly right, but it's an easy way to remember, an easy way to calculate. As a rule of thumb, there are a lot of people in the supermarket at the beginning of the month and not many people in the supermarket at the end of the month. It's only a rule of thumb, it's not completely true but it's generally true. Ok, as a rule of thumb, an estimation of something that is normally true or a way to calculate something, to calcualte value, to give you an estimate, yeah. Maybe if you want to measure the area of a field, you walk one way and then you walk the other. And you say 10 paces by 12 paces, 10 by 12 paces, which is approximately 10 meters by, did I say 10 by, by 12 meters, a hundred and 20 square centimeters. Sorry, a hundred and 20 square meters, not centimeters. Ok, this is a rule of thumb, a way to calculate something, approximately to give you a useful value. Ok, as a rule of thumb, if the temperature is more than 25 degrees,  I start to sweat. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; as a rule of thumb, many people give my videos ratings, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過‘a rule of thumb’這個短語嗎?a rule就是用來計量東西的方法及規則,語法規則,你們都知道r­ule的意思。a rule os thumb是估量事物的一種方法,意思某種計量大致是准確的。不­如,as a rule of thumb,按經驗來說,冬天通常比較冷,夏天比較熱。as a rule of thumb, 就是說通常這種情況是對的,因為冬天也有溫暖的時候,夏天也有較­涼的時候。as a rule of fthumb, 就是用一種近似准確的方法去估算某物。我還記得,由我的手的這個­位置到這裡的距離是6英寸。6英寸大概有15釐米長,如果我要量­某物的長度,我可以用手中的6英寸去量。這不會完全准確,但確卻­是一個不錯的憑經驗計量的方法。這個會議室的圓頂大概是其直徑的­3倍長。大概估算,不是完全准確,但卻是一個較容易記住的方法,也是較容­易估算的方式。憑經驗看,月初時超級市場的人較多,月底較少。a­s a rule of thumb,這種估算不是完全准確,但是大致准確。as a rule of thumb就是給你一個大概的估算。也許你想計量一塊地的面積,­你由這邊走到另一邊,大概是10步乘12步,也就是10米乘12­米,大約120釐米,抱歉,不是釐米,是120平方米。a rule os thumb就是大致估算從而給出一個近似的值。as a rule of thumb,憑經驗看,氣溫超過25度,我就會冒汗。如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;as a rule of thumb, 很多人都會留下評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月2日 星期三


 Hi there, students. How do we use much? Ok, the rule says 'much, is for uncountables. And we only use it for negatives and interrogatives'. So, do you have much water? No, I don't have much water. But normally in the positive, you would say 'yes, I have a lot of water'. So the grammar for much says we use much for negatives and interrogatives, but we use a lot of for positives, for affirmtive statements.So what's the exception for the rule? Well the exception to the rule are three phrases, yeah, so much, very much and too much. And we normally use the phrases 'so much, very much and too much' in positive statements as well. So these are the exceptions to the rule. I love you very much, a large quantity. Thank you so much for your help, ok, so much in the positive and this is going to cost too much money, ok. So notice, so much and too much (in access??) and very much, a lot. Ok, that's the exception to he rule.
So remember, the rule with much is much for negatives and interrogatives. And the exception is so much, too much and very much. Ok, so that's one exception to the rule to remember. Yeah, and they say these are the exceptions that prove the rule. Ok, the exceptions prove the rule, the exceptions show the rule is true. Ok, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我們如何使用much? 相關規則說,much只用在不可數名詞上,而且通常我們將much用在否定和疑問詞上。你有再多一點水嗎?沒有了。在肯定句中,我們一般說,是的,我們有很多水。語法規則規定我們將much用在否定及疑問詞上,而將a lot of用在肯定詞上。對於此規則,例外情況有哪些呢?例外的情況出現在三個短語上,very much, too much so much,我們通常將它們用在肯定句式中。在much使用規則上,它們三個是例外情況。我非常愛你,so much, 巨量;非常感謝你的幫助,so much, 表示肯定。這樣花錢會太多了,too much。注意,so much, very much 和too much和a lot of 意思相近。要記住,much的使用規則是僅用在疑問和否定詞上;例外情況有so much, to much 和very much。所以這是一個要記住的例外情況。有人說,這些例外情況證明了規則本身,例外,就是規則本身的證明。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級,訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年10月1日 星期二

half inch

 Hi there, students. Ok, this video is about a cockney rhyming slang phrase. To half inch, ok, look at my ruler here. Well this has got inches here. And that is an inch. So half an inch is about that much. Yeah, half inch, half an inch, half inch. But in cockney rhyming slang, to half inch means to pinch,so inch rhymes with pinch.  Pinch is another slang word which means to steal. Ok, to half inch , to pinch, which means to steal. Ok, to pinch is a slang word for steal. Notice, you pinch, ao, ao! You take a bit skin and press and you pull. (..like?) you take a piece of skin, to pinch, ok. So he pinched my wallet, he half inched my wallet. Or probably better, (...??) inched my wallet. Ok, he half inched my wallet. Ok, so notice, to half inch. Becareful of these people, they are always half inching stuff, . they are always pinching stuff. Ok, so notice, to half inch, a verb, a very informal verb, in cockney rhyming slang means to steal. Ok, so there you go, to half inch, to pinch, to take something that is not yours. What did he half inch? What did he alf inch? ok, notice it nees a bit cockney accent with this as well. What did he pinch? What did he steal? What did he alf inch? What did he pinch? Notice this cockney rhyming slang, it's normally there are two words, half, inch, and then the real meaning rhymes with the second word, so inch rhymes with pinch. So to half inch, to pinch. Anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!這是個有關倫敦押韻土語的錄像。to half inch, 好,看看我手裡拿的這把尺,這裡有英寸的刻度,這是1英寸。half inch, 半英寸有這麼多。在倫敦土語裡,to half inch的意思是pinch。inch和pinch押韻。pinch也是一個俚語,是‘偷’的意思。所以,to half inch就是pinch, 偷的意思。注意,to pinch也可以是用手指將一小塊皮膚按住然後拉起來。就像你將那塊皮膚揪走一樣。他pinched我的錢包,他half inched我的錢包。小心這幫人,他們經常half inch東西,他們經常pinch東西。to half inch,是一個非正式的動詞短語,在倫敦土語中,是“偷”的意思。好了,to half inch, 就是pinch的意思,拿走不屬於你的東西。他half inch了什麼東西?注意,這裡也需要一點倫敦土語的口音才更有味道。注意,倫敦土語中,通常有兩個詞語,half和inch,真正意思是和第二個詞押韻的,就是說,pinch和inch押韻。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

zebra crossing

 Hi there, students. Do you want to cross the road? Or probably the best place to cross the road is a zebra crossing, ok, a zebra crossing is a place on the road (with marks?) thick black and white strips across the street. And (that's?? ) the name 'a zebra crossing'. Yeah, the cars need to give way slow down and stop to let pedestrians cross the road using a zebra crossing. I think Americans might call it a crossing walk, yeah. But a zebra crossing, black and white strips on the   ground, zebra, crossing, a place to cross the road. And also in the UK, at either end of the zebra crossing is a pole with black and white strips and organge light on the top. This is called a Belisha beacon. Ok, so there are, you have got a zebra crossing and Belisha beacons at either end. I wonder if any of you all can tell me why that is called Belisha beacons. If you can, please comment. You need to look at internet, maybe. Anyway, a nice simple video. If you enjoy it, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你想過馬路嗎?最佳過馬路的地方或許是zebra crossing。zebra crossing就是在路上標有較粗紅白相間橫條穿越路面的地帶,從而有了zebra crossing這個名字。車輛都要減速或者停車,以便行人通過斑馬線穿越馬路。我認為美國人可能把它叫做crossing walk。但是zebra crossing是指在馬路上黑白相間的橫條,就像斑馬的條紋一樣,所以zebra crossing就是橫穿馬路的地方。在英國,在斑馬線的每端都有一條具有黑白條紋的電燈柱,上面有橙色光的燈,這叫做Belisha beacon。所以斑馬線的兩端都有一條Belisha beacon。我想知道你們當中是否有人能說出為什麼這些燈柱叫做Belisha beacon。如果有人知道,可以寫在評論欄裡面。或許你需要查一查網上的資料。好了,給了你們一個好用而又簡單的錄像。如果你們喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年9月30日 星期一

iron out

Hi there, students. to iron out, ok, to iron, you have an iron which you use with your clothes, you iron your shirt. But we have a phrasal verb 'to iron out', to resolve little problems, to find a solution to problems. Don't worry, we will iron out that prblem, we will find a solution to that problem or best solution possible. So to iron out a problem or difficulty, you can even say to iron out the wrinkles, ok, these wrinkles are not (flatbes??), the little problems you want to make flat and therefore resolved, yeah. So there are one or two difficulties, but we will iron out, we will iron them out before we finish. Ok, this is something that needs ironing out. So notice, it's separable, it can be transitive or intransitive. Yeah, ok, so maybe you are watching this video to try ironing out one or two little problems in your English. Just the final little things you don't understand, or maybe English is a little bit compicated than that, and there will always be wrinkles or difficulties to iron out. Ok, so a phrasal verb to iron out, to find a solution to a problem, yeah, to resolve a problem. Ok, so if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

 各位!to iron out, iron, 燙鬥,用來燙衣服, 你可以用燙鬥熨襯衫。但是,這裡的iron out是個動詞短語,意思是解決一些小問題,找出解決問題的方法­。不要著急,我們會iron out 解決那些問題的,我們找到解決問題的方案,或許最佳的方案。所以­,我們可以說 to iron out一個難題或困難,甚至可以說to iron out wrinkles,這些皺紋起伏不定,我們要令它們平直,to iron out,從而令到問題得到解決。這裡有一兩個難題,我們會將它們­iron out,在完成工作前,我們會將它們解決。這是些需要被iron out的問題,注意,iron out是可以分離的,它既可以是及物的,也可以是非及物的。 也許你觀看這個錄像的目的是為了解決在英語上的一兩個難題, 你不明白的但具有決定性的小問題,總是存在一些難題需要去iro­n out, 去解決。所以,短語to iron out就是找到解決難題的方案,解決一個問題。好了,如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又­見面。

2013年9月26日 星期四

might as well

Hi there, students. Might as well, may as well, might just as well, may just as well, this is a formal, oh, sorry, this is an informal phrasem meaning it is probably better to do something than not to do it. But what does that mean? Ok, let's see, I have got nothing to do at the moment, so I might as well or might just as well go for a walk. So (???) I have got nothing to do, it would probably be better if I went for a walk, like that, I will occupy my time. It's saying that there is no reason why you should not do something. Yeah, why am I here, why am in this shopping centre, I might as well get some pencils as well, I might as well get some pencils. I have come here to do another thing, and when I am here on balance, it would be better for me to get some pencils. Notice you very often use 'may as well', meaning you are agreeing to an idea. So for example, my friend says "do you want to come with me tomorrow"?  I have got nothing to do, but coming with you is really boring. Well, I suppose I may as well come with you, I might just as well come with you. So I am saying 'yes'. I would like to come, but not with great enthusiasm. So this is a lack of enthusiasm, you are not very enthusiastic about this idea when you say 'might as well'  or even might just as well. Yeah, ok, it's you not accept wholeheartedly, you (?) 'yeah, this is a brilliant idea', 'all right, all right ,I suppose so, I might as well'. Yeah, you are not really keen on this idea. Now that you are here, I suppose I might as well pay you, now you are here, I can see you,  I might as well pay you, I am not enthusiastic about this idea, but as you are here, it's better that I do it than I don't do it. Yeah, ok, let's see. Today is really really hot and I have got some cooking to do but I don't really want to do it because it's really hot in the kitchen. But I might as well make a cake. I will do it, but I am feeling really good at it. Another way to look at this 'might as well ' or 'may as well', may or might means possibly, probably. And as well (??)  in this situation means appropriate or fitting. So I might as well come with you. Yeah, possibly, it's appropriate, or possibly it is fitting that I come with you. Ok, that's another way we are looking at it. Yeah, I might as well, it's a way of saying 'yes', but not with huge enthusiasm, it's better to do than not to do it, there is not a lot of difference. Maybe you are tired and you are bored, so you say 'I might as well go to bed'. I am bored and tired, here, so I have got nothing to do,  so on balance, it will be better that I went to bed. Ok, I might as well. It's another way of agreeing. It's another way of saying yes. It means what harm could it do, it can't be bad, it can't be negative if I do it. But it may not be extremely positive, it might (just be??) a little positive. Ok, so there you go, may as well, might as well, may just as well, might just as well, I think might as well is more common than may as well. I might as well plus the verb, the (part??) of the verb, . I might as well do this, I might as well come with you. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video a lot, give it a rating. This is not a question (as?) you might as well give it a rating. I would rather you are enthusiastic about giving it a rating, I suppose so, I might as well give it a rating, I prefer just give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!might as well,還有may as well, might just as well及may just as well,它是一個正式,對不起,是非正式用語,意思是“或許做­某件事要比不做好”。但是,它究竟代表什麼?我們看看,例如,此­刻,我沒有什麼事情好做,I might as well go for a walk, 我不如去散步算了。因為我沒有什麼事情要做,出於平衡,出去散步­可能會更好,那樣,我可以占滿我的時間。它是說“你沒有原因不應­該去做某事”。我為何在這裡呢?我為什麼在這個購物商場呢?我不­妨買點鉛筆算了。我來這裡做另外一件事,出於平衡考慮,我不妨買­點鉛筆。注意,你也會經常用到may as well,意思是你同意某種建議。比如說,我的朋友說:“你想不想明天到我這裡來”?我沒有什麼事­情要做,但是和你在一起真的很無聊,我假定會和你在一起,I might as well come with you。我說,我可以來,我很高興來,但是這裡面沒有很高的熱情­,少了一份期盼,當你說I might as well,或者might just as well時,你對這個主意並不是太熱衷。所以你並不是全身心接納­它,比如說:這是個無比好的主意,而是說,好吧,好吧,我可能會­來到,I might as well。你對這個建議缺乏熱情。你剛好在這裡,我不如把錢給你­算了。因為你在這裡,我能看到你,所以,我不如把錢還給你算了。­我並不是非常熱切想這樣做,但是既然你在這裡了,這樣做要比不這­樣做好。 我們再看看,今天非常非常熱,我要烹飪一些東西,但是我不是非常­想做,因為廚房非常熱。我還是做些西餅算了,今天,我不是十分想­做東西。我們從另外一個角度去看may as well或者might as well的意思是“可能,或許”。在這種情況下也可以做“適當,­適合”來解釋。我還是過來和你一起算了,這是可能的,對於我和你­在一起,是適當的或適合的。所以,might as well的意思是“行,好的”,但是沒有太大的熱情,做要比不做­好,但做與不做的分別不大。你或許感到悶或者疲倦,於是說:我還­是去睡覺算了。我沒有事情做,又悶又累,出於平衡考慮,我不如去­睡覺算了。這是另外一種方式去表達贊同,意思是“這麼做的話,我­又能造成什麼損失嗎?這樣做也不是壞的”,如果我這樣做,也不是­什麼負面的事情,當然,這樣做也不是絕對積極的事情,算是有點積­極吧。 . 好了,在might as well, may as well, might just as well和may just as well中,我忍為might as well最為常用。用might as well加上動詞,比如I might as well come with you。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下‘喜歡’評級;這裡不要­用‘might as well’所包含的那種心態留下評級,我更希望你充滿熱情地留下­喜歡評級。如果你用might as well去這樣做,我寧願你還是簡單留下一個評級算了。訂閱我的­頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年9月13日 星期五

a sitting duck

 Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'a sitting duck'? A sitting duck is an easy victim and an easy target. Let's see, it's (phegratif??) and it gives you the idea of hunters trying to shoot or catch ducks. And a duck that is sitting on the ground or sitting on the water, it is very easy to shoot. It's much more difficult to shoot it when it's flying in the sky. So a sitting duck is an easy target, something that hunters can shoot easily. But nowadays we use this to mean an easy victim and easy target for something. Ok, so for example, old people who can not walk very fast, who can not run away are easy victims for (magers??), for thieves. Ok, they are sitting ducks. Ok, a sitting duck is an easy target . It could be somebody who is easy to insult because of their position. So for example, yeah, the politician was a sitting duck due to his position on unemployment which was very unpopular. So it was easy to be rude, to insult him about his position on unemployment, because everyone was against that, so he was a sitting duck, an easy target, an easy object, ok. So there you go, there is a new phrase for you, a sitting duck. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽說過a sitting duck這句常用語嗎?a sitting duck就是容易上當的人、容易受害的目標。我們想一下,(?)­獵人想射擊、捕獲鴨子。如果一只鴨子蹲在地上或者浮在水面上,獵­人是很容易打到它的。當它在天上飛的時候卻是很難射到的。所以,­a sitting duck就是一個非常容易對付的目標,是某種獵人容易射擊到的目­標。但這句話現今卻是用來表示一個容易受害的人或容易對付的目標­。比如說,無法快速行或者無法跑動的老年人很容易成為賊的目標。­他們就是sitting ducks。a sitting duck就是容易對付的目標,也可以是因其地位或職位而容易受羞­辱的某個人。比如,那個政治家因為他對失業狀況持有非常不收歡迎­的立場而成為一個sitting duck,因為每個人都反對他的立場,他很容易因其所持立場而受­到粗魯的對待、受到羞辱。好了,這就是一個新的常用語。如果你喜­歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和­你又見面。

send shivers down somebody's spine

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'something sends shivers down somebody's spine'? This sends shivers down my spine. Well it has two similar but two different meanings. It either means you are really really frightened, you are terrified. The horror films send shivers down my spine. Or you are really excited, she touched me and it was really exciting, it sent shivers down my spine, so I was really excited. So let's look at this word, this phrase a bit.  To send, you all know. Shivers, to shiver is when you shake, when you either very cold , you tremble, or when you very excited, you could shiver as well. Ok, so the scene was so frightening, it sent shivers down my spine, my spine, is the bone that goes from my neck to my (tailsis?). It's the central bone that goes up and down you use to bent, your spine, yeah. Ok, so it sent shivers down my spine, I was terrified, it sent shivers down my spine, I was really excited. I won the lottery, it sent shivers up and down my spine, if you like, yeah. Notice, it can up as well it is down. The night was dark, the bats were flying past. I was really frightened, it sent shivers up and down or up my spine or down my spine. So there you go, something sends shivers up or down somebody's spine, meaning either to be really frightened, to be very very afraid, or to be very excited. Ok, so anyway, if this video sent shivers up and down your spine because it is so good, and left you in a state of excitment, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們有沒有聽過'something sends shivers down somebody's spine'這個短語?這個東西sends shivers down my spine, 它有兩個看似相近卻有不同的意思。它的意思或者是某人非常非常恐­懼,受了驚嚇,這個恐怖電影sent shivers down my spine,令我毛骨悚然;或者是該人非常興奮,她摸了一下我,­這令我很興奮,sent shivers down my spine, 令我興奮莫名。我們繼續學學這個短語。你已經明白send的意思­。shivers, 意思是當你戰抖時,你會shake, shiver。也許你很冷,你冷得發抖;也許你非常興奮,你會s­hiver。這個情景非常恐怖,令我毛骨悚然。spine, 脊柱是指從頸部一直到(尾骨?)的一條中央骨干,上下支撐人體令­到人體可以彎曲。所以,it sent shivers down my spine, 我被嚇著了;it sent shivers down my spine, 我感到十分興奮。我中了彩票,我顫栗不已。注意,這裡可以使用u­p或者down。天開始黑了,蝙蝠飛過,令到我毛骨悚然。好了,­to send shivers up or down somebody's spine, 或者是嚇壞了、嚇著了的意思,或者是非常興奮的意思。如果這個錄­像非常好,sent shivers up and down your spine, 令你感到興奮,那麼,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道, 我將很快和你又見面。

2013年7月28日 星期日

at each other's throats

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'these two are always at each other's throats'? This means they are always fighting, they are always arguing, there is always a problem between them. So at each other's throats, they are trying to (tary out??) the throat of the other one. I think maybe trying to shut him up, or to kill them, ok, I think that' s the idea, I think you got the idea of two wild animals fighting and trying to bite each other in the throat, ok.  So if you say these two are always at each other's throats, it means they are always fighting, there is always a problem between them, ok. Yeah, so (at, over ?work) there is a terrible problem. These two workers are always at each other's throats. They are causing problems between each other, for each other and they are always fighting. Yeha, I have a terrible problem, my neighbours are at each other's throats. Ok, they are all fighting. It doesn't have to be two people,  it can be more than two people, various people are at each other's throats. Everybody in the village at the moment seems to be at each other's throats. Ok, so there you go, a new idiom for you or maybe an old one you have heard before. So anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channal and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們有沒有聽過這個短語:這兩個家伙總是at each other's throats? 它的意思是他們總是在爭鬥,總是在爭吵,他們之間總是有問題。at each other's throats就是他們總是想(鉗制?)對方的喉嚨,或許是想令到對方閉嘴或干掉對方。你看看兩只動物,互相爭鬥,試圖噬咬對方的喉嚨就知道該短句的原意。所以,如果你形容兩個人總是at each other's throats,意思是他們總是在爭鬥,他們總是有問題解決不了。工作上存在嚴重問題,這兩個員工互相攻擊,難解難分。他們為對方設置難題,然後互相攻擊。我面臨可怕的難題,我的鄰居at each other's throats, 他們在爭鬥,這裡,不一定是兩個人,可以是超過兩個人以上,眾多人的人在互相攻擊。村中裡的每一個人似乎都在攻擊別人。好了,我給了你們一個新的短句,也許不是新的,你可能聽說過它。總之,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年7月21日 星期日


Hi there, students. To dither, a ditherer, to be in a dither, so a ditherer starts dithering and it is in a dither. Ok, to me, to dither means to be indecisive, to be unable to make up your mind. "Should I do this? " or "Sould I do that?" At a state of indecisive agitation. Please stop dithering and make up your mind, make a decision. Any decision is better than no decision. Any decision is better than dithering. Ok, to be irresolute, not to be able to make your mind up about something,  whether it is one thing or the other. Ok, so to dither, to be uncertain, to be indecisive, to be agitated. Normally from what I've seen, the British use it to mean to be indecisive. And the Americans use it to mean to be nervous, to be worried. Ok, this verb 'to dither' can also mean to tremble, maybe you are cold, you dither, you tremble, yeah. Ok, so to be in a dither, to be in a state of indecision. Ok, a ditherer never knows whether to do this or to do that. Ok, so, yeah, to dither , to be in an excited state of agitation, unable to decide if you are going to do A or B. To be undecided, yeah. Ok, to be worried, to fret about whether you are going to do this thing or another thing. He is in a dither about this, he is worried and trying to decide whether to do this or that, in a state of nervous agitation. Ok, so to dither, to hum and haw about something. Yeah, ok, I am still dithering whether to buy this model or that model.  So to dither, to be unable to decide about it. So anyway, to dither, a ditherer dithers about something. Ok, and to be in a dither. Ok, it's a phrase, to be in a flap, to be in a stew about something. Ok, so if you enjoy the video, don't dither and give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to dither, a ditherer, to be in a dither, 一個優柔寡斷的人開始憂慮,事情處在無法決斷狀態。對我來說,t­o dither意思是猶豫不決,無法下決心,我應該做這件事還是那­件事?處於一種無法決斷的焦慮狀態。請停止猶豫,下定決心並做出­決定。有決定總比沒有決定好。任何決定都比猶豫不決好。to dither就是猶豫不決的意思,無法下定決心去做任何一件事。­所以,to dither就是無法確定某事,無法決斷,處於焦慮狀態,我的理­解是英國人用dither來表示‘無法決斷’的意思;而美國人則­用它來表示‘緊張、擔憂’的意思。dither還有‘顫抖’的意­思,比如你覺得寒冷,你會發抖。to be in a dither, 是事情處在無法決斷狀態的意思。dither,就是處於一種激動狀態下的焦慮,無法決定是做事情­­A還是事情B。無法決定,擔憂、焦慮無法決定究竟要做哪件事。­他處在矛盾猶豫中,他在憂慮並試圖在兩件事中作出決定。他處在緊­張狀態下的焦慮中。to dither, 就是對某事吞吞吐吐、猶猶豫豫的意思。我始終在猶豫,應該買這種­型號還是那一種。to dither,就是無法做出對某件事的決定。好了,這就是dit­her, 一個猶豫的人對某件事開始猶疑。to be in a dither也是一個短句,意思是be in a flap,焦慮煩惱中, 或者in a stew, 擔憂憤懣。如果你喜歡這個錄像,不要猶豫,馬上留下一個‘喜歡’­評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年7月19日 星期五


 Hi there, students. To jostle, ok, this is to push against somebody typically in a crowd, you elbow against them. Imagine you get onto the bus, and there are lots lots of people on the bus. As (the must??) the bus moves, different people jostle you, you are jostled in the bus. Ok, you are elbowd in the bus, they push against you, they shove against you,yeah. If you are in a Discotheque, and it is really crowded, and you need to walk through, to walk to see soembody, you jostle you way, you push your way, you shove your way, through the crowd. And perhaps the crowd are dancing, they jostle you here and there, you are pushed against, pushed against, pushed against. So this is typically in a crowd. The waiter was carrrying a tray, but he was jostled and the drinks fell over. Ok, to jostle, to push against, to pump against somebody, yeah, ok. So, yeah, they were, he was jostled, you get onto the underground, yeah, yeah, onto the tube. And the car is full of people.  You are jostled this way and that, as everybody tries to stand up without falling over. Ok, to jostle, to push, to push against. to jostle your way through the crowd. Ok, there you go, that is a new word for you. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to jostle, 這個詞的意思是用手撞開某人,特別是在人群中,你用肘部頂開其他­人。試想你登上一架巴士,車上人頭洶湧。當車開動時,不同的人在­用手推撞你,你被他人推來推去,你被他們用手推開。如果你在一間­迪斯科舞廳,裡面非常擁擠,你想穿過人群去找某人。你用手推開人­群, 撞開人群擠出一條路,穿過人群。大家正在跳舞,你被推來推去,撞來撞去。這種情況一般是發生在擁­擠的人群中。侍應端著一個托盤,他被人撞了,托盤上面的飲料跌了­下來。所以,to jostle是被擁撞的意思。比如你上了一架地鐵,車廂裡載滿了­人,你被撞得左右搖擺。每個人都試圖站穩,避免跌倒。所以,to­ jostle就是撞開他人而穿過人群的意思。你又明白了一個新詞­。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,­我將很快和你又見面。

2013年7月14日 星期日

in, ir, im, dis, un, il

Hi there, students. Im, ir, un, in, dis, ok, these are all negative prefixes. Ok, a prefix is something that goes at the beginning of a word. And a negative prefix is something that goes at the beginning of a word to make it negative. So for example, un, so we have the word 'necessary', to make that negative, we can say 'unnecessary'. Yeah, if something is forgivable, we can make it negative by saying unforgivable. Perhaps you are (contrus...?), then you could be (uncontrus?). Something is avoidable or unavoidable. Are you available or are you unavailable? Authorised and authorised signature and unauthorised, unauthorised. Attended, unattended. Ok, so notice, un is a negative prefix. Then again, we could have ir, i, r. So this is repairable, this is irrepairable, it's not possible to repair it. But it is replaceable or it is irreplaceable. Ok, something that could be replaced. Is this relevent or irrelevant? Are you are rational or irrational person? Are you regular or irregular? Is this recoverable or irrecoverable? Notice it's very common words that start with r to have ir at the front. And it's normally i double r, so rational, irrational; i, double r, (a, t?), irrational. But not always, reputable, disreputable. so it doesn't always work. Ok, so what about in? So this is viable, or is it invisible? So is this word formal or informal? Are upi efficient or inefficient? This is a very effective method, or is it an inaffective method? Are you credible or incredible? Convenient or inconvenient; complete or incomplete; accurate or inaccurate, ok, so, in. Also very often, we have the prefix im, so last one was in, this one is im, i, m. So this is probable or improbable? This guy is polite and that guy is very impolite. Are you patient or impatient? This is movable and that is immovable. Are you a moral person or an immoral person? Ok, yeah, this is a mobile unit, but that is immobile, you can't use, you can't move it. Something you can measure, it's measurable; and if you can't, it's immeasurable. And an adult is mature, a child is immature. And then you have two things in balance, or maybe there is imbalance, ok, a balance and an imbalance. Ok, we could also even have ill, i double l, legible, illegible. Legal, illegal. Yeah, ok, then for the last one, we need to look at dis. So you could have an advantage or disadvantage. You continue, something continues, or it's discontinued, you discontinued. You have order and chaos, disorder. You are qualified to do this, you are disqualified, prohibited from doing this. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied? So there you go some examples im, ir, un, in, dis and il. It's very difficult to know which to use in which situation and this you need to learn. Yeah, you need to learn the positive and the negative, the negative prefix that goes with. Sometimes we a or an as well. This is typical, this is atypical. This is virus, this is antivirus. Ok, so there we are, there are slections of these, there are no strong rules to these. If it starts with the words sounds with r, it's probably i double r. And if the words starrt with l, then it's i double l, legal, illegal, responsible, irresponsible, but that is not always true. So anyway, negative prefixes. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!im, ir, un,in, dis, 它們都是否定前綴。前綴是放在某個詞前面的結構,否定前綴就是放­在某個詞前面,令到它具有否定意思的前綴。比如,un這個前綴,­necessary, 我們可以在它前面加上un將它變成否定詞,unnecessar­y。如果某事是可以forgivable, 我們可以用un將它變成否定詞,unforgivable。也許­你是清醒的conscious, 你也可以是unconscious, 不清醒的。某件事可以是avoidable,或者unavoid­able。你是available還是unavailable? authorised 簽名還是unauthorised簽名? attend,還是unattended? 所以,要注意,這裡的un,是否定前綴。ir也是一個否定前綴。­這個東西是repairable, 可以修復的,或者irrepairable, 無法修復。這個東西是可以替換的,replaceable, 或者無法替換,irreplaceable。這是相關的一件事嗎?relevant,還是不相關的事,irr­elevant? 你是理性的人rational, 還是非理性的人,irrational? 你有條理嗎,regular,還沒有條理,irregular? 這個可以復原嗎,recoverable, 還是無法復原,irrcoverable? 注意,通常以r開頭的詞會用ir在詞頭構成否定詞,比如rati­onal, irrational。但也不是絕對如此,比如,reputab­le, 否定詞是disreputable。所以,事情不是一成不變的。­我們再看看in, 這個東西是可視的嗎,visible, 還是不可視的,invisible? 這個詞是比較正式的,formal,還是非正式的,inform­al?你是有效率的人嗎,efficient,還是沒有效率的人­,inefficient?這是一種非常有效的方式,effec­tive, 還是不太有效的方式,ineffective?你信用度高不高?creditable還是increditab­le? 方便還是不方便?convenient 還是inconvenient? 完整的還是不完整的? complete還是incomplete? 精確的,還是不精確的?accurate還是inaccurat­e? 這就是in的用法。除了in以外,我們還有im這個否定前綴。這­件事有可能還是不大可能? probable還是improbable? 這個家伙很有禮貌,polite;那個家伙沒有禮貌,impol­ite。你有耐性還是沒有耐性?impatient還是patient?­­這個東西可以移動,movable, 那個東西不能移動,immovable。你是個有道德的人,mo­­ral, 還是個沒有缺德的人,immoral? 這個是可移動裝置,mobile, 那個是不可移動裝置,immobile。有些東西是可以度量的,­­就是measurable;有些是不可度量的,是immeas­u­rable。成年人是成熟的,小孩子是不成熟的,matur­e and immature。你可以有兩個東西,它們處於平衡狀態,bal­­ance;也可以是不平衡的,imbalance。否定前綴還­有­il,legible, 和illegible。合法的和非法的,legal和illeg­­al。最後一個否定前綴是dis,你有長處和短處嗎? advantage和disadvantage。你持續做某事,­­continue, 某事是持續的;也可以是不持續的,discontinued. 我們可以說order和chaos,也可以說disorder。­你夠資格做這件事,qualified,或者你不夠資格,dis­qualified,你不許做這件事。你滿意還是不滿意,sat­isfied 或者dissatisfied。所以這裡提到了一些例子,in, ir, un, im, dis 和ir,至於在何種情況下用哪個前綴是非常困難的一件事,你需要­學習,你需要學習肯定詞義和否定詞義。有時我們也用a和an作為­否定前綴。這件事很典型,typical,這件事不是很典型,a­typical。這個是帶有病毒的,virus,這個是抗病毒的­,antivirus。這裡的這些前綴是有選擇性的,這些否定前­綴沒有固定的規則,如果是r開頭的詞,通常用ir,變成有兩個r­;如果是l開頭的詞,則變成了ill,比如legal,ille­gal,logical, illogical,responsible, irresponsible。但也不總是這樣。如果你喜歡這個錄­像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。